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free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
25 Mar 19

Each night, I gaze upon a pond,
A Zen body sitting beside a moon.
Nothing is really there, and yet
It is all so clear and bright.
I cannot describe it.
If you would know the empty mind,
your own mind must be as clear and bright
as this full moon upon the water.
- Chiao Jan (785-895)

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
26 Mar 19

Those who attain the Tao
Are masters of themselves.
The universe is
Dissolved for them.
Throw them in the company
Of the noisy and the dirty,
And they will be like a lotus flower:
Growing from muddy water,
Touched by it, yet unstained.
- Lao Tzu

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
27 Mar 19

Don’t seek favor
Don’t clamber after fame.
Giving up and getting are empty
Both the same
This floating life
Is petals falling
Emptied past the eye
Serving the state
Is a dream
Serving yourself
Is the same.
- Ch’en Ts’ao-an


The Razor's Edge

08 Sep 08
27 Mar 19

@rookie54 said
Those who attain the Tao
Are masters of themselves.
The universe is
Dissolved for them.
Throw them in the company
Of the noisy and the dirty,
And they will be like a lotus flower:
Growing from muddy water,
Touched by it, yet unstained.
- Lao Tzu
Look at 13 Nov ‘18...the words are nearly identical, yet the attributed authors different.

Simply interesting.



22 Apr 05
27 Mar 19

@hakima said
Look at 13 Nov ‘18...the words are nearly identical, yet the attributed authors different.

Simply interesting.
Great minds think alike ?


The Razor's Edge

08 Sep 08
27 Mar 19

@ponderable said
Great minds think alike ?
I was thinking that...sages study sages...Jesus quoted ancient prophets frequently.

I was going through the wisdom on this thread (the BEST of this particular Forum, IMO) and simply noticed the parallel.

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
28 Mar 19

Quiet and secluded,
the temple's brushwood gate closed.
I stay away from the noises of the world.
How I pity the corrupted
manners of the times!
Why should we be sorry to see flowers fade?
Don't be attached to the worldly
ties any longer; so deplorable
is the way that lies before us.
Nobody knows me living
in this remote part of the land.
The setting sun slants
on my pine-framed window.

- Uich'on (1055-1101)

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
28 Mar 19


Great minds think alike ?

According to some of the Regurgitation Police around here, minds that think alike must always have one site the other as the source. Otherwise plagiarism may be being committed.

Ask Ghost-of-Duke about details.


28 Oct 05
29 Mar 19

@sonship said

Great minds think alike ?

According to some of the Regurgitation Police around here, minds that think alike must always have one site the other as the source. Otherwise plagiarism may be being committed.

Ask Ghost-of-Duke about details.
When you plagiarize, sonship, you are called out for plagiarism. When you haven't plagiarized, you are not called out for plagiarism.

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
29 Mar 19

Swell after swell of pinewind
Comb like waves at sea:
Beat after beat of heavenly music
Strummed on cloudy strings.
Midnight, Tao folk
Purify their hearing
And rise alone to burn incense:
Moon full
Just overhead.

- Hsu Yun

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
29 Mar 19

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius
-- and a lot of courage --
to move in the opposite direction.
-E. F. Schumacher

a question for one who knows,
when cutting and pasting from one internet website to another,
as in this very case right here,
should one add quotation marks to this quote???

thank you for reading and participating...

free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
29 Mar 19

In Zorba the Greek, Nikos Kazantzakis describes an encounter between his principal character and an old man busily at work planting a tree. “What is it you are doing?” Zorba asks. The old man replies: “You can see very well what I’m doing, my son, I’m planting a tree.” “But why plant a tree,” Zorba asks, “if you won’t be able to see it bear fruit?” And the old man answers: “I, my son, live as though I were never going to die.” The response brings a faint smile to Zorba’s lips and, as he walks away, he exclaims with a note of irony: “How strange—I live as though I were going to die tomorrow!”
-From the book Daily Reflections
Copyright © 1990 by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

living a life as if one would never die,
living a life as if one will die tomorrow,

are the same philosophy...


The Razor's Edge

08 Sep 08
29 Mar 19

@rookie54 said
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
It takes a touch of genius
-- and a lot of courage --
to move in the opposite direction.
-E. F. Schumacher

a question for one who knows,
when cutting and pasting from one internet website to another,
as in this very case right here,
should one add quotation marks to this quote???

thank you for reading and participating...
According to the MLA* which is the standard for academic writing, large quotations should be attributed just as you did here (with the addition of indentation of the quote, which may be logistically difficult on this site) with the quotation separated from the body of the essay by line spaces and the name of the author directly below.

I would say that with regard to quoting within a post, yours is an appropriate attribution.

Thank you for maintaining the sanest thread on this site. _()_


free tazer tickles..

wildly content...

09 Mar 08
30 Mar 19

The warblers too
And the blossoms hidden away
In Plum Blossom valley;
Yet, in the scene
I feel the voice of Spring.

- Rengetsu (1791-1875)


The Razor's Edge

08 Sep 08
31 Mar 19

I know my dog is dreaming when his legs grind like broken gears
and he barks like an embryo.

I know my cat is dreaming when she purrs with half open eyes
in which I see cities on fire, ancient towers collapsing into the sea.

I do not know when I am dreaming.
Perhaps I am the butterfly Chung T'zu mistook for himself

in a dream brought on by eating under-cooked rice noodles
in the hut of an old woman whose body was a crysalis

from which the New Moon would emerge like a hungry moth
to wake him up.

I once thought I was a Taoist.
I once thought I was a Christian.

Now I know my religion is what bees do to honeysuckle and alfalfa.
My religion is the gold I drip on stone-cut buckwheat groats.

My religion is the syncretism of raspberries, walnuts, and cream.
My religion is the way children and their grandparents

behave around food when their parents escape to the kitchen
to argue in secret desperation about the cost of staying alive.

My religion is your arms around me, mine around you,
and the willingness to remain like this and do nothing

while our hearts murmur to each other about how
hard and simple it is to ask for love.
—Fred LaMotte