Originally posted by RBHILLI bet Dale Sr. murdered the driver who sent him out of control in his heart before he died and is thus roasting in Hell for all eternity at the behest of your loving merciful God.
I resently watch the Dale Earnhardt movie and the way he acted I didn't think he was saved But after reading this I can trust he was. And you can be saved too if you put you trust in Jesus.
I bet Scotty Pollard never explored that theory...
Originally posted by darvlayDon't you see he was saved from that sin by Christ.
I bet Dale Sr. murdered the driver who sent him out of control in his heart before he died and is thus roasting in Hell for all eternity at the behest of your loving merciful God.
I bet Scotty Pollard never explored that theory...
Romans 5:8
Christ died for all sin. If you are saved and you die from unconffesed(mispelled word) in your life you won't get a big reward from God but you will be saved.
Originally posted by Derfel CadarnWhat kind of Christain are you?
RBHILL, as a fellow Christian, I can say...when you post things like this trying to force your religion on people it does nothing but drive them away. If they want to convert they'll come to you.
Becasue don't you know being a Christian is not a religion.
Jesus came to do away will religion and bring a relationship to God.
People can go to Church their whole life and not have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and it all will mean nothing in the end.
And how do you know if this is not my call. I need to listen to God not you.
I am called to be a witness.
Originally posted by Derfel CadarnAnd you don't know it might plant a seed. So they might think about it on their dying bed and call out to Christ to save them.
RBHILL, as a fellow Christian, I can say...when you post things like this trying to force your religion on people it does nothing but drive them away. If they want to convert they'll come to you.
Acts 2:21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'( this verse in Acts was Peters first preaching of Jesus so you can't say that Paul only said it. I bet that is where paul got it and said it to the Romans two.) Romans 10:13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Or they could die in a car crash today and not be saved. Life is short.
And I will witness if I am called to do it. I want praise from God, not man.
Originally posted by Derfel CadarnHay man, I do not force it on them. I type, copy paste. They are the ones that make the decision to click the botton to see what I post and they make the decision to reply. So they are the ones to blame not me. And why would you blame me if you are a fellow Christian or even attack what God has called me to do?
Life is short. some people won't get a death bed. They'll get a death driver's seat, or a death kitchen floor when they fall out from a heart attack. Yes, God does give them an entire lifetime to be his followers but he also gives them the freedom to make their own decisions about which god they want to follow.
When you witness to people, don't try ...[text shortened]... gain and baptised. All because he didn't try to force Christianity down my throat.
Originally posted by RBHILLI'm not attacking you, I'm enlightening you. And you do try to force.
Hay man, I do not force it on them. I type, copy paste. They are the ones that make the decision to click the botton to see what I post and they make the decision to reply. So they are the ones to blame not me. And why would you blame me if you are a fellow Christian or even attack what God has called me to do?
If you don't do this you're going to hell.
That may be true, but that's not what they wanna hear. You can't just condemn someone to hell if you're trying to convert them.
the methods of proselytization are secondary to the question of why people proselytize in the first place. christianity teaches humility but it is the greatest arrogance to assume that you have the answer and are duty bound to bring that answer to all of us heathens. people proselytize for two reasons as i see it ( here's my arrogance in assuming that i have the answer ) one, the structure of the religion is such that it is self-perpetuating. this happens through a natural selection of social organisations - those with the greatest fecundity and longevity tend to dominate. second, people personally proselytize because they themselves are insecure about their beliefs. there is no fanatic like a converted fanatic. in trying to convince others we are really only trying to convince ourselves. this is true for secular idealogies as well as religious.
Originally posted by nomindOne movie that comes to mind, relative to the topic. "The Big Kahuna," with Kevin Spacey, Danny Devito and Peter Facinelli. Absolutely riveting performances, but the precision of laying bare motives makes it a must-see for any guilt-laden 'witnesses.'
the methods of proselytization are secondary to the question of why people proselytize in the first place. christianity teaches humility but it is the greatest arrogance to assume that you have the answer and are duty bound to bring that answer to all of us heathens. people proselytize for two reasons as i see it ( here's my arrogance in assuming that i hav ...[text shortened]... y only trying to convince ourselves. this is true for secular idealogies as well as religious.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHHey! I know that movie. In fact, I already started a thread about it in this forum long ago, but no one seemed to have heard about it at the time. It's one of my favorites, though I would hardly call it a great cinematic achievement.
One movie that comes to mind, relative to the topic. "The Big Kahuna," with Kevin Spacey, Danny Devito and Peter Facinelli. Absolutely riveting performances, but the precision of laying bare motives makes it a must-see for any guilt-laden 'witnesses.'
There are a lot of 'Bobs' out there -- the Jesus salesmen.