Everybody practicing genuine magic is cooperating knowingly or unwittingly with Satan. (illusionists perhaps not included)
That would be true even if the magic practiced has a "white" or "Christian" veneer to it. If you're into spells you're into coordinating with Satan.
Not only I would say that. Even Anton Levy the big man of the Church of Satan would say that. In essence he said "All you people practicing magic out there, whether you know it or not are getting your powers from Satan." [paraphrase, not a direct quote]
I think he was correct and unusually honest about it.
Good magic / bad magic, white magic / black magic it is all deriving from involvment with hosts of Satan - demons, unclean spirits, and deceiving spirits.
@sonship saidAll magic is illusion and trickery. To link such things to the devil is ridiculous.
Everybody practicing genuine magic is cooperating knowingly or unwittingly with Satan. (illusionists perhaps not included)
That would be true even if the magic practiced has a "white" or "Christian" veneer to it. If you're into spells you're into coordinating with Satan.
Not only I would say that. Even Anton Levy the big man of the Chur ...[text shortened]... s all deriving from involvment with hosts of Satan - demons, unclean spirits, and deceiving spirits.
@executioner-brand said"Magic" is a dirty word to Christians in general because they associate it with those "magicians" as described in the Bible.
I hold more spirituality to the book or film than any other 'spirituality' in this forum. Magic, who knows.
For me the problem with magic isn't about casting spells or staffs turning into snakes. After all moses' staff turned into a serpent too.
The issue for me is imagining how much magic occurs around us everyday, but we don't see it.
I imagine that in an environment of the purest harmony of all things, where no rot or decay tarnishes, where beauty flourishes, magic is as natural as the dirt, where the spiritual blends with the supernatural as light with the air.
All that was lost. Now magic is defined by Hollywood.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidThere are forces you can't see, and they're not playing parlor tricks.
All magic is illusion and trickery. To link such things to the devil is ridiculous.
@josephw saidAh, gravity.
There are forces you can't see, and they're not playing parlor tricks.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidGood analogy.
Ah, gravity.
Jump off a ten story building and all illusions disappear.