@ghost-of-a-duke saidI gave it a little rewrite. No idea why the first one was alerted for deletion.
Haven't we had this one?
Or am I Déjà vuing?
However, I just don't have the energy, focus, or temperament for a witch-hunt.
@kevin-eleven saidI suspect the C-word may have triggered the auto-mod as it has a secondary meaning.
I gave it a little rewrite. No idea why the first one was alerted for deletion.
However, I just don't have the energy, focus, or temperament for a witch-hunt.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidMandibles?
I suspect the C-word may have triggered the auto-mod as it has a secondary meaning.
31 Mar 21
@kevin-eleven saidyes
If you were to go around
kicking the "crutches" of others,
would you be surprised if they
helped catch you when you fall?
In one conceptual framework, the Light of Christ crystallizes into particularities, but if those crystals do not redissolve into cosmic consciousness even to some meager degree while still incarnate . . .
Sorry to trail off, but magpies have brought to my tower window some fresh texts from Madame Blavatsky and Ingo Swann, and it might take me some time to integrate these messages into my cosmocomprehension.