Originally posted by WulebgrIt depends on how you define dogma. The modern definition falls short of the original.
bbarr gives lessons, but the walls of ignorance are thick and well-guarded
Is is possible for logic to co-exist with dogma (not the movie)?
Systematic theology, properly done, works out to a complete system of thought (Christian philosophy) that explains the world, man, God, and the relationships therein, in a rational, logical manner.
Christian dogma, as it used to be defined, would be the teaching of a logical systematic theology.
Logic is essential to all knowledge and understanding, because all knowledge is propositional. Logic, at it's fundamental level, is simply clear and correct thinking, so as to avoid contradictions, and discover necessary truths. Thus logic is essential to the proper understanding of knowledge.
DOGMA, n. [Gr., to think; L.] A settled opinion; a principle, maxim or tenet; a doctrinal notion, particularly in matters of faith and philosophy; as the dogmas of the church; the dogmas of Plato.
Compliment my dogma, and I will compliment yours."
(Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary of American English)