Good Enough for Heaven? Bad Enough for Hell?
Greg Laurie
The conventional wisdom about what happens when you die is that you will stand before God, and if you did enough good works that outweighed your bad works, then you get into heaven, because heaven is for good people. And good people go to heaven.
Then the other belief is that if you have done enough bad things that outweigh your good works, then you will go to hell, because hell is for bad people. Heaven is for good people who get in by good works, while hell is for bad people who do bad things.
But that is not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that hell is prepared for the devil and his angels (see Matthew 25:41); it isn’t prepared for bad people at all.
Heaven is the dwelling place of God, and the way you get into heaven is on the basis of what you did with Jesus. What God will want to know is did you believe in Jesus Christ?
Even if you have lived a wicked life and sinned throughout all of it, if on your deathbed you were to call out to the Lord Jesus Christ in genuine repentance, you would go to heaven. But if you lived a good life and have been a relatively moral person and have done good deeds, but you have never put your faith in Jesus Christ, then you would not go to heaven. And by the way, your good works never would outweigh your bad works. So be thankful that is not what you will be judged for.
The assurance that we will go to heaven is not as our culture often sees it, but this is as the Bible teaches it. It is the Son question—not the sin question.
Taken from “The Son Question” from Harvest Ministries (used by permission).
Originally posted by RBHILL🙄
The conventional wisdom about what happens when you die is that you will stand before God, and if you did enough good works that outweighed your bad works, then you get into heaven,
Conventional wisdom is that when you die you are D E A D
No more
Pushing up the daisies
Worm food
et c.
Originally posted by RBHILLRight. Your God wants knee-benders, worshipers, and It doesn't care about right or wrong, good or bad. It is a bad God, a wrong God. A God that butchers millions of innocent children because It made a mistake. Shame on that God. It should be opposed by moral people.
Jesus says to repent so if they honestly do on their deathbed then they are saved.
Originally posted by sonhouseIt is not a religion, it is a relationship with God through Jesus.
So the last day of Pol Pot's life, he gets religion, asks for forgiveness and all those 3 million people he killed is just forgiven?
But anyways Pol Pot's would probably reject the truth if someone told him about Jesus.
It is all about who God saves through Jesus. But really your name had to be inthe book of life before the world even began.
Jeffrey Dahmer got saved though.
Originally posted by RBHILLLove Greg Laurie , I've heard many good teachings from him.
Good Enough for Heaven? Bad Enough for Hell?
Greg Laurie
The conventional wisdom about what happens when you die is that you will stand before God, and if you did enough good works that outweighed your bad works, then you get into heaven, because heaven is for good people. And good people go to heaven.
Then the other belief is that if you have done e ...[text shortened]... the sin question.
Taken from “The Son Question” from Harvest Ministries (used by permission).
Originally posted by apathistActually I was replying to the post by sunhouse immediately above and clicked on the reply instead of Reply & Quote. I did not say if RBHILL's op was right or wrong.
You implied that RBHILL's op was wrong. Would like to see you speak clearly and say so, stand up and be clear.