God Condoned Chattel Slavery

God Condoned Chattel Slavery


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Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
27 Mar 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
[b]We all have to "serve" someone, or something. That makes us all technically "slaves".

No doubt there were those who owned chattel slaves who "justified" it to themselves by engaging in sophistry of this sort.

Just as there are Christians who similarly "justify" God being depicted as clearly and unambiguously condoning chattel slavery in Le ...[text shortened]... no dark part in it, it will be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays.”[/b]
You're just blathering.

No one posting in this thread has condoned "chattel slavery". And neither has anyone depicted God as condoning chattel slavery in Leviticus 25.

That's just you projecting your twisted perspective onto the text and anyone that doesn't agree with your corrupt interpretations of the scriptures.

You're nothing short of an atheist's patsy spewing forth antiChristian venomous propaganda and vitriol against the faithful in Christ.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
27 Mar 18

Originally posted by @fmf
No. Your superstitious notions do not cause any kind of problem for my intellect.
See? There's an example of what I'm talking about. You're a slave to an intellect that calls something he doesn't understand superstitious.

Why don't you go a few rounds with ThinkOfOne? Isn't he superstitious enough for you?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
27 Mar 18
2 edits

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
Does it grind on you that I know the God you believe in 'doesn't' exist? (Or that I yawn my way through most of your posts).

I'll take that one.

What it does is make me reminisce for a moment and consider how I also felt before I received Christ.

It makes me pause and remember how it was like to have no life in my spirit. And this is the VERY thing that is the great impetus to continue to speak to people about Jesus Christ. I remember how blind and even proud of it I was.

This is what your taunting spurs in this poster. It causes me to think back to those dark days and say - "If I could come to Christ and know God, I know that someone ELSE can do the same. I received God's mercy. I just know others can receive God's mercy too."

Maybe it will not be you Ghost.
But we know as we got born again others can also.


28 Oct 05
27 Mar 18

Originally posted by @secondson
See? There's an example of what I'm talking about. You're a slave to an intellect that calls something he doesn't understand superstitious.
I call it "superstitious" because it is a belief in supernatural causality. I have no difficulty whatsoever understanding the stuff you believe.


15 Oct 06
27 Mar 18
4 edits

Originally posted by @secondson
You're just blathering.

No one posting in this thread has condoned "chattel slavery". And neither has anyone depicted God as condoning chattel slavery in Leviticus 25.

That's just you projecting your twisted perspective onto the text and anyone that doesn't agree with your corrupt interpretations of the scriptures.

You're nothing short of an ath ...[text shortened]... atsy spewing forth antiChristian venomous propaganda and vitriol against the faithful in Christ.
Leviticus 25
44“ ‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life,..

In Leviticus 25:44-46 God is depicted as:
Expressly giving permission for Jews to buy slaves. Expressly stating that they are their property. Expressly stating that they can be bequeathed to their children. Expressly stating that they can be made slaves for life.

That is the very definition of chattel slavery and God is depicted as expressly condoning it. There's no reasonable way around that.

Seems likely that you understand the above which would explain why you attempted to trivialize chattel slavery by quoting that Dylan song and with your assertion that "the world is full of slaves".

14 Mar 15
27 Mar 18

Originally posted by @sonship
Does it grind on you that I know the God you believe in 'doesn't' exist? (Or that I yawn my way through most of your posts).

I'll take that one.

What it does is make me reminisce for a moment and consider how I also felt before I received Christ.

It makes me pause and remember how it was like to have no life in my spirit. And this ...[text shortened]... too."

Maybe it will not be you Ghost.
But we know as we got born again others can also.
How about you instead 'take one' that is aimed at you?

This is what I have gotten from you in the last few days:

1. Post at 2am in the morning (my time) and say I am strangely quiet.
2. Edit out the second part of one of my posts (required to put the first part in context)
3. And now cut something I have written out of context and make it appear I am suddenly 'taunting' someone about their God not existing when in reality I was repeating the same nonsense back at a theist who stated ' how it grinds' on me that there are people that actually know the God I deny exists.

If you can't post fairly and without deploying these silly debating tricks, then don't bother. I appreciate you have been out-argued a lot recently in this forum but that doesn't justify such underhanded tactics.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
27 Mar 18

Originally posted by @fmf
I call it "superstitious" because it is a belief in supernatural causality. I have no difficulty whatsoever understanding the stuff you believe.
Superstitious, by definition, means believing in something without a cause, and carries with it the connotation of being ignorant for doing so, which is what you're inferring. Just another pseudo-intellectual insult coming from you.

"I have no difficulty whatsoever understanding the stuff you believe."

With the head, but not the heart.

Even if you surfed the web till your ultimate demise you'll never gain enough head knowledge to know the Spirit. You must be born again.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
27 Mar 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
Leviticus 25
44“ ‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them sla ...[text shortened]... l slavery by quoting that Dylan song and with your assertion that "the world is full of slaves".
There's nothing in the text that even remotely indicates that God condones slavery.

That's just your warped and twisted interpretation. It's blasphemy to accuse God like that. You're making God out to be something He's not.

Does God condone slavery? If you say yes, then you're a liar.

14 Mar 15
27 Mar 18

Originally posted by @secondson
There's nothing in the text that even remotely indicates that God condones slavery.

That's just your warped and twisted interpretation. It's blasphemy to accuse God like that. You're making God out to be something He's not.

Does God condone slavery? If you say yes, then you're a liar.
If God doesn't condone slavery why does he describe slaves as property and that, so long as you don't kill them, it's okay to beat them if they recover after a day or two? Why would a God who doesn't condone slavery say such a thing?


15 Oct 06
27 Mar 18
1 edit

Originally posted by @secondson
There's nothing in the text that even remotely indicates that God condones slavery.

That's just your warped and twisted interpretation. It's blasphemy to accuse God like that. You're making God out to be something He's not.

Does God condone slavery? If you say yes, then you're a liar.
This is an example of what I had in mind when I wrote:
<<Though most refuse to admit it, they pick and choose the verses and passages that support their beliefs and dismiss those that don't and often do so in a most disingenuous manner... Those who claim that they do not pick and choose are disingenuous at best. >>

In Leviticus 25:44-46 God...:
1) ...expressly gives permission for Jews to buy slaves. True or not true?
2) ...expressly states that they are their property. True or not true?
3) ...expressly states that they can be bequeathed to their children. True or not true?
4) ...expressly states that they can be made slaves for life. True or not true?


28 Oct 05
28 Mar 18

Originally posted by @secondson
Superstitious, by definition, means believing in something without a cause, and carries with it the connotation of being ignorant for doing so, which is what you're inferring. Just another pseudo-intellectual insult coming from you.

[b]"I have no difficulty whatsoever understanding the stuff you believe."

With the head, but not the heart.

Ev ...[text shortened]... imate demise you'll never gain enough head knowledge to know the Spirit. You must be born again.[/b]
Your 'banter' is - to use the word you yourself attempted to use - pseudo-intellectual. You don't have any 'special knowledge' other than an ancient mythology you have rote-learned and that you like to regurgitate along with a convoluted dogma attached to it. It's just stuff you think. It's just stuff in your head. As for our hearts, they pump blood around our bodies.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
28 Mar 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
If God doesn't condone slavery why does he describe slaves as property and that, so long as you don't kill them, it's okay to beat them if they recover after a day or two? Why would a God who doesn't condone slavery say such a thing?
Good questions. I doubt I could give you a sufficient answer to satisfy your curiosity.

My best answer, to this absurdity, considering your lack of belief, would be because God can.

You don't believe there be a God. What's the point in telling you that God is sovereign? If God exists how do you dare think you would question Him considering He holds your next breath?

In my opinion your central concern should be whether it's true or not that Jesus was resurrected out from among the dead. If you choose not to believe it, then this debate is of no consequence. If you do choose to believe that Jesus rose from the dead, then will you begin to understand the scriptures.


Saved by grace

18 Dec 16
28 Mar 18

Originally posted by @thinkofone
This is an example of what I had in mind when I wrote:
<<Though most refuse to admit it, they pick and choose the verses and passages that support their beliefs and dismiss those that don't and often do so in a most disingenuous manner... Those who claim that they do not pick and choose are disingenuous at best. >>

In Leviticus 25:44-46 God...:
1) ...[text shortened]... ue or not true?
4) ...expressly states that they can be made slaves for life. True or not true?
Every true believer who has studied the Bible knows there are those that torture the scriptures to make them say whatever they want.

By saying God condones slavery, when we know slavery isn't God's will for man, you are misrepresenting the character and nature of God in a disingenuous way. You are blaspheming a holy God.

14 Mar 15
28 Mar 18

Originally posted by @secondson
Good questions. I doubt I could give you a sufficient answer to satisfy your curiosity.

My best answer, to this absurdity, considering your lack of belief, would be because God can.

You don't believe there be a God. What's the point in telling you that God is sovereign? If God exists how do you dare think you would question Him considering He holds ...[text shortened]... oose to believe that Jesus rose from the dead, then will you begin to understand the scriptures.
My question was academic. (No different than asking a Hindu about reincarnation, despite not believing in the concept myself). It would genuinely be a sad world sir if we could only discuss things we both agreed on.

I appreciate you trying though. And 'yes' an all-powerful deity 'can' indeed condone slavery if He so chose. Who could stop Him?



04 Apr 04
28 Mar 18

Originally posted by @ghost-of-a-duke
If God doesn't condone slavery why does he describe slaves as property and that, so long as you don't kill them, it's okay to beat them if they recover after a day or two? Why would a God who doesn't condone slavery say such a thing?
I have not been following this thread but I suppose I can comment on this particular point, and maybe someone has already done it. God tolerates many things that he does not support. and does not like. Gods original laws are perfection but because of mans fallen nature God has put certain rules and guidelines in place in order to accommodate the failings of the flesh

Jesus put it this way regarding divorce :

The Pharisees also came unto him, tempting him, and saying unto him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause? And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so. And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. (Matthew 19:3-9 KJV)

So we can gather certain points from this and other passages :
- God dislikes divorce
- Gods original intention was one man one woman for life
- Man likes many women
- God says OK .. only in the case of adultery
- God says OK .. have many wives but marry them and treat them well

Its the same with many of these departures from perfection.
Slavery is another such example.