@sonship said
This thread is about being "in Christ".
In Christ is not metaphorical
Whoever he was, and whatever he may have said while he lived, many of the ideas propagated in the hagiography - written about Jesus decades after he died - have the makings of a sound code for living.
The world would be a better place if more people earnestly followed some of the teachings attributed to Jesus.
Personally, I believe he actually lived and, unlike "Satan", he isn't a metaphor.
Jesus is alive. And He promised His disciples ( of which I am one in the latter times) - that we would know that we could be IN Him and He in us.
He spoke the truth -
"In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me and I in you." (JOhn 14:20)
"That day" I believe is the day we believe into the resurrected and living Lord Jesus.
He is unusual.
It is supernatural.
We can receive Him. With HIm comes His Father - God the Father. And we enter into the enterable God - the Lord Jesus Christ,
This truth is true truth.
Did you all ever feel like you never "fit in" anywhere ?
You fit in the Lord Jesus Christ. Your whole being can fit into HIm.
And He will begin to strip away from you the enemy.
He will negin to pluck the leeches off of you that you are not aware are hanging all over your soul.
The best place to be is in Christ. This supernatural living Person is ENTERABLE.
" . . . the Spirit of reality, whom the world cannot receive, because it dfow not behold Him, because it does not behold HIm or know Him; But you know HIm, because He abides with you and shall be in you.
I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you." (John 14: 17-18)
He was WITH them.
He was outside of them but with them.
He will be IN THEM.
He will come to them to be IN THEM in His form as "the Spirit of truth".
"He abides with you and shall be in you."
When we open our being to this One and receive His redemptive death and believe His resurrection, the one who was with man becomes the one who can live IN man.
When He is in us we know that we are "in Christ" and it is not metaphorical but we are in a new realm of oneness with Jesus.
"Yet a little while and the world beholds Me no longer, but you behold Me; because I live, you also shall live.
In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you." (vs. 19,20)
@fmf saidWhere’s His body?
Now, THIS is a kind of metaphor ~ it alludes to the influence of Jesus living on in his followers. He has, of course, been stone dead for 2,000 years.
Why did people say they saw Him alive after His entombment?
Why did people refuse to deny they saw Him alive after His entombment in the face of torture and death?
Who dies for something they know is a lie?
What about all the Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament that Jesus Christ fulfilled and that said He would be from everlasting?
Why did Jesus Himself say He was from Heaven and say He and the Father were One?
How do you explain all the people who have seen Jesus during NDEs?
How do you explain testimonies from people whose lives have changed dramatically for the better and who attribute the change to Jesus?
I hate to put your words before the eyes of human beings a second time.
Now, THIS is a kind of metaphor ~ it alludes to the influence of Jesus living on in his followers. He has, of course, been stone dead for 2,000 years.
No, to the one who has not recieved Christ because of unbelief, He is dead. So they are thus deceived to think so.
To us who have received Him, YES, we are under His influence. We are under His influence because we are in the realm of the living Jesus.
We believe INTO Him because He is alive and enterable.
" . . . that whoseover believes INTO Him would not perish, but would have eternal life." (See John 3:16)
God is enterable. But to become enterable He had to go trough aprocess which included Him becomeing a man.
The disciples who believe INTO the resurrected Jesus gained another life. The angel told the persecuted apostles to go and speak all the words of this new life they were experiencing.
Acts 5:20
New King James Version
“Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life.”
New American Standard Bible
“Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple area the whole message of this Life.”
@pb1022 saidAre these the basis for your 'belief'? Pretty weak stuff.
Where’s His body?
Why did people say they saw Him alive after His entombment?
Why did people refuse to deny they saw Him alive after His entombment in the face of torture and death?
Who dies for something they know is a lie?
What about all the Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament that Jesus Christ fulfilled and that said He would be from everlasting?
Why di ...[text shortened]... m people whose lives have changed dramatically for the better and who attribute the change to Jesus?