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Christmas Wish

Christmas Wish


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And the peace [tranquility] of God,

Which passes all understanding,

Will garrison your hearts

And minds [thoughts] in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 4:7)

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
And the peace [tranquility] of God,

Which passes all understanding,

Will garrison your hearts

And minds [thoughts] in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 4:7)
The sentiment (though not the theology) back atcha! 🙂

(“Garrison”—I like that. Is that your own rendering? In any event, it’s good.)

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
And the peace [tranquility] of God,

Which passes all understanding,

Will garrison your hearts

And minds [thoughts] in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 4:7)
I concur. Back atcha!!

You know I got to wondering. If such peace did not bypass our understanding would we really have peace? Now there is a mind bender for ya!!

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Originally posted by vistesd
The sentiment (though not the theology) back atcha! 🙂

(“Garrison”—I like that. Is that your own rendering? In any event, it’s good.)
Not my word, but I join you in the appreciation.

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Originally posted by whodey
I concur. Back atcha!!

You know I got to wondering. If such peace did not bypass our understanding would we really have peace? Now there is a mind bender for ya!!
Likely, we'd complain if even (only) full. Thankfully, He overflows our hearts and minds.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
And the peace [tranquility] of God,

Which passes all understanding,

Will garrison your hearts

And minds [thoughts] in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 4:7)
You wish for your mind to be occupied with stuff that passes all understanding?

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Originally posted by whodey
If such peace did not bypass our understanding would we really have peace? Now there is a mind bender for ya!!
Your mind benders suck.

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I went to a Christmas concert the other day. This was the phrase that stuck most with me:

"Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me."

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Originally posted by LemonJello
You wish for your mind to be occupied with stuff that passes all understanding?
Ah, but you and I know that's the "moon"! 🙂

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Originally posted by LemonJello
Your mind benders suck.

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I keed, I keed.

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Originally posted by LemonJello
You wish for your mind to be occupied with stuff that passes all understanding?
Yes. Understanding is akin to sight or other sensory perceptions in this rendition. There is a level of understanding that is mostly common to man in general. The peace of God is beyond that understanding.

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