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how many children did you allow to die today

how many children did you allow to die today



the all powerful all merciful God of western religions
this show has been running for thousands of years
hope you are enjoying your evil production

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I do not know, how many abortions were committed today?

Looks like over 11 million so far this year.

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@eladar said

I do not know, how many abortions were committed today?

Looks like over 11 million so far this year.

"Health Care Cuts Would Leave Millions More Uninsured"

"Cuts in Nutrition Assistance Would Make It Harder for Families to Afford Food"

"Cuts in Housing and Energy Assistance Would Make It Harder for Families to Pay Rent"

"Cuts in Disability Benefits Would Increase Hardship"

"Cuts to TANF and Social Services Block Grant Would Hurt Families and States"

"Cuts in Grants and Loans Would Make College More Expensive"

"Cuts in Non-Defense Programs Would Affect Wide Range of Services"


President Trump’s new budget would severely damage an array of investments that help many of the very people he has said would be his priority — people who have been left behind by today’s economy or live in distressed urban or rural communities. Coming on the heels of a costly tax cut that’s heavily tilted to the nation’s wealthiest households and corporations, the budget highlights the vast gulf between President Trump’s promises and his actual policies. "

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@eladar said

I do not know, how many abortions were committed today?

Looks like over 11 million so far this year.
Read the title of the thread and try again.


@lemondrop said
the all powerful all merciful God of western religions
this show has been running for thousands of years
hope you are enjoying your evil production
This is a strawman. Where is it you think "the all powerful all merciful God of western religions" [or the Christian one, specifically, as I am fairly sure that is the God figure you have in your sights] ...where has he undertaken to NOT "allow" people to die, whether they be children or from whatever age group?

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I do't understand what you are trying to say
religion f's everything it touches
it has touched you, hasn't it



you just don't know it yet
killing and blocking the advancement of knowledge
religion f's everything

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@lemondrop said
I do't understand what you are trying to say
religion f's everything it touches
it has touched you, hasn't it
Religious faith gives countless hundreds of millions of Christians, for example, a sense of structure and purpose in their lives and gives them solace in the face of death. It is a hugely positive thing in untold millions of lives.


true as any mathematical equation

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@lemondrop said
you just don't know it yet
killing and blocking the advancement of knowledge
religion f's everything
You are talking about institutions I think.

I got the wrong end of the stick.

Thought you were referring to faith.

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@lemondrop said
Maybe in some people and in some of the religious corporations and organizations and denominations they are part of, but aside from that, I don't think your generalization works. Perhaps you are just letting off steam.

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But I thought that what the spirituality forum was.

Ignore them lemonhead, continue.

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