Below is a Christmas poem telling about the true meaning of Christmas.
Please feel free to post your own poem or essay pertainilng to the true meaning of Christmas.
The Joyful Message of Christmas
Outside Bethlehem in dark of night,
Shepherds keep sheep in their sight.
Suddenly in their vision an Angel appears so bright.
God's glory shines among them--they tremble in fright.
The Angel spoke, "be not fearful,
A Savior has just been born--oh news so joyful.
In Bethlehem lies baby Jesus in a manger wrapped in swaddle clothing."
A multitude of Angels appear--God they are glorifying and praising.
To Bethlehem the Shepherds hastily go.
To their joy, in a manger, Jesus lays in lanterns glow.
Mary His mother, and Joseph her husband, proudly watching.
The Shepherds--faces smiling with ecstasy--God they are praising.
Into the surrounding area the Shepherds went.
Telling the joyful news of Jesus Christ's birth--a Holy event.
The people rejoice and praise God for news so wonderful.
God's provision of hope--a gift of salvation made attainable.
Jesus' birthday--we call Christmas Day.
Like the Shepherds, we rejoice, thank the Lord and obey.
Trusting in Jesus the Messiah for salvation,
We receive the ultimate Christmas gift of eternal life and redemption.
(c) Jim Colton
This poem was written by Jean Perry in 1916 and is set to musica seldom sung at Christmas.
I know of a name, a beautiful name, that angels brought down to earth; they whispered it low, one night long ago, to a maiden of lowly birth.
chorus; That beautiful name....from sin has power to free us! That beautiful name, that wonderful name, that matchless name is Jesus!
I know of a name, a beautiful name, that unto a babe was given; the stars glittered bright throughout that glad night, and angels praised God in heaven.
The One of that name my Savior became, my Savior of Calvary; My sins nailed Him there, my burdens He bare, He suffered all this for me.
I love that blest name, that wonderful name, made higher than all in heaven; 'twas whispered, I know, in my heart long ago, to Jesus my life I've given.
The poem below is based on a true incident.
An Angel's Gift of Gold
The single mother felt so sad.
She lost her job--the future looked bad.
Christmas was fast approaching.
She started weeping,
No gifts for her children, what will she do?
She sat in her chair feeling so blue.
To God she earnestly prayed,
While her children outside played.
Suddenly they rushed in quite excited.
Their mother was told a smiling lady appeared,
And dropped on the ground a golden object.
She realized the object was a gold nugget.
The children saw the lady quickly fade away.
It was an Angel she thought--what a great day.
The gold made possible a Christmas celebration.
The mother knelt and thanked God for compassion.
(c) Jim Colton
Christmas Poems by LMWillson
It was a silent night in Bethlehem,
When Christ our King was born,
While shepherds watched their sheep,
On that very early morn.
A brilliant star was shining,
Upon that sacred shrine,
Of the Holy Family kneeling,
Beside the manger of God Divine.
The shepherds followed this radiant star,
Of royal beauty bright,
And listened to the angels sing,
While praising God all through the night.
Hosanna in the highest,
Unto Him all nations sing,
Christ our Saviour is born this night,
\'Tis Christ our Saviour King.
The radiance of His being,
Will shine through all our lives,
And crush the sins of all mankind,
Upon which all evil thrives.
Oh Blessed Child of Mary,
To whom all the world will bow,
\'Tis God\'s Son - The only One,
To this our God forever will avow.
Oh loving Saviour of mankind,
The souls of man both then and now,
Will sing Your praises forever,
And unto You all knees will bow.
Each year we\'ll celebrate Your birth,
To please our God our King,
And pray You will come again,
So peace to this world You\'ll bring.