If false religion did not exist with its absurd teachings and ridiculous beliefs - then atheism could not use it to create its imagined lofty default position above it.
Thats right false religion props up atheism.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
Because they can argue with false religion and imagine they are winning the argument [ atheism vs theism }
False religion has no true argument because its false and it can be easily defeated........with its ridiculous false teachings
But atheism cannot defeat true religion and thats why they never engage in discussion with anyone presenting true religion.
When an atheist attempts to discuss against true religion........they are instantly defeated.
Like they were before......again and again and again.
Therefore to continue to defend atheism is to be dishonest. [we have discussed all this] and the same people are still defending atheism.
And to do that is simply trolling.
Originally posted by DasaWords, words, and yet more words. So if atheists are so terrible, bring down your god and kill them, that's what you do, right? They are devils so you have to kill them. You can't do it yourself so you need to call on your god to do the dirty work, so DO IT.
If false religion did not exist with its absurd teachings and ridiculous beliefs - then atheism could not use it to create its imagined lofty default position above it.
Thats right false religion props up atheism.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
Because they can argue with false religion and imagine they are winning the arg ...[text shortened]... all this] and the same people are still defending atheism.
And to do that is simply trolling.
Originally posted by DasaWhen an atheist attempts to discuss against true religion........they are instantly defeated.
If false religion did not exist with its absurd teachings and ridiculous beliefs - then atheism could not use it to create its imagined lofty default position above it.
Thats right false religion props up atheism.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
Because they can argue with false religion and imagine they are winning the arg ...[text shortened]... all this] and the same people are still defending atheism.
And to do that is simply trolling.
go on then, instantly defeat atheism before our very eyes. if you do, ill stop calling you a nutter.
Originally posted by DasaCan you tell us why your views on Islam and His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada differ? I've asked you this question three times already and three times you failed to respond.
If false religion did not exist with its absurd teachings and ridiculous beliefs - then atheism could not use it to create its imagined lofty default position above it.
Thats right false religion props up atheism.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
Because they can argue with false religion and imagine they are winning the arg ...[text shortened]... all this] and the same people are still defending atheism.
And to do that is simply trolling.
Originally posted by DasaHi Dasa, I completely agree with you; also I get the inkling that everyone else agrees with you as well.
If false religion did not exist with its absurd teachings and ridiculous beliefs - then atheism could not use it to create its imagined lofty default position above it.
Thats right false religion props up atheism.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
Because they can argue with false religion and imagine they are winning the arg ...[text shortened]... all this] and the same people are still defending atheism.
And to do that is simply trolling.
All the foolish theists who have been defending their falsity, and dishonestly peddling their murderous teachings now embrace the true faith (yours) - they will no longer eat meat, they will burn their holy books, and will rally support to extinguish all muslims (or people who might be a muslim - just in case!) in the world!
All the lying, cheating atheists, notorious also for being fault-finding, rascals, scientists, and child abusing
So congratulations Dasa, your hard-fought battle against cheating, lies, and falsehood has been successful - your work here is done 🙂
Now kick back, survey the smouldering wreckage, light up a victory cigar, turn your head towards new conquests, and f*** off!!!
Originally posted by Dasaatheism doesn't create any such position. reason will always be above mythology. and reason has often defeated your ridiculous beliefs on this very forum.
If false religion did not exist with its absurd teachings and ridiculous beliefs - then atheism could not use it to create its imagined lofty default position above it.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
because atheists (and non-religious theists) are often more spiritual than religionists such as yourself. heck, even most religionists are more spiritual than you.
that's why you hang out on the outer edges of this social forum. you soul hungers for the spirituality that your false religion doesn't provide.
Originally posted by VoidSpirithmmm, i had to feel my bum to make sure your post was real and it was real, yes, I agree.
atheism doesn't create any such position. reason will always be above mythology. and reason has often defeated your ridiculous beliefs on this very forum.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
because atheists (and non-religious theists) are often more spiritual than religionists such as yourself. heck, e ...[text shortened]... ocial forum. you soul hungers for the spirituality that your false religion doesn't provide.
Originally posted by Dasa
If false religion did not exist with its absurd teachings and ridiculous beliefs - then atheism could not use it to create its imagined lofty default position above it.
Thats right false religion props up atheism.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
Because they can argue with false religion and imagine they are winning the arg ...[text shortened]... all this] and the same people are still defending atheism.
And to do that is simply trolling.
[we have discussed all this]
[and we will again]
Originally posted by DasaCuriously, a lot of my time is spent pointing out to religious advocates that they are out of line with the teachings of their own religions. You are one of those who have benefitted from such reminders, though the credit here goes to ProperKnob whose questions to you are very much to the point. Your religious arguments are inconsistent with the very source from which you claim knowledge. If you want to claim that you have access to "true religion," then it would help if you did not rely for your claim on such inconsistent statements.
If false religion did not exist with its absurd teachings and ridiculous beliefs - then atheism could not use it to create its imagined lofty default position above it.
Thats right false religion props up atheism.
Why do you think the atheist live in the spirituality forum?
Because they can argue with false religion and imagine they are winning the arg ...[text shortened]... all this] and the same people are still defending atheism.
And to do that is simply trolling.
Scientists are entitled to disagree strongly with people making false claims about science. Scientists are entitled to confront claims made by people claiming religious sanction for statements that attack science. I also think that science can disprove or reduce to triviality many claims made in the name of religion.
This is the basis for much of the current "new atheism" that grabs so much attention and, in its place, does important work. I obviously (from my posts) take their side quite often. But the fact of the matter is that most science is done by people affiliated to a religious faith. That may be changing and may seem strange, but it is the case. Science certainly owes a huge debt to muslims and to hindus. American science is propped up by people from non Christian countries - notably India - where science education has been undamaged by the christian fundamentalists who are attacking science teaching in the US.
The challenge is not to choose between authentic science and authentic religious feeling, but rather to establish an informed dialogue. Let's face it, shouting our disagreement with each other is pretty futile in the scheme of things.
As it turns out though, most of the discussion on this spirituality forum is best described as soul destroying.
Originally posted by sonhouseYou must be patient. It is due to happen. Christ Jesus will return in all His glory with an army of God's angels that will destroy all the opposition in due time. It is not up to us to set the day or the hour.
Words, words, and yet more words. So if atheists are so terrible, bring down your god and kill them, that's what you do, right? They are devils so you have to kill them. You can't do it yourself so you need to call on your god to do the dirty work, so DO IT.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.
(1 Thessalonians 4:16 NASB)
Men will go into caves of the rocks And into holes of the ground Before the terror of the LORD And the splendor of His majesty, When He arises to make the earth tremble.
(Isaiah 2:9 NASB)
I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood; and the stars (angels) of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Then the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
(Revelation 6:12-17 NASB)
HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Originally posted by RJHindsCan you explain why God needs all the drama?
You must be patient. It is due to happen. Christ Jesus will return in all His glory with an army of God's angels that will destroy all the opposition in due time. It is not up to us to set the day or the hour.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ ...[text shortened]... able to stand?”
(Revelation 6:12-17 NASB)
HalleluYah !!! Praise the Lord! Holy! Holy! Holy!
Originally posted by finneganThe discussions in this forum are between false science and false religion and that is why they are foolhardy and nonsense.
Curiously, a lot of my time is spent pointing out to religious advocates that they are out of line with the teachings of their own religions. You are one of those who have benefitted from such reminders, though the credit here goes to ProperKnob whose questions to you are very much to the point. Your religious arguments are inconsistent with the very sourc gh, most of the discussion on this spirituality forum is best described as soul destroying.
The science people who are dishonest constantly argue with the people of false religion who are dishonest - and in this way they are joined at the hip in ignorance.
Hence my post .......that science could not do the same with true religion because they would be defeated immediately.
So the atheists come into the forum every day and argue with false religion. (its called christian bashing) cyberspace style.
Its the blind leading the blind............