@fmf saidI don't know the man, only took a cursory look at one video, but I think "divinely inspired", in this day and age, is a useless term, and the odds are, and I do not believe I'm going too far out on a limb here when I say, that he is not.
Why don't Christians believe that the renowned NT scholar Bart D. Ehrman is divinely inspired?
A greater question is why are you taking up the idea that he is?
16 Jan 24
@suzianne saidIf Ehrman has made it possible for people to get closer to knowing the truth about the provenance, textual integrity, and internal logic of the New Testament, doesn't that mean his work ~ according to those who believe that the scriptures and their subsequent translations are divinely inspired ~ is part of the process?
A greater question is why are you taking up the idea that he is?