Originally posted by Trev33Your profile says this:
Should i tighten my butt cheeks?
Every day i go to the toilet and look at the tiles on the floor and each day i see something new. The tiles are all the same but yet somehow in my contemplation of life on the toilet i manage to see new symbols, faces and other bizarre images in my bathroom floor tiles.
Today i saw a face i'd never seen before, it looked like a cartoon drawing from a comic i used to buy as a child. The body was a mystery, was his arms folded or was that a gun he was carrying?
After much thought was put into this new creature of the tiles i came to the conclusion that his name was Isaac and that was indeed a gun he was carrying. Isaac had been sent by the king of the castle at the top of the tiles to kill Zoran the mysterious dark 5 legged creature that roams the tiles at night in search for new pray.
I won't know for sure until tomorrow what happened but next time you go to the toilet, have a look at the tiles and wonder...what do they get up to at night.
With saying that about yourself and making a remark like this, very much points to the fact you're a nut.
Good luck with the tiles, maybe you can see your butt in its reflection next time?