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A little comic relief

A little comic relief


Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
01 Jan 19
5 edits

Making a whole thread about this is unnecessary.

But this is a little comic relief about the skill of asking leading questions.
There was a court case going on involving a country farmer's automobile accident.

The attorney of the Insurance Company was examining the farmer on the witness stand.

Attorney: "Did you or did you not tell the policeman on the scene that you were FINE ?"

Farmer: "Well, yes but ... me and my favorite mule were riding ... ".

Attorney: "So you admit that you DID say you were FINE or not sir ? "

Farmer: "Well, ... well yea, but I would like to explain ... Like I said my favorite mule and me were riding ... "

Attorney: "Just answer the questions sir. When the policeman asked you if you were hurt, DID YOU NOT tell him you were FINE ?? "

Farmer: "Well, yea, BUT I would like to explain about my ride with my favorite mule Sally. See we was driving ... "

Attorney: "So then my client is not liable to any harm to you, because you said that you were FINE. "

Judge: "Excuse me council, but I for one would like to hear his testimony."

Farmer: " Thankyou your honor. As I was saying I was in a pickup truck and my favorite mule Sally was riding in the back. And this other car came flying pass me on the left WAY too fast for that road.

Well I got kind of scared and I swerved my pickup to the right. And it crashed into a gully.

Now my favorite mule Sally when flying out of the back and she broke her neck. She was lying there in the grass in awful pain. And I got throwed out the door and was also lying there in the grass. I was lying there too in pain.

Now I could hear my favorite mule Sally squealing in pain when the State Police came up. The policeman walked over to my old Sally and pulled his gun. Then he shot her in the head cold dead. BANG! ... Put her stone out of her misery!

Then the policeman came over to me, and asked me if I was alight. And I said "I'm FINE!! I'm FINE!!".


02 Jan 06
01 Jan 19

I hate to interrupt your humor thread but I need some help. I'm having trouble helping my buddy patch up his boat, do any of you Noah a guy that can help?


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
01 Jan 19

@sonship said
Making a whole thread about this is unnecessary.

But this is a little comic relief about the skill of asking leading questions.
There was a court case going on involving a country farmer's automobile accident.

The attorney of the Insurance Company was examining the farmer on the witness stand.

Atto ...[text shortened]... en the policeman came over to me, and asked me if I was alight. And I said "I'm FINE!! I'm FINE!!".
Hilarious. 🐴

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
21 Jan 19
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Some scientists have 100 chimpanzees locked in an auditorium to type furiously on typewriters. They want to see if by chance one will eventually turn out a play like Shakespear.

After 12 years one scientist examines the output of their typing and discovers a sheet of paper with this -

To be or not to be. That is the =9-ewrr e sfsfs7 gs )_8s fsdf0 0 grgdsfv wyy55ey.

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