...i have found a lost bible mansucript...the Book of Harold...it answers
all the questions mankind has asked about "problems in the bible"...
it is like the Book of Thomas...short one to two line messages...from
time to time....as the archivist allows...i will release the Book of Harold..when i am done this forum can then close.....
...yes...i did put this in the wrong forum...i have only had two cups
of coffee....or maybe not...the Book of Harold may have a message
about clans...probably clans are the devil's work and they will come
to an end when all are enlightened thru the Book of Harold...hmmm...
maybe i should just post the Book of Harold here...i could help you all
to be better people ( is it possible for any of you to be better people ?...now that is a conumdrum....)...anyway...i will ask the
archivist if there is any reference to stupidity in the Book of Harold
and that is where i will probably find rhp clan members ( oh, yes, i
do run Der Lagerfeuer and I am in Wellington but that is only because
i must walk among the clans to reach them....( i usually do take a bath in the river after each clan move )...anyway..back to my coffee...
the third cup is on the way...wwhheeee !