How many Rajk's?

How many Rajk's?


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San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 22

How many are out there believes exactly like....Rajk? With spiritual matters of course!!!



04 Apr 04
04 Jan 22
1 edit

@galveston75 said
How many are out there believes exactly like....Rajk? With spiritual matters of course!!!
How many ? Jesus and the Apostles and the thousands and thousands who heard their preaching. The Good Samaritan and the thousands all over the world throughout the ages like him. The elect of God, the sheep of Christ who hear His voice [and no other]. Maybe you do not hear the voice of Christ in your head, and that is because you have pledged your allegiance to the organisations of men. There are good people who keep the commandments of Christ all over the world and they are not necessarily in any religion. Jesus knows who they are. You do not need to know then although they live among you..

16 Feb 08
04 Jan 22

@galveston75 said
How many are out there believes exactly like....Rajk? With spiritual matters of course!!!
Out where?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 22

Here, there...everywhere!!!!!!



04 Apr 04
04 Jan 22

@galveston75 said
Here, there...everywhere!!!!!!
Here - about 10
There - answered already
Everywhere - more than 100 trillion. That's all of the heavenly host.

Plus Jesus went to preach to the dead people to get them to repent. I bet those are a few billion.



04 Apr 04
04 Jan 22
1 edit


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 22

@rajk999 said
How many ? Jesus and the Apostles and the thousands and thousands who heard their preaching. The Good Samaritan and the thousands all over the world throughout the ages like him. The elect of God, the sheep of Christ who hear His voice [and no other]. Maybe you do not hear the voice of Christ in your head, and that is because you have pledged your allegiance to the organi ...[text shortened]... any religion. Jesus knows who they are. You do not need to know then although they live among you..
Like him in what ways? You admit you never do as Jesus did in going town to town, village to village, door to door preaching and teaching. Why is that? Too hard?

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
04 Jan 22
1 edit

@galveston75 said
How many are out there believes exactly like....Rajk? With spiritual matters of course!!!
Not me. I am not at all like rajk999 for the following reasons (among others.)

I believe in the power of prayer.

I believe we are saved by Grace through faith. I believe John 3:16, Romans 10:9, John 6:40, Acts 16:30-31, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:3-6 and numerous other verses and passages which make clear salvation is by Grace through faith.

I believe good works and doing our best to keep the commandments are evidence of salvation - not a requirement of it.

I do not insult, lie about and condemn other Christians.

I take seriously what Jesus Christ said were the two greatest commandments - to love God with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and to love my neighbor as myself. I realize, though, no one can keep these commandments, which is why we need and have a Saviour in Jesus Christ.

I do not hate people who go to church.

I believe we can know we are saved while we are alive on earth. I believe Romans 8:16.

I believe the entire Holy Bible and not cherry-picked verses which are taken out of context and misinterpreted.

I do not judge and condemn Christians, while embracing atheists and giving the latter virtual high-fives and soul kisses.

I believe in the New Covenant and that Jesus Christ’s holy and precious blood cleanses Christians of all their sins - past, present and future.

I believe “right believing leads to right living” (as Pastor Joseph Prince says) and that once Christians know and believe they are the righteousness of God in Christ, they will live out who they really are.

I believe God’s Holy Spirit indwells every Christian at the moment he or she accepts and believes in Jesus Christ and in His Resurrection.

I believe once a Christian is saved, he or she is saved for eternity.

I believe God helps His children while they are on earth. I believe Scripture is very clear on this.

I believe in the power of the Holy Communion.

I do not believe atheists or anyone else who has not accepted and believed in Jesus Christ and in His Resurrection will go to Heaven.

I believe in the deity of Jesus Christ and do *not* believe Jesus was a created being. I believe the very first verse in the Gospel of John.

I believe we can have a relationship with Jesus Christ while we are on earth.



04 Apr 04
04 Jan 22

@galveston75 said
Like him in what ways? You admit you never do as Jesus did in going town to town, village to village, door to door preaching and teaching. Why is that? Too hard?
Like the Good Samaritan. There are many like the Good Samaritan. Learn to read. It is not a commandment to all followers to go preach door to door. That is not in the bible. If it is then please provide a reference.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 22

@rajk999 said
Like the Good Samaritan. There are many like the Good Samaritan. Learn to read. It is not a commandment to all followers to go preach door to door. That is not in the bible. If it is then please provide a reference.
Nope I will not. Maybe someone else will. The reason you ask? Again I personally have shown you countless scriptures many times. "And as usual you say "it does not apply to me."
You say one has to have works? Lol. Except for you of course.


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 22

@pb1022 said
Not me. I am not at all like rajk999 for the following reasons (among others.)

I believe in the power of prayer.

I believe we are saved by Grace through faith. I believe John 3:16, Romans 10:9, John 6:40, Acts 16:30-31, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:3-6 and numerous other verses and passages which make clear salvation is by Grace through faith.

I believe good works and doin ...[text shortened]... the Gospel of John.

I believe we can have a relationship with Jesus Christ while we are on earth.
Well..pretty good. At least you are not Rajk..... But who knows.. Maybe some day he will change.

Standard memberRemoved

25 Nov 21
04 Jan 22

@galveston75 said
Well..pretty good. At least you are not Rajk..... But who knows.. Maybe some day he will change.
Those were off the top of my head. I’m sure there are other reasons.

16 Feb 08
04 Jan 22

@galveston75 said
Here, there...everywhere!!!!!!
Isn’t that a Beetles lyric?

Are you inferring Raj999 is a risen John Lennon?


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 22

@rajk999 said
Like the Good Samaritan. There are many like the Good Samaritan. Learn to read. It is not a commandment to all followers to go preach door to door. That is not in the bible. If it is then please provide a reference.
One other thing, as I laugh. "Like the good Samaritan you say"? So like by accident? Or only for ones that have hurt themselves?
That's the funniest thing you've said yet....


San Antonio Texas

19 Jul 08
04 Jan 22

@divegeester said
Isn’t that a Beetles lyric?

Are you inferring Raj999 is a risen John Lennon?
Hummmm. Maybe he is? Has anyone here ever seen a pic of him?