Originally posted by AgergLOL I hate Siri I wish it did spellcheck. I never use my keypad I always talk into the phone because I don't own a computer. I'm probably the only poor American on EBT that doesn't have a computer. 🙁 I bet owning the computer Internet is cheaper than iPhone Internet per month but everybody needs a phone these days. We don't even have a house phone those don't exist anymore.
Well to get to the real nub of the matter; after you've new'd it do you later delete it?
Originally posted by RBHILLWhat are you talking about? I have a house phone. In fact, my house is wired for two lines but I'm only using one atm.
LOL I hate Siri I wish it did spellcheck. I never use my keypad I always talk into the phone because I don't own a computer. I'm probably the only poor American on EBT that doesn't have a computer. 🙁 I bet owning the computer Internet is cheaper than iPhone Internet per month but everybody needs a phone these days. We don't even have a house phone those don't exist anymore.
Originally posted by SuzianneWell obviously we have a home phone connections( i think it is called a phone Jack) but we don't have a home phone number or use one we just use our cell phones my wife and I. And how dumb Siri is it put tonight instead of (and I). My parents have two home numbers as well. But I think they got rid of one recently.
What are you talking about? I have a house phone. In fact, my house is wired for two lines but I'm only using one atm.
Originally posted by RBHILLi don't own a computer or an iphone. i live on the road 6+ days a week and type on the motel computers. The company puts me up in hotels every night so here i am.
LOL I hate Siri I wish it did spellcheck. I never use my keypad I always talk into the phone because I don't own a computer. I'm probably the only poor American on EBT that doesn't have a computer. 🙁 I bet owning the computer Internet is cheaper than iPhone Internet per month but everybody needs a phone these days. We don't even have a house phone those don't exist anymore.