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09 Mar 08
27 Jul 22

(for a friend whose eyes may never see this)

Utter emptiness has no image,
Upright independence does
Not rely on anything.
Just expand and illuminate
The original truth
Unconcerned by external conditions.

Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091–1157)

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09 Mar 08
28 Jul 22

Wherever and whenever
The mind is found
Attached to anything,
Make haste to detach
Yourself from it.
When you tarry for
Any length of time
It will turn again into
Your old home town.

Daito Kokushi (1282-1334)

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09 Mar 08
30 Jul 22

Careful! Even moonlit dewdrops,
If you’re lured to watch,
Are a wall before the truth.

Sogyo (18th c)

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09 Mar 08
30 Jul 22

i saw an empty space
and filled it with much less
how can nothing be added to nothing?
"it's not easy", i confess

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09 Mar 08
31 Jul 22

Stripped of reason my mind is blank
Emptied of being my nature is bare
At night my windows often breathe white
The moon and stream come right to the door.

Shih-wu (1272-1352)

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09 Mar 08
01 Aug 22

We are told to realize that
Not a single thing exists.
In this field, birth and death
Do not appear.
The deep source,
Transparent down to the bottom,
Can radiantly shine and respond
Unencumbered by each speck of dust
Without becoming its partner.

Hongzhi Zhengjue (1091–1157)

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09 Mar 08
02 Aug 22


The essence of mind
Is formless;
This itself is the subtle
Body of reality.
The essence of mind is
Inherently empty;
This itself is the infinite
Body of space.

Ta-chu (8th century)

20 May 16
02 Aug 22

@rookie54 said

The essence of mind
Is formless;
This itself is the subtle
Body of reality.
The essence of mind is
Inherently empty;
This itself is the infinite
Body of space.

Ta-chu (8th century)
Everything about the essence of the mind is not formless or empty it’s just the opposite and needed to connect to an infinite body of space of reality for knowledge. The reality of the essence of this guys mind is empty, formless in reality and full of empty space!


The Razor's Edge

08 Sep 08
03 Aug 22

@mike69 said
Everything about the essence of the mind is not formless or empty it’s just the opposite and needed to connect to an infinite body of space of reality for knowledge. The reality of the essence of this guys mind is empty, formless in reality and full of empty space!
If the reality for knowledge be infinite,
then it can only exist in formlessness.
And, if the mind is meant to co-exist (or, in another word, connect)
with the reality of infinite knowledge,
does it not stand to reason that the mind, in order
to justly access such infinite knowledge be formless as well?


The Heart Sutra
Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, meditating deeply on Perfection of Wisdom, saw clearly that the five aspects of human existence are empty*, and so released himself from suffering. Answering the monk Sariputra, he said this:

Body is nothing more than emptiness,
emptiness is nothing more than body.
The body is exactly empty,
and emptiness is exactly body.
The other four aspects of human existence --
feeling, thought, will, and consciousness --
are likewise nothing more than emptiness,
and emptiness nothing more than they.

All things are empty:
Nothing is born, nothing dies,
nothing is pure, nothing is stained,
nothing increases and nothing decreases.

So, in emptiness, there is no body,
no feeling, no thought,
no will, no consciousness.
There are no eyes, no ears,
no nose, no tongue,
no body, no mind.
There is no seeing, no hearing,
no smelling, no tasting,
no touching, no imagining.
There is nothing seen, nor heard,
nor smelled, nor tasted,
nor touched, nor imagined.

There is no ignorance,
and no end to ignorance.
There is no old age and death,
and no end to old age and death.
There is no suffering, no cause of suffering,
no end to suffering, no path to follow.
There is no attainment of wisdom,
and no wisdom to attain.

The Bodhisattvas rely on the Perfection of Wisdom,
and so with no delusions,
they feel no fear,
and have Nirvana here and now.

All the Buddhas,
past, present, and future,
rely on the Perfection of Wisdom,
and live in full enlightenment.

The Perfection of Wisdom is the greatest mantra.
It is the clearest mantra,
the highest mantra,
the mantra that removes all suffering.

This is truth that cannot be doubted.
Say it so:

Which means...
gone over,
gone fully over.
So be it!

20 May 16
03 Aug 22

@hakima said
If the reality for knowledge be infinite,
then it can only exist in formlessness.
And, if the mind is meant to co-exist (or, in another word, connect)
with the reality of infinite knowledge,
does it not stand to reason that the mind, in order
to justly access such infinite knowledge be formless as well?


The Heart Sutra
Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Comp ...[text shortened]... dhi!
Which means...
gone over,
gone fully over.
So be it!
First of all I was aggravating him🙂.

As for a reply I would say Not at all. The main difference from us is I believe in God as the infinite body of knowledge and all creation. Being a creation of his I believe as stated before that we are born with a connection to him and an empty mind at birth. As we develop more and more this changes, depending on if we choose to connect through growth in him or go another path, free will both ways. Knock and the door or doors shall be opened, as we grow and God feels we’re ready for that body of new knowledge. Then to the next one as we knock and our mind and body develops in His infinite wisdom that’s not nothingness, but all knowing and he knows when we’re ready. So as you can see no I don’t think our mind or body along with anything else is nothingness and Gods love, wisdom, and knowledge is passed through our connections through study, prayer, togetherness and a heart of no doubt but love and acceptance. As we grow and develop and time passes we as believers are Filled along with the Holy Spirit. BTW I choose different mantras not from Monks and no disrespect intended, believe as you wish. It’s late I hope this makes sense if not feel free to ask.

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
03 Aug 22

In a grove of tall bamboos
Beside an ancient temple
Steam rolls from the brazier
In fragrant white clouds;
I show you the path of Sages
Beyond this floating world,
But will you understand
The lasting taste of spring?

Baisao (1675-1763)

20 May 16
03 Aug 22

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wildly content...

09 Mar 08
04 Aug 22

The sounds of streams
are Buddha’s speech.
The colored mountains
are Buddha’s pure body.
Night brings eighty-four
thousand poems of Buddha.
Listen, someday you may awaken.

Su Shih (1031-1101)

20 May 16
04 Aug 22

I’m not sure what I said that was wrong to be deleted, If I did say something offensive I apologize.

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
05 Aug 22

((( @mike69 )))

The individual soul is a shoot that springs from the all-pervading Spirit,
its goal being its origin; and every attachment it has on its way is,
no doubt, a detaining on the journey.
The soul is never fully satisfied so long as it has not reached its destination.
The love of the external world is a rehearsal before the performance,
which is the love of God, the Inner Being.

~ Sangatha II, Tasawwuf, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

You should each individually
Clarify your own mind,
Getting to the root
Without pursuing the branches.

Just get to the root,
And the branches come of themselves.
If you want to get to the root,
Just get to know your mind.

This mind is basically the root
Of all mundane and supramundane
Phenomena; as long as the mind
Does not become obsessed with

Good and bad, you will realize that
All things are basically just so.

Ta-mei (ca.805)