@carnivorum saidI gotta see this debate.
Duons, that is dual coding genes, prove beyond any doubt intelligent design, and with that an Intelligent Designer.
For the finer details look here: https://tinyurl.com/God-won
@carnivorum said
Duons, that is dual coding genes, prove beyond any doubt intelligent design, and with that an Intelligent Designer.
For the finer details look here: https://tinyurl.com/God-won
The anthropic principle proves that the creation of the universe cannot have been accidental
Second sentence on the page and already it is quite clear that we won't see anything tht could be aceepted as "prof" for anybody not subscribing to the original theis anyway.
@carnivorum saidGap identified.
So we agree that there is no scientific explanation what so ever for the existence of duons.
So it should be clear to everybody that the only rational explanation is intelligent design.
And there we have our Intelligent Designer.
We call Him "God".
It is really that simple.
God of the Gaps to the rescue.
@carnivorum saidIt is really that simple.
So we agree that there is no scientific explanation what so ever for the existence of duons.
So it should be clear to everybody that the only rational explanation is intelligent design.
And there we have our Intelligent Designer.
We call Him "God".
It is really that simple.
Only to the simple-minded.
Just because we don't currently have an explanation for something, it does not follow that the only possible explanation is "God did it," and even if it did, it still would not follow that the 'god' who did it is identical with Yahweh much less that Yahweh is identical with an obstreperous Jew who got himself crucified in the Levant about 2,000 years ago. There isn't merely a gap in your reasoning; it's chasm wide enough for the USS Eisenhower carrier strike group to reverse course in.