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Muffin Studdy Weak Wone

Muffin Studdy Weak Wone


Moldy Crow
Your Eminence


16 Dec 04
21 May 05
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1 :God sayz in Second Caucasians that muffins are GODS chosen pastry . Show in the Good Book of Betty Crocker where all other pasties are for fags and heeethens : __________________________________________________________________

2 : Jesus sayz "Blessed are the cheesemakers" . Show in the Book of Goy of Cooking how creeem Cheze muffins are more wholly than bagealz :

3 : Show how pie bakkers are the Whores o' Babble-on and will bake in hell at 350 degrees az told in the buuk of Revulsuns :

4 : Repent :

5 : Show why cookies and turnovers are unclean and shouuld never share the same bakkin rack :

Dont forgot two Pray for those who have longed to taste muffin , but have been lured away by cakes !

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