Dasa and the thought police

Dasa and the thought police


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26 Dec 14
02 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Ok I will come out of retirement just for this,

Your assertion that RHP, Time for chess etc would be a plausible port of call for anyone considering extremist activity is about as bat crazy as you can get. Heck its RJHindsxSuzzianne^10 crazy! Its like all rationality has been lost in the recoiling of your moral sensibilities. Sonhouse has a guy ...[text shortened]... tching Dasa's text in clenched fists! It could just be the spark that ignites it all over again.
"None of you, with all your money and science can create even one tiny little ant"....Dasa


28 Oct 05
03 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Ok I will come out of retirement just for this, Your assertion that RHP, Time for chess etc would be a plausible port of call for anyone considering extremist activity is about as bat crazy as you can get.
In what way do you claim Dasa's "freedom of thought" was limited by his treatment by this web site/community?

Do you agree that hate speech is a behaviour that has demonstrable social consequences?

Would you place no restrictions whatsoever on the kind (and frequency) of hate speech used on this forum?

Losing the Thread

Quarantined World

27 Oct 04
03 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Ok I will come out of retirement just for this,

Your assertion that RHP, Time for chess etc would be a plausible port of call for anyone considering extremist activity is about as bat crazy as you can get. Heck its RJHindsxSuzzianne^10 crazy! Its like all rationality has been lost in the recoiling of your moral sensibilities. Sonhouse has a guy ...[text shortened]... tching Dasa's text in clenched fists! It could just be the spark that ignites it all over again.
The argument isn't specific to this website, it's about the internet as a whole. If genocidal statements are tolerated on websites then eventually someone will act on them. So genocidal statements cannot be allowed across the internet. This means that they cannot be allowed here. There is no reason the spirituality forum on RHP should be exempt from this.

Amazingly enough some extremists play chess. Some people who play chess have mental health problems. I remember years ago a player called @madoldman - who I'm sure is or was perfectly harmless, but claims in his/her profile to be "serving time in a mental institution" (and hasn't moved for over a decade).


28 Oct 05
03 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
No there is no moral issue I wish to discuss.
Are hate speech and freedom of speech not moral issues?


16 Feb 08
03 May 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
By room you mean cell right? (You've been disputing yourself for the last 3 pages!)
Do you remember when you first arrived here and you were all indignant, thinking people were picking on robbie carrobie because he was a JW. I'm sure you have a different perspective now, right?


26 Aug 07
03 May 16
5 edits

Originally posted by DeepThought
The argument isn't specific to this website, it's about the internet as a whole. If genocidal statements are tolerated on websites then eventually someone will act on them. So genocidal statements cannot be allowed across the internet. This means that they cannot be allowed here. There is no reason the spirituality forum on RHP should be exempt from ...[text shortened]... s/her profile to be "serving time in a mental institution" (and hasn't moved for over a decade).
Your claim was that Dasas text could find its way into the hands of mass murderers (Anders Brevik was cited as a point of reference) and cause or influence them to such an extent that they are compelled to overtly act.

Its absolute nonsense! and proves my point that when moral sensibilities are sufficiently incensed all rationality goes into meltdown! after all its difficult to reason when one is stomping about waving ones arms in moral indignation.

14 Mar 15
03 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I announce my retirement from this thread, you cannot reach me now, I have transcended the forum.
He surrendered!!!

14 Mar 15
03 May 16

Originally posted by divegeester
Do you remember when you first arrived here and you were all indignant, thinking people were picking on robbie carrobie because he was a JW. I'm sure you have a different perspective now, right?
Not so much.

I still don't like it when someone's personal faith is relentlessly attacked, and this includes Robbie. In threads like this one where he is acting like a boofhead (thanks Dasa) he deserves to get a collective pasting. However, if the thread suddenly diverted to a collective and prolonged dissection of his faith, I wouldn't be part of it.


26 Aug 07
03 May 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
He surrendered!!!
LOL you mean left the building carrying all the spoils! 😵


26 Aug 07
03 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
Not so much.

I still don't like it when someone's personal faith is relentlessly attacked, and this includes Robbie. In threads like this one where he is acting like a boofhead (thanks Dasa) he deserves to get a collective pasting. However, if the thread suddenly diverted to a collective and prolonged dissection of his faith, I wouldn't be part of it.
A collective pasting???? the star bangled banner is still flying despite all the ludicrous cyber rockets that were fired at it! Really Ghastly one you seem to actually believe your own propaganda, its most disconcerting and not a little undignified.

Now that we have established you are talking pants and not just any pants but frilly pantaloons, how much were you responsible for in goading Dasa into making extremist comments. Are you an accessory to the crime, of aiding and abetting, a co conspirator or simply guilty by association. How reprehensible are you Ghostly one? Hmmmmm?

Cape Town

14 Apr 05
03 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Now that we have established ......
I take it that is the 'royal we' you are using given that nobody else agrees with you that you have established anything?

how much were you responsible for in goading Dasa into making extremist comments. Are you an accessory to the crime, of aiding and abetting, a co conspirator or simply guilty by association. How reprehensible are you Ghostly one? Hmmmmm?
Robbie Carrobie, thought police.

It really is time for you to trundle off in your caravan.


28 Oct 05
03 May 16

Originally posted by Ghost of a Duke
I still don't like it when someone's personal faith is relentlessly attacked, and this includes Robbie.
For the most part, the aspects of robbie's "faith" as he demonstrates it here, and which come under sustained criticism, are those that cause - or potentially cause - harm to others.

These are things such as his defence of his organization's covering up of child sexual abuse and smearing of those who are concerned about that issue, his defence [at times in the past] of parents engaging in child sacrifice [letting children die deliberately for want of available medical treatment in order to please/not displease their God figure], and orchestrated psychological bullying and coercion of dissenters in his organization.

I think aspects of his faith that only apply to - or have an impact upon - himself [or his perception of himself] come in for some criticism in theological debates, but I don't recall him being "relentlessly attacked" for such things.

But when he's in rape apologist mode, or justifying the cover up of abuse of children, or accusing non-JWs of having the same morality as racist murderers, then he gets some stick, and rightly so, regardless of whether his obnoxious views are rooted in his "personal faith" or not.


26 Aug 07
03 May 16
1 edit

Originally posted by twhitehead
I take it that is the 'royal we' you are using given that nobody else agrees with you that you have established anything?

[b]how much were you responsible for in goading Dasa into making extremist comments. Are you an accessory to the crime, of aiding and abetting, a co conspirator or simply guilty by association. How reprehensible are you Ghostly one ...[text shortened]... ]
Robbie Carrobie, thought police.

It really is time for you to trundle off in your caravan.
Tee hee, that might be logical if I were attempting to apprehend and prosecute poor Ghostly one rather than to establish his innocence. You really should refrain from making assumptions whitey, has not chess taught you to avoid as far as possible non committal moves and to try to keep all options open?


26 Aug 07
03 May 16
6 edits

Originally posted by FMF
For the most part, the aspects of robbie's "faith" as he demonstrates it here, and which come under sustained criticism, are those that cause - or potentially cause - harm to others.

These are things such as his defence of his organization's covering up of child sexual abuse and smearing of those who are concerned about that issue, his defence [at times in th ...[text shortened]... rightly so, regardless of whether his obnoxious views are rooted in his "personal faith" or not.
I do not believe that I have ever apologised for rape, that i have ever justified the covering up of child abuse, these are simply the products of your vile and slanderous mind because its the kind of person you are. Let us give our readers an insight into your personality.

You were caught here on this very site masquerading as a women in order to dupe others, when i called it to your attention that this site also includes minors and the implications of a grown man masquerading in order to dupe others naturally you were at a loss to defend your actions. Now if you find that expose obnoxious then the solution is simple, be honest and upfront with people and stop pretending to be something you are not in order to dupe others. I cite this as a character reference because your entire posting history is marred with attempts to manipulate, set traps for, corner, dupe, trick and humiliate other users. I call attention to your self proclaimed title, 'the scourge' and 'balloon popper'.

You are the type of poster who is almost incapable of simply looking at an issue objectively without making the most gross assumptions and viewing everything through a narrow moral framework. The consequence of this is that when you are presented with an emotive issue you go into rational meltdown and produce the most vile and ludicrous slanderous assertions like the above.

Do you understand what devils advocate it? its simply putting out a premise in order to test it but you cannot grasp the concept and this is why at every turn you must attempt to make debate personal and link it to someone's personal beliefs when in fact the issue has nothing to do with their personal beliefs. The ability to divorce the proposer of the argument from their personal belief is non existent in you. Furthermore you simply seem incapable of simply having a little fun with the contributors on this site, that all it is, a little fun but you cannot handle other peoples happiness and you want to make them as miserable as you.

There that covers about everything.


28 Oct 05
03 May 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I do not believe that I have ever apologised for rape, that i have ever justified the covering up of child abuse, these are simply the products of your vile and slanderous mind because its the kind of person you are. Let us give our readers an insight into your personality.
I didn't expect you to - here and now - take any responsibility for the stances you have taken in the past, so your reply is unsurprising.

The term "rape apologist" refers, of course, to your denial that that was even such a thing as a man forcing his wife to have sex against her will. Your defence of the cover up of sexual abuse of children (in your organization) was rooted in your assertions about the supposed 'moral obligation' your church leaders have to keep serious crimes secret if their members confess to them, and how keeping them secret from law enforcement authorities might cause sexual abuse to decrease.