I was out riding my bike around a year ago on a trail that is part of a large park in Kansas. I saw a mountain lion walking beside the railroad tracks. It was in plain view and I watched it for around 20 seconds before it walked off into the brush. I rode over to the rangers office at the entrance of the park, and told them about it. They looked at me as if I had repoted a Bigfoot or a UFO or the Lock Ness monster. They are no mountain lions in Kansas according to them, and I must of been mistaken. Other people I told about seeing the mountain lion reacted in the same way. I must be some kind of nut, because mountain lions don't live in this neck of the woods was the remarks that were made.
Now when I hear of someone seeing God appear in their room or an angel comes down from on high in some guy's back yard, and starts mowing the grass, I think maybe it really happened. I have much more openness now since I was told there was no way I could of seen a mountain lion. I swear I saw A MOUNTAIN LION. Somebody has to believe me!!!
Originally posted by buckkyIs it enough so say that you see the boogeyman, the toth ferrie, the Santa in June, to make it a Truth? I don't say so. The mental institutions is full of people who say that they have seen UFO aliens (even been abducted of them), the devil (with tail and horns and all), Elvis model '68, and everything. The churches are full of people who have seen angels, and deamons, and even Jesus besides their bed. In neither case we cannaot believe them only because they say so.
I was out riding my bike around a year ago on a trail that is part of a large park in Kansas. I saw a mountain lion walking beside the railroad tracks. It was in plain view and I watched it for around 20 seconds before it walked off into the brush. I rode over to the rangers office at the entrance of the park, and told them about it. They looked at me as if I ...[text shortened]... I could of seen a mountain lion. I swear I saw A MOUNTAIN LION. Somebody has to believe me!!!
But if you say you saw a mountain lion, then I believe you, because the foot print should still be there when you reported it...
Originally posted by buckkyWe have well documented and indisputable proof that mountain lions exist. Their typical range is known to encompass large parts of the US. It is entirely possible that one atypical mountain lion could have made its way to Kansas. On the other hand, we have nothing at all to indicate that Bigfoot, UFOs, the Loch Ness monster, or god exists.
I was out riding my bike around a year ago on a trail that is part of a large park in Kansas. I saw a mountain lion walking beside the railroad tracks. It was in plain view and I watched it for around 20 seconds before it walked off into the brush. I rode over to the rangers office at the entrance of the park, and told them about it. They looked at me as if I ...[text shortened]... I could of seen a mountain lion. I swear I saw A MOUNTAIN LION. Somebody has to believe me!!!
You have to distinguish between unlikely claims and extraordinary claims. They are not on the same par. As Carl Sagan was well known for saying, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. While we cannot 'prove' any of them to be false (nor is it necessary), we should be much more likely to entertain the possibility of mountain lions being in Kansas than we are of god or Bigfoot existing.
Originally posted by rwingettI have seen the Loch Ness Monster, the last of the living Dragons!
We have well documented and indisputable proof that mountain lions exist. Their typical range is known to encompass large parts of the US. It is entirely possible that one atypical mountain lion could have made its way to Kansas. On the other hand, we have nothing at all to indicate that Bigfoot, UFOs, the Loch Ness monster, or god exists.
You have to d ...[text shortened]... tain the possibility of mountain lions being in Kansas than we are of god or Bigfoot existing.
Originally posted by buckkycheck out this site http://kdwp.blogspot.com/2006/04/mountain-lions-in-kansas.html
I was out riding my bike around a year ago on a trail that is part of a large park in Kansas. I saw a mountain lion walking beside the railroad tracks. It was in plain view and I watched it for around 20 seconds before it walked off into the brush. I rode over to the rangers office at the entrance of the park, and told them about it. They looked at me as if I ...[text shortened]... I could of seen a mountain lion. I swear I saw A MOUNTAIN LION. Somebody has to believe me!!!
your not crazy.🙂 I saw one in upstate n.y. 20 yrs ago and got the same response
Originally posted by buckkyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_lion#Distribution_and_habitat
I was out riding my bike around a year ago on a trail that is part of a large park in Kansas. I saw a mountain lion walking beside the railroad tracks. It was in plain view and I watched it for around 20 seconds before it walked off into the brush. I rode over to the rangers office at the entrance of the park, and told them about it. They looked at me as if I ...[text shortened]... I could of seen a mountain lion. I swear I saw A MOUNTAIN LION. Somebody has to believe me!!!
If you read the above link, it provides a bit more plausibility to your claim. It says, in part:
Currently, it (the mountain lion) ranges across most western American states, the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia, and the Canadian Yukon Territory. There have been widely debated reports of possible recolonization of eastern North America. DNA evidence has suggested its presence in eastern North America, while a consolidated map of cougar sightings shows numerous reports, from the mid-western Great Plains through to Eastern Canada.
There is a hiking trail in northwestern Michigan that has a cougar warning sign at the beginning. I've hiked it a couple times and have never seen a cougar, but I do not discount the possibility.
The point is that we're dealing with known and knowable phenomena. Mountain lions have been seen in unlikely areas. Using the high level of skepticism given toward your particular claim to give credence to all possible claims is unwise. It only makes one more susceptible to all manner of fraudulence.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieIt sounds as though we may have another Narcissus on our hands. Or are you striving to emulate the serpent, who the Lord "cursed above all cattle, and above all wild animals; upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life."
Thats right baby, half man half snake!😉
Originally posted by AThousandYoungright ok, well can i change it to half man, half worm! for those who are interested in the occult, Jimmy Page of Led Zepplin has a house on the banks of Loch Ness, used to belong to an occultist, Allister Crowley, who wrote a famous book, 'Magic in theory and practice', i read it before i became a Christian but was unimpressed by its dictum, 'Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law', for it seems to me to be quite contrary to that which leads to happiness, for hedonism and self indulgence and a preoccupation with self seem to be the ailments of individuals rather than the cure.
John Holmes was half snake. He had so much snake that it could never fully awaken, or he'd pass out from lack of blood.
A coworker said it was like a sponge.
Originally posted by buckkyis this really a thread for this forum?
I was out riding my bike around a year ago on a trail that is part of a large park in Kansas. I saw a mountain lion walking beside the railroad tracks. It was in plain view and I watched it for around 20 seconds before it walked off into the brush. I rode over to the rangers office at the entrance of the park, and told them about it. They looked at me as if I ...[text shortened]... I could of seen a mountain lion. I swear I saw A MOUNTAIN LION. Somebody has to believe me!!!
i saw i polar bear when i was out for a walk one day in denver.