"Interacting with 'Angry Theists'"


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11 Nov 05
28 Mar 14

This is a thread mirroring Grampy Bobby thread "Interacting with 'Angry Atheists'" to show that he is one eyed angry theist.

• Name calling and mockery – Well, what we see here on RHP science Forum as well as Spiritual Forum, there is a source of name calling and mockery. And this source is RJHinds. However, very few of the christian participants object to him, and therefore by silence seem to agree with him. This means that "Name Calling and Mockery" is a christian strategy.

• Hatred for scientific concepts – Christian people seem to hate science, using name calling ('evilution', remember?) and mockery. Geology, radiometric measurements, cosmoly, and of course evolution is a target of this hatred. However, the fruit of science they have nothing to mind about. They are using internet to show their hatred. They are using cars and other transports to go to their meetings showing their hatred. They even use science directly to show the age of "the Turin shroud".

• Poorly researched criticisms of the Bible – Christians doesn't seem to know anything about evolution. Yet they think they know it all. And they even brag that they don't need to study evolution, it's wrong anyway. They think that the Earth is only 6000 years and therefore geology with geotechnical time measurements must be wrong, because they know it.

• Guilt by association – More than once I've heard that evolution is satanic, and evil, because Hitler believed in it. Well, everything can be misused, exactly as the bible can be misused. That doesn't change the core of what evolution is, and science as a whole.

• Ignorant critiques of evolution – Christians are very ignorant of evolution. When you know that you don't know much, then just ask questions to learn, read books to learn, the information about evolution is out there. Christians don't do that. Christians tend to read source of creationist sites on internet, just they are so eager to be further misinformed, and deepen their ignorance.

• Fallacy clusters – This phenomenon is usually found in connection with some combination of the above. Most theist arguments use circular reasoning ["why should I believe in science?"], straw man arguments ["science is by definition wrong"], ad hominems ["Evilutionists are all stupid"] and beg the question ["since the evilution is just a fairy tale..."]. Other fallacies abound, but these four are the most common and they are often used in clusters.

When I write christians here, I mean people who agree with RJHinds. Some agree actively, but many are agreeing with silence. Very few wants the mockery and name calling from RJHinds so they avoid to discuss the matters, thus agreeing. Germans in Germany at the 30's was also silent and look what happened.

And of course I know that there are many christians who believes in evolution as a scientific fact. As well as warm, caring, loving christians. But still, it is the evil, loud mouth, ignorant christians that are heard and seen. Take a stand. Be a good christian, or be a bad chrisitan. By agreeing to bad christians you are bad yourself.

16 Feb 08
28 Mar 14

Are you expecting every person (Christian) to read every RJHINDS post and ensure they reply to it to convince you that they don't agree with him?


11 Nov 05
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by divegeester
Are you expecting every person (Christian) to read every RJHINDS post and ensure they reply to it to convince you that they don't agree with him?
It's enough to me to see people take a stand. Agree with the christian stupidity or disagree with christian supidity. RJHinds agrees with christian stupidity, we know that.

Those who are silent are do they agree or disagree? I say that to be silence is to agree to the teachings of RJHinds.

Let RJHinds know that he is among a very small minority. Don't be silent. Just protest when he spew out christian hatred in the name of your god. Do or don't, it's your decision.

16 Feb 08
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
It's enough to me to see people take a stand. Agree with the christian stupidity or disagree with christian supidity. RJHinds agrees with christian stupidity, we know that.

Those who are silent are do they agree or disagree? I say that to be silence is to agree to the teachings of RJHinds.

Let RJHinds know that he is among a very small minority. Don ...[text shortened]... test when he spew out christian hatred in the name of your god. Do or don't, it's your decision.
I object to your premise that silence signifies agreement in this forum; I think you need to rethink this element of your pitch. I agree that many of RJHinds posts are frequently either idiotic or at best ill-conceived. However there are some posts that he makes that I do agree with.

I'm not prepared to subscribe to the notion that I need to call him on every topic one way or the other. I think it is a matter of individual interest and motivation in the topic in hand. I often don't engage with RJHinds because I find him infantile, troll-like and far less interesting than other posters here who I may agree or disagree with.


28 Oct 05
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
I say that to be silence is to agree to the teachings of RJHinds.

Let RJHinds know that he is among a very small minority. Don't be silent. Just protest when he spew out christian hatred in the name of your god. Do or don't, it's your decision.
Feel free to criticize me for 'agreeing with RJHinds' by way of my "silence". I will, however, remain silent about your criticism. Feel free to interpret this silence to mean I am agreeing with you.


11 Nov 05
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by divegeester
I object to your premise that silence signifies agreement in this forum; I think you need to rethink this element of your pitch. I agree that many of RJHinds posts are frequently either idiotic or at best ill-conceived. However there are some posts that he makes that I do agree with.

I'm not prepared to subscribe to the notion that I need to call hi ...[text shortened]... e, troll-like and far less interesting than other posters here who I may agree or disagree with.
If anyone at my work at a coffee break say that "Noggers are stupid". If we meet him with cheers then he knows that we agree. If noone says anything, then he can think that noone disagrees with him, meaning that we after all agrees with him. If everyone does like me, saying "It's you who is stupid." then he knows that he has stepped over the line and at least one thinks so. If we all tell him that he is a racist, then he knows that this is the wrong arena to say such stupid things.

We have to react, all of us, to show that christians as a group doesn't agree with you. Or else he might think that he can be the instructor, with the bible in one hand and bullying in the other (?), can say whatever he thinks.

In groups with people like him terrorists are recruited. So this is not a small problem. Anti-Balaka (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-balaka) consists of people like him.


03 Sep 13
28 Mar 14
2 edits


03 Sep 13
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
This is a thread mirroring Grampy Bobby thread "Interacting with 'Angry Atheists'" to show that he is one eyed angry theist.

• Name calling and mockery – Well, what we see here on RHP science Forum as well as Spiritual Forum, there is a source of name calling and mockery. And this source is RJHinds. However, very few of the christian participants objec ...[text shortened]... Be a good christian, or be a bad chrisitan. By agreeing to bad christians you are bad yourself.
Name calling and mockery – Well, what we see here on RHP science Forum as well as Spiritual Forum, there is a source of name calling and mockery. And this source is RJHinds. However, very few of the christian participants object to him, and therefore by silence seem to agree with him. This means that "Name Calling and Mockery" is a christian strategy.

Several years ago, I attended a class at the local community college which was on 'The Mysteries of the Earth'. I remember one day we were discussing The Loch Ness Monster specifically and how it was a fraud. I asked the professor, if the Loch Ness Monster is a fraud! Why are there not more scientists out there in the media debunking the myth vs. people trying to convince others of its existence, his answer surprised me. "Because there is limited funds for science and trying to convince people that the Loch Ness Monster does not exist is not part of the agenda.
The point is, there is only so much valuable time in the day and to chastise another believer for something said, implied or otherwise in front of unbelievers (here on RHP) is wrong, it is not how things are supposed to be dealt with. Any number of Christian's and non Christians receive PM's on a whole host of things, as we are finding out, the content of those PM's may be about behavior, suggestions, etc.., because you don't see it does not mean it ain't happening.

Fabian, I made mention before that you do yourself a disservice by making such statements. 1st, all Christians here do not agree with each other on every point, core beliefs are shared. Who cares if another makes offensive remarks, you do the same but are blind to see it. You layout here the 'form' that a debate should be handled, but do you follow your own complaint? I don't think so.

What do you think of these statements.

All non Christians are ignorant.
All atheists who don't believe in creation are closed minded.
Atheists don't know anything about creation.

Because this is exactly what you ware saying about others. This forum gets tiring and to be about debunking what somebody else has said so as to not be guilty by association is ridonkilous. There is one thread about 'forum ethics', that has turned into is a joke.

Speaking for myself, I think if you want something different from debate, let it start with you. Be careful of whom you point your finger, because you have three pointing back... Make sense? Consider the man in the mirror and how he wants to be treated and do that to others.

This forum is about fighting, vs. the exchange of ideas on topics and not much more, IMHO

If you don't like what RJhinds has to say, ignore him, don't answer his posts, give him a thumbs down but DONT WHINE about the guy, he has an agenda just like you do, just like we all do... you just don't like it. He has just as much 'right' to speak here as you do. There are too many folks here trying to silence others for what they say... sounds like history repeating itself.

Trust me, if people just stopped paying attention to an offensive person, sooner or later that person will either stop or leave, you will have received what you want with no effort at all. But then again, who would you argue against?

We all need a little more respect for each other.



11 Nov 05
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
Several years ago, I attended a class at the local community college which was on 'The Mysteries of the Earth'. I remember one day we were discussing The Loch Ness Monster specifically and how it was a fraud. I asked the professor, if the Loch Ness Monster is a fraud! Why are there not more scientists out there in the media debunking the myth vs. people tr ...[text shortened]... gain, who would you argue against?

We all need a little more respect for each other.

"Who cares if another makes offensive remarks, you do the same but are blind to see it."
You're right. But only to those who insults me. And RJHinds the most. He constantly insults others who do not share his twisted views. Insulting him isn't bad, because it's his MO from the beginning. You should really accuse RJHinds of this, and not me.

"All non Christians are ignorant. All atheists who don't believe in creation are closed minded. Atheists don't know anything about creation.
Because this is exactly what you ware saying about others.
This is exatly what is written, not by me, but by christians. Please, don't bother me with this. Go to those who writes it.

"Be careful of whom you point your finger, because you have three pointing back... Make sense?"
Of course it make sense. And be careful to point finger at me, because I have also fingers to point with.

"...he [RJHinds] has an agenda just like you do..."
No you are wrong here. He has his agenda, and that is to insult others who don't think like him. I don't have that agenda.

I've written in several times that I respect everyone who respect others. Those who don't respect others I don't respect.
I have also written several times that I have nothing against loving, caring and loving christian, those who behaves like Jesus. I enjoy discussions with people with other opinions, because I have a lot of things to learn from them.

You seem to think that christians are my enemies? You're wrong. You seem to think that I hate christians? You're wrong. You seem to think that I only respect people who thinks like me? You're wrong. That only shows that you read my postings with one eye and draw conclusions in a wrong direction.

I started this thread as a paralell to Grampys thread. He things that Atheists are angry. I show examples (in paralell) that Theists are angry too. If he point fingers to Atheists, then Atheists can point the same finger back to Theists too. Exactly as when you accuse me to point fingers.

I am not a Theist, and I am not an Atheist. If you have read my postings you already know that. And I ask you - do you see me as your enemy?

I lake the last sentence though: "We all need a little more respect for each other."


03 Sep 13
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
"Who cares if another makes offensive remarks, you do the same but are blind to see it."
You're right. But only to those who insults me. And RJHinds the most. He constantly insults others who do not share his twisted views. Insulting him isn't bad, because it's his MO from the beginning. You should really accuse RJHinds of this, and not me.

"All non C ...[text shortened]... r enemy?

I lake the last sentence though: "We all need a little more respect for each other."
And I ask you - do you see me as your enemy?

Of course I don't, in fact i see you as a guy that i might enjoy a cup of coffee or a beer with.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by FabianFnas
This is a thread mirroring Grampy Bobby thread "Interacting with 'Angry Atheists'" to show that he is one eyed angry theist.

• Name calling and mockery – Well, what we see here on RHP science Forum as well as Spiritual Forum, there is a source of name calling and mockery. And this source is RJHinds. However, very few of the christian participants objec ...[text shortened]... Be a good christian, or be a bad chrisitan. By agreeing to bad christians you are bad yourself.
Originally posted by Grampy Bobby Thread 158548
"Interacting with 'Angry Atheists'"

Good morning, Fabian. Since your "mirroring" distorts the verbatim text, here's a direct link for our readers' convenience.

Boston Lad


14 Jul 07
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by yoctobyte
And I ask you - do you see me as your enemy?

Of course I don't, in fact i see you as a guy that i might enjoy a cup of coffee or a beer with.
First and last rounds are on me....


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by FMF
Feel free to criticize me for 'agreeing with RJHinds' by way of my "silence". I will, however, remain silent about your criticism. Feel free to interpret this silence to mean I am agreeing with you.
I would like to intone (silently) on your silent criticism and lump my oeuvre of silence relative to RJHind's oeuvre of controversial posts in with your silence, as well as the addition of further silence pertaining to the post which originated this inquiry/inquest.

It is my hope that my silence will be viewed in the spirit in which it is given, i.e., vague and inscrutable.


28 Oct 05
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I would like to intone (silently) on your silent criticism and lump my oeuvre of silence relative to RJHind's oeuvre of controversial posts in with your silence, as well as the addition of further silence pertaining to the post which originated this inquiry/inquest.

It is my hope that my silence will be viewed in the spirit in which it is given, i.e., vague and inscrutable.

[and so on, for 4 mins 33 seconds; a cutting edge silence, albeit 25 years old now]


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
28 Mar 14

Originally posted by FMF

[and so on, for 4 mins 33 seconds; a cutting edge silence, albeit 25 years old now]
Ah, so you did catch my meaning.

I really need to work on this silence thing if I expect to remain in the shadows...