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Create a ladder for clans (similar to individual) and you have to challenge clans within 10 places of you and if you win you replace them, like the normal ladder.
It would make it more interesting than seeing Metallica on top of the table every time.


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I like it, but what do see would constitute a representative group of players to represent the clan? A group of 3? 5? More?

What happens to that group's ranking on the ladder if one of the members who played to earn that rank isn't available or leaves the clan?

Not saying this is a bad idea, just how would that part work?

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Originally posted by BIGWAD
Create a ladder for clans (similar to individual) and you have to challenge clans within 10 places of you and if you win you replace them, like the normal ladder.
It would make it more interesting than seeing Metallica on top of the table every time.

Your idea is not worked out that much. As sbacat pointed out; whos playing? Everyone? The strongest player? A group of players? The clanleaders?

There already is something like this ladder idea, but then in league form:

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Originally posted by sbacat
I like it, but what do see would constitute a representative group of players to represent the clan? A group of 3? 5? More?

What happens to that group's ranking on the ladder if one of the members who played to earn that rank isn't available or leaves the clan?

Not saying this is a bad idea, just how would that part work?
Maybe just the 5 of your choice?

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Isn't this what clan leagues are for?

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Surely it is quicker and easier to have a ladder as the better clans can bounce to the top instead of just being in league 5 and demolishing everyone .

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Originally posted by BIGWAD
Surely it is quicker and easier to have a ladder as the better clans can bounce to the top instead of just being in league 5 and demolishing everyone .
In ladder form, new clans (who can possibly be strong) should probably be placed at the bottom of the ladder, therefor also have to 'demolish' a couple of clans befor moving up the ladder.

At first i thought this idea would very much be like the leagues as we have them now. But the leagues happen in seasons and can take pretty long. A clanranking in ladder form would be more dynamic and have faster turnover of 'ladder-challenges'.

It would work pretty much the same as the ladders for individuals, clans would challenge a clan above them, and get challenged by a clan below them. A range of 10 clans would be to much, I would suggest a lower number, maybe only be able to challenge the clan 1,2,3 ranks above yours.
The challeging clan would select a team of about 3(-4) members (not to many in my opinion because you would have to put to many members in challenges if you also want multiple ladders with different timecontrols) to play. Then the challenged clan gets an x amount of days to select a team to defend the challenge. After this second team is entered the games would start. I would suggest it would look very much like normal challenges. The highest rated player (by tournament entry rating) of team 1 would play 2 games (white+black) vs the highest rated player of team 2. The lowest rated of team 1 plays the lowest rated of team 2...etc.
When the challeging clan wins the ladder-challenge they would get the rank of the challenged clan, and the challenged clan would drop 1 rank.
When the challeging clan loses, or its a draw nothing happens.

Any more thoughts??

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Originally posted by zozozozo
Any more thoughts??[/b]
Nope I agree with that

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i like it.

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Russ gonna look at this😉

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Yes. Clan ladders are planned, and yes, we will need to have a fixed number of players per clan ladder challenge.

It will be fairly complex to implement this, but hopefully I can build off the existing ladder work.

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