The 'third party' Forum Search feature seems unable to search old threads properly. It used to be fairly easy to locate posts using remembered vocabulary and the poster's name. What has happened?
I have quoted philosopher/historian John Ralston Saul quite often over the last 4 years, mentioning his name. And yet a search for "Ralston" gets only one hit. How come?
Originally posted by heinzkatIt's a problem with the functionality of the RHP web site and it is a degradation of service that is very unlikely to have been deliberate on the part of RHP. I suggest it needs to be looked into and the previous functionality restored.
That's a google problem not an RHP problem?
Originally posted by FabianFnasCustom Google Search is good for small sites but crap for sites with large amounts of pages (like RHP forums). People generally only use because they get a bit of revenue from all the Google Ads in the search results.
But I doubt there is a better...
If RHP built their own search system it would be far more efficient and generate much more accurate results. However, it would be quite a big drain on database resources and would only work well if the database was well organised.