Inspired by Vivaldi's somewhat aimless thread, let's get more specific:
I LOVE: wife and sons mom and pop
...a sense of satisfaction from a job well done
...the game of Golf
...watching NFL Football on a crisp Sunday afternoon
...mowing my lawn (no, really)
...jugo de maracuyá, fresco! (fresh passionfruit juice)
...helping others unexpectedly
...quiet jazz while working chicks in high heels and short skirts (boo-yah!)
...waterfalls (I live near a big one) fishing for trout
...Google (is there anything it can't find?) internet chess
...marine aquariums
...that stuffed-crust pizza from Pizza Hut (pepperoni and mushrooms, natch)
...sleeping an extra hour on my days off
...Larry Niven's earlier stuff
...Hockey Night in Canada (can do without Don Cherry, though)
...all the bluesmen to whom we owe modern Rock and Roll
...a good Philly Steak, but give me hot peppers instead of green
...botanical gardens
...hablando español
...Hector Lavoe
...learning something new every day
This is only a partial list, and probably marks me as a shallow dilettante...oh, well. What do you Love?
Originally posted by David CI love my parents, brother, and sister.
Inspired by Vivaldi's somewhat aimless thread, let's get more specific:
I LOVE: wife and sons mom and pop
...a sense of satisfaction from a job well done
...the game of Golf
...watching NFL Football on a crisp Sunday afternoon
...mowing my lawn (no, really)
...jugo de maracuyá, fresco! ...[text shortened]... only a partial list, and probably marks me as a shallow dilettante...oh, well. What do you Love?
...classical guitar
...the poetry of Levine
...the premise of this thread.
I gotta run, but I'll come back and add to the list.
Originally posted by David CUsted habla espanol? De onde es usted? Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico? Yo soy de Corozal PR. Estoy en Nueva York des 53 anos. Ah no, perdon, usted es de Canada? De nacimiento?
Inspired by Vivaldi's somewhat aimless thread, let's get more specific:
I LOVE: wife and sons mom and pop
...a sense of satisfaction from a job well done
...the game of Golf
...watching NFL Football on a crisp Sunday afternoon
...mowing my lawn (no, really)
...jugo de maracuyá, fresco! ...[text shortened]... only a partial list, and probably marks me as a shallow dilettante...oh, well. What do you Love?
And I love all you love except the golf and hockey.
I can also add biblical research, my pc, chess, and the Buffalo Bills(even though they can't win a Superbowl)😳
Originally posted by David CAND TWINS!!!
Inspired by Vivaldi's somewhat aimless thread, let's get more specific:
I LOVE: wife and sons mom and pop
...a sense of satisfaction from a job well done
...the game of Golf
...watching NFL Football on a crisp Sunday afternoon
...mowing my lawn (no, really)
...jugo de maracuyá, fresco! ...[text shortened]... only a partial list, and probably marks me as a shallow dilettante...oh, well. What do you Love?
I love...
My wife
My extended family (except on holidays when they become a royal pain in the ass)
My father (gone now, but still missed)
My hyper-active cat
Making enough money to pay someone else to do yardwork
Making enough money to pay someone else to do housework so I don't have to listen to my wife complaining to me about it.
All beef hotdogs (boiled) with mustard and chili
A big honking hunk of NY Strip steak cooked on the grill
Watching the St Louis Rams win a game.
The leaves changing color in Autumn in Virginia
My car that still gets over 25mpg
Going fishing with anyone that doesn't talk much
Riding through the old country roads where I grew up and remembering all those good times
The way a woman's @ss cheeks alternately slide up and down in a tight dress when she walks
Watching WWII documentaries
5 PM
Listening to my car radio on a long stretch of road when Golden Earring's "Radar Love" comes on.
Not answering the phone
Flying my US Flag on Memorial and Veteran's day and seeing so many people in my neighborhood flying'em too.
That first swig of an ice cold beer on a hot summer's day.
Originally posted by checkbaiterSi, hablo espanol. Soy un Americano domocilado en Canada...casado con una Colombiana. Tenia que aprender espanol para ganarle. Y tambien soy fanatico por los Bills. 😉
Usted habla espanol? De onde es usted? Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico? Yo soy de Corozal PR. Estoy en Nueva York des 53 anos. Ah no, perdon, usted es de Canada? De nacimiento?
And I love all you love except the golf and hockey.
I can also add biblical research, my pc, chess, and the Buffalo Bills(even though they can't win a Superbowl)😳
Originally posted by David CI love all my friends,
Inspired by Vivaldi's somewhat aimless thread, let's get more specific:
I LOVE: wife and sons mom and pop
...a sense of satisfaction from a job well done
...the game of Golf
...watching NFL Football on a crisp Sunday afternoon
...mowing my lawn (no, really)
...jugo de maracuyá, fresco! ...[text shortened]... only a partial list, and probably marks me as a shallow dilettante...oh, well. What do you Love?
My family,
Spring time
table tennis
Bluegrass Music
Girls, (I like the ones with the longer dresses, and tennis shoes needless to say)
Chess in General
studying (College)
But most of all, people, all of them, When I see a stranger, I wish the best for them in my heart.