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Modern Day Smiting

Modern Day Smiting


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God's chosen people had numerous enemies in the Old Testament that God dealt with, benevolently, through smiting. To name just a few that were smote wholesale, we have the Midianites, the Canaanites, the Egyptians, and of course the terrible and lowly Sodomites.

Why do you suppose God does not benevolently smite today's Islams? Are they any less deplorable and abhorrent than the children of Egypt plagued with frog and famine?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
God's chosen people had numerous enemies in the Old Testament that God dealt with, omnibenevolently, through smiting. To name just a few that were smote wholesale, we have the Midianites, the Canaanites, the Egyptians, and of course the terrible and lowly Sodomites.

Why do you suppose God does not omnibenevolently smite today's Islams? Are they any less deplorable and abhorrent than the children of Egypt plagued with frog and famine?
You need to listen to John Hagee on the Chinese people. Their. He says that their army of 200,000 people will be destroy by God in the last battle. Maybe you could youtube it?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
God's chosen people had numerous enemies in the Old Testament that God dealt with, benevolently, through smiting. To name just a few that were smote wholesale, we have the Midianites, the Canaanites, the Egyptians, and of course the terrible and lowly Sodomites.

Why do you suppose God does not benevolently smite today's Islams? Are they any less deplorable and abhorrent than the children of Egypt plagued with frog and famine?
In that day, that is, in the day when God was using the nation he created, namely Israel, to accomplish his purposes on earth, God did what he did for reasons too involved to get into here.

But in this present "dispensation" God is extending his grace to all men.

When this "age" is finished, when the church, the body of Christ is full, God will once again act directly in creation, And what was prophesied to happen will happen. The 70th week of daniels prophesy. The tribulation period. etc.

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
God's chosen people had numerous enemies in the Old Testament that God dealt with, omnibenevolently, through smiting. To name just a few that were smote wholesale, we have the Midianites, the Canaanites, the Egyptians, and of course the terrible and lowly Sodomites.

Why do you suppose God does not omnibenevolently smite today's Islams? Are they any less deplorable and abhorrent than the children of Egypt plagued with frog and famine?
I think you have two belief systems within the Christian faith. You have those who do not believe such stories and those that do. For those that do not they would say that God would never smite anyone. They would say that such stories are myths that try to convey a truth of some kind. However, those that do believe such stories, such as myself, are left holding the bag in terms of understanding how God deals with those who he chooses to smite and who he does not.

It seems to me from reading the Bible that God is focused on bringing his kingdom to earth. He begins with one man after the fall of man and then formed a nation which brought us the Messiah. Therefore, anything that interferred with the salvation of all mankind by hindering this effort was fair game. For example, if memory serves God chose to smite two men in the blood line of Christ because they were wicked and would have "polluted" the blood line. I am not sure this would have happened had they not been in that blood line. Also do not forget their is an element of judgement in terms of judging wickedness for each of these "smitings". The people of Canaan, Sodom, etc. were said to be exceedingly wicked. Also, do not forget that God turned on his own people when they became wicked themselves. He did this via invasions from such foriegn powers as Assyria, Babylon, Rome etc. Had they been left to their own devices they probably would have assimilated into the world and would have forgotten their God thus ending the goal of bringing the Messiah into the world.

Having said all of that what about the people in todays world? Who is God going to smite next? It seems to me that if there be a God and he smites the wicked he must be pretty longsuffering in this respect. After all, just look at all the wickedness we have today, yet things seem to continue without interruption. Then again, you do have interruptions when such men as Hitler/Saddam goes down in flames. Could these events be motivated by a higher power? Could there be a an invisible line in the sand for any man in terms of how much wickedness the Almighty will put up with? I think only God knows where the line in the sand is in this respect. Of coarse these thoughts are merely my own ramblings on the matter and my opinion based upon my understanding of the scriptures.

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I might add that when God "smited" these OT people, there was good reason. They were desendants of "Anok" They could not be rehabilitated, there was no compromising with them. There "nature" was to hate God and all His people, and to hinder God every way they could. The last of them were eliminated by King David, maybe Solomon, not sure. Today we are indeed under "Grace". God's main plan to redeem mankind or the vehicle, if you will, Jesus Christ, has been accomplished.

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
I might add that when God "smited" these OT people, there was good reason. They were desendants of "Anok" They could not be rehabilitated, there was no compromising with them.
Even the babies?

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Originally posted by RBHILL
You need to listen to John Hagee on the Chinese people. Their. He says that their army of 200,000 people will be destroy by God in the last battle. Maybe you could youtube it?
If he knows so much, how come he can't get hold of his weight?

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Yes. Would you keep a baby rattlesnake as a pet? Or how about a small cancerous tumor?

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
Yes. Would you keep a baby rattlesnake as a pet? Or how about a small cancerous tumor?
Do you realize what an absurdly racist stance you are espousing?

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Originally posted by josephw
When this "age" is finished, when the church, the body of Christ is full, God will once again act directly in creation, And what was prophesied to happen will happen. The 70th week of daniels prophesy. The tribulation period. etc.
I hope it's not a Monday. I tend to be very busy on Mondays.

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Be it what it may to you, it is biblical and true.

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
Be it what it may to you, it is biblical and true.
I'm not disputing that it is true or Biblical. I'm only asserting that it is racist to believe that certain children are born incorrigibly evil merely in virtue of their race.

Are there any modern races whose children are necessarily incorrigibly evil, or did God wipe out all such strains of humanity? For example, might all modern Mongolian babies be evil simply due to their barbaric bloodline?

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Originally posted by DoctorScribbles
I'm not disputing that it is true or Biblical. I'm only asserting that it is racist to believe that certain children are born incorrigibly evil merely in virtue of their race.

Are there any modern races whose children are necessarily incorrigibly evil, or did God wipe out all such strains of humanity? For example, might all modern Mongolian babies be evil simply due to their barbaric bloodline?
You are speaking present day. This no longer holds true today. As I said, these people were exterminated thousands of years ago. The Amalikites, Ammorites, etc. Read Genesis 6.

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
You are speaking present day. This no longer holds true today. As I said, these people were exterminated thousands of years ago. The Amalikites, Ammorites, etc. Read Genesis 6.
Why would this not hold true for today? We are , after all, talking about the Word of God.

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Originally posted by checkbaiter
As I said, these people were exterminated thousands of years ago. The Amalikites, Ammorites, etc. Read Genesis 6.
Praise Jesus that we're shed of such vermin. I mean, could you just imagine what it would be like if some Ammorites moved into the neighborhood? It makes my skin crawl just to think about it.

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