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Mans wisdom vs God's wisdom?

Mans wisdom vs God's wisdom?


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Some here often scoff at others here who believe in and have faith in God and his bible. This is not new and will continue for sometime to come. It has pretty much been all thru mans existence. In fact it started with Satan we he questioned Eve about God telling them not to eat of the tree. He said 'Is it really so that God told you that'? Then he offered a lie which is where he said, "no way will that happen. In fact just the opposite will take place."
So Satan scoffed about God to Eve. Unfortunately man has learned this too from Satan when dealing with ones that they don't take seriously because of believing in God and the faith we have to Keep us there. They have their own reasons and it's their deal and between God and themselves. Many don't believe in God because of things that has happened to them with life which is sad but that's not God's fault, it's Satan's.
But one has to remember that nothing man can do or say or threaten those who believe in God, will ever win out. Those people think they are just dandy and have all they need to know with their little brains. And that's cool. To each his own.

Job 26:14

Job 25:14 speaking of God:
14 Look! These are just the fringes of his ways.
Only a faint whisper has been heard of him!
So who can understand his mighty thunder?

Hebrews 4:13
13 And there is not a creation that is hidden from his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we must give an account.

Proverbs 15:3
3 The eyes of Jehovah are everywhere,
Watching both the bad and the good.

1 Chronicles 28:9
9 “And you, Solʹo·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul, for Jehovah searches through all hearts, and he discerns every inclination of the thoughts. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him, he will reject you forever.

Wow pretty serious stuff y'all.....


Even if I am wrong, and it turns out there IS a God, I can't help but wonder humans can be sure that the voice inside their heads is actually God's.

It seems that this God would do better by NOT relying on humans to spread his message to other humans. That is asking for trouble.

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@bigdoggproblem said
Even if I am wrong, and it turns out there IS a God, I can't help but wonder humans can be sure that the voice inside their heads is actually God's.

It seems that this God would do better by NOT relying on humans to spread his message to other humans. That is asking for trouble.
Hum. Don't know if it's a voice one hears, nothing really like that is said in the Bible when God either directly or in directly by angels, spoke to them. I think that's why we have the bible now because just about any answers we need now are there. But we still pray to him and things usually work out one way or another.
And yes it is very hard at times to spread his word. Other humans who do not want to hear it can be very difficult and in some areas and countries it can be dangerous.
There is a scripture that says the "angels would love to do this "spreading work" as you say, but this was done by Jesus as a man and he told us to do the same. But the bible also describes that at times the angels can direct the ones going out to teach ones who are looking for that knowledge and a relationship with Jehovah and his son Jesus. I have seen that happen.....

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@galveston75 said
Hum. Don't know if it's a voice one hears, nothing really like that is said in the Bible when God either directly or in directly by angels, spoke to them. I think that's why we have the bible now because just about any answers we need now are there. But we still pray to him and things usually work out one way or another.
And yes it is very hard at times to spread his w ...[text shortened]... g for that knowledge and a relationship with Jehovah and his son Jesus. I have seen that happen.....
I can well understand how difficult it is. I feel the same way. Some days ago a JW pair came to my house after repeatedly saying, over the years that I am a Christian, I am baptised etc etc. Anyhow this pair came to invite me to their special annual meeting. I told her that if she has the time I would like to tell her about
- the origins of the JW faith
- that Charles Russel was a shady character
- that after the hundreds of false prophesies, they fooled millions of people into believing that Jesus was returning
- that their doctrines are all wrong and they are not part of the 144,000
- that the elders are guilty of withholding information about child abuse cases

Anyway I said that we can arrange to meet at another time if they are busy.

I cannot believe that they did not want to hear the truth. They just looked at me funny and walked out. People are just very rude these days and not very welcoming towards people who want to discuss the bible truths. Sad.

Im comforted knowing that they will burn in hell and be hung out in chains for all the universe to see for all eternity.


@rajk999 said
Im comforted knowing that they will burn in hell and be hung out in chains for all the universe to see for all eternity.


@galveston75 said
Some here often scoff at others here who believe in and have faith in God and his bible. This is not new and will continue for sometime to come. It has pretty much been all thru mans existence. In fact it started with Satan we he questioned Eve about God telling them not to eat of the tree. He said 'Is it really so that God told you that'? Then he offered a lie which is w ...[text shortened]... nd by you, but if you leave him, he will reject you forever.

Wow pretty serious stuff y'all.....
The various kinds of "wisdom" that humans have attributed to their gods down through history have all been forms of human "wisdom".


@rajk999 said
I can well understand how difficult it is. I feel the same way. Some days ago a JW pair came to my house after repeatedly saying, over the years that I am a Christian, I am baptised etc etc. Anyhow this pair came to invite me to their special annual meeting. I told her that if she has the time I would like to tell her about
- the origins of the JW faith
- that Charles Ru ...[text shortened]... that they will burn in hell and be hung out in chains for all the universe to see for all eternity.
Wow. You are an evil man..... I'm sure your warped idea of God is so happy with you.


@galveston75 said
Wow. You are an evil man..... I'm sure your warped idea of God is so happy with you.
Im glad you think I'm evil because what i did to those J Ws is exactly what J Ws do to people

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Thats all you need to do to get rid of them. Pose some uncomfortable questions to them and they are gone. There are many failings of that organisation. you have to wonder what kind of person knowingly attaches themselves to such a group.


2 Pet 3:3 3 First of all know this, that in the last days ridiculers will come with their ridicule,
proceeding according to their own desires.

Prov 29:9 9 When a wise man enters into a controversy with a fool,
There will be ranting and ridicule, but no satisfaction.

Proverbs 19:29
Judgment is in store for ridiculers, And beatings for the back of the stupid ones.

Psalm 123:4
We have had our full share of ridicule from the self-assured And the contempt of the arrogant.

Proverbs 9:8
Do not reprove a ridiculer, or he will hate you. Reprove a wise person, and he will love you.

2 Chronicles 36:16
But they kept ridiculing the messengers of the true God, and they despised his words and mocked his prophets, until the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until they were beyond healing.

Proverbs 26:11
Like a dog that returns to its vomit, The stupid one repeats his foolishness.

Proverbs 15:7
The lips of the wise spread knowledge, But not so the heart of the stupid one.

Proverbs 23:9
Do not speak in the ears of the stupid one, For he will despise the wisdom of your words.

Proverbs 26:4
Do not answer the stupid one according to his foolishness,So that you do not put yourself on his level.

Proverbs 17:16
What good is it that the stupid one has the means to acquire wisdom When he has no heart for acquiring it?

Ecclesiastes 2:14
The wise one has his eyes in his head; but the stupid one is walking in darkness. I have also come to realize that there is one outcome that befalls all of them.

Proverbs 13:20
The one walking with the wise will become wise,But the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.


@galveston75 said
2 Pet 3:3 3 First of all know this, that in the last days ridiculers will come with their ridicule,
proceeding according to their own desires.

Prov 29:9 9 When a wise man enters into a controversy with a fool,
There will be ranting and ridicule, but no satisfaction.

Proverbs 19:29
Judgment is in store for ridiculers, And beatings for the back of the stupid ...[text shortened]... walking with the wise will become wise,But the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.
Nice passages. Good Biblical support for the stupidity of the Watchtower and its followers.


@rajk999 said
Nice passages. Good Biblical support for the stupidity of the Watchtower and its followers.
Well I see them as clear as day with your return comment. Must upset you that they all apply to you and Dive perfectly. Or maybe they don't upset you. You probably love being that way....


@galveston75 said
Well I see them as clear as day with your return comment. Must upset you that they all apply to you and Dive perfectly.
Can't it be said that the passages apply perfectly to you too?

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