Since Debates is just full of Right vs Left socio-political ramblings, I thought I'd post this here, though I doubt it will receive much interest.
Has anyone read any of WV Quine's work on the indeterminacy of translation? If so, can you help me with a quick summary, I'm having a really hard time getting my head around it. I'd be happy to try debating it here if anyone's interested.
Originally posted by StarrmanI'll look for it. Sounds interesting.
Since Debates is just full of Right vs Left socio-political ramblings, I thought I'd post this here, though I doubt it will receive much interest.
Has anyone read any of WV Quine's work on the indeterminacy of translation? If so, can you help me with a quick summary, I'm having a really hard time getting my head around it. I'd be happy to try debating it here if anyone's interested.
Originally posted by StarrmanTry this?
Has anyone read any of WV Quine's work on the indeterminacy of translation? If so, can you help me with a quick summary, I'm having a really hard time getting my head around it. I'd be happy to try debating it here if anyone's interested.
At a glance, it seems like pomokaka...restating the obvious in as luridly baroque a form as possible.
Well I have not read the man. But if I was to take the ideas behind both terms being used, what is trying to be explained is that transfering meaning through translation is not an exact science. There is much outthere about whether an idea can actually be transmitted through syntax and grammar. My problem with that is if an idea could not be transmitted this way, than communication would not be possible because no one could be sure that any idea was being shared correctly or the same everytime it was repeated. Some of this comes out of the thought that a God who does not live or exist in the same reality as we do could not effectively get His ideas and truth across for us to understand.
Originally posted by StarrmanI assume there are no pictures?
Since Debates is just full of Right vs Left socio-political ramblings, I thought I'd post this here, though I doubt it will receive much interest.
Has anyone read any of WV Quine's work on the indeterminacy of translation? If so, can you help me with a quick summary, I'm having a really hard time getting my head around it. I'd be happy to try debating it here if anyone's interested.