Originally posted by @christopher-albonNo.
Is the universe all in our heads? Does sin and the punishment for sin represent a balancing force within the universe (our heads)?
Beware, thou who art tempted to evil! Beware what thou layest up for the future! Beware what thou layest up in the archives of eternity! Wrong not thy neighbor! lest the thought of him thou injurest, and who suffers by thy act, be to thee a pang which years will not deprive of its bitterness! Break not into the house of innocence, to rifle it of its treasure; lest when many years have passed over thee, the moan of its distress may not have died away from thine ear! Build not the desolate throne of ambition in thy heart; nor be busy with devices, and circumventings, and selfish schemings; lest desolation and loneliness be on thy path, as it stretches into the long futurity! Live not a useless, an impious, or an injurious life! for bound up with that life is the immutable principle of an endless retribution, and elements of God's creating, which will never spend their force, but continue ever to unfold with the ages of eternity. Be not deceived! God has formed thy nature, thus to answer to the future. His law can never be abrogated, nor His justice eluded; and forever and ever it will be true, that "Whatsoever a man soweth, that also he shall reap."
Originally posted by @christopher-albonI think I think I think, therefore I think I think I am, or so I think.
Is the universe all in our heads? Does sin and the punishment for sin represent a balancing force within the universe (our heads)?
Originally posted by @christopher-albonYou do realize those words were written by men, right? Does it make it more astoundingly true for the use of 'thou' and 'thee' and 'thy'?
Beware, thou who art tempted to evil! Beware what thou layest up for the future! Beware what thou layest up in the archives of eternity! Wrong not thy neighbor! lest the thought of him thou injurest, and who suffers by thy act, be to thee a pang which years will not deprive of its bitterness! Break not into the house of innocence, to rifle it of i ...[text shortened]... hatsoever a man soweth, that also he shall reap."
Originally posted by @christopher-albonIs it a mental universe,....or a mental question?
Is the universe all in our heads? Does sin and the punishment for sin represent a balancing force within the universe (our heads)?
Originally posted by @christopher-albonThe short answer is "no"
Is the universe all in our heads? Does sin and the punishment for sin represent a balancing force within the universe (our heads)?
Originally posted by @christopher-albonIt depends on your criteria for saying something exists.
I mean....is there anything really that we know exists beyond emotion?