New pope reaches out to Jews at Vatican inaugural Mass.
By News Agencies and Haaretz Service
"As part of his address to non-Christians, the pope stressed that "with great affection I also greet ... my brothers and sisters of the Jewish people, to whom we are joined by a great shared spiritual heritage, one rooted in God's irrevocable promises."
"Growing into new role.
The shy Pope, who as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was John Paul's top doctrinal overseer, has been slowly growing more comfortable in his new role since being elected in a secret conclave last Tuesday."
"As the Vatican's doctrinal watchdog, Ratzinger upset Protestants, Buddhists and Hindus with sharp criticisms of their faiths. But his first address as Pope stressed the need for inter-faith dialogue."
Originally posted by ivanhoeIt's slightly off-topic, but as it's still relevant to the new Pope's vision and direction of the Church, could you point me in the direction of the then-Cardinal's criticisms of those other faiths?
"As the Vatican's doctrinal watchdog, Ratzinger upset Protestants, Buddhists and Hindus with sharp criticisms of their faiths. But his first address as Pope stressed the need for inter-faith dialogue."
Thank you.
Originally posted by eagles54Did he say Buddists were auto-erotic degenerates? Something like that?
It's slightly off-topic, but as it's still relevant to the new Pope's vision and direction of the Church, could you point me in the direction of the then-Cardinal's criticisms of those other faiths?
Thank you.
Originally posted by ivanhoeWerden noch die Hindus in den Ofen geworfen?
"As the Vatican's doctrinal watchdog, Ratzinger upset Protestants, Buddhists and Hindus with sharp criticisms of their faiths. But his first address as Pope stressed the need for inter-faith dialogue."
Oder nicht mehr dank der Deutschpapst?
Originally posted by eagles54
It's slightly off-topic, but as it's still relevant to the new Pope's vision and direction of the Church, could you point me in the direction of the then-Cardinal's criticisms of those other faiths?
Thank you.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, "Truth and Tolerance"
Christian Belief and World Religions
Is truth knowable? If we know the truth, must we hide it in the name of tolerance? Cardinal Ratzinger engages the problem of truth, tolerance, religion and culture in the modern world. Describing the vast array of world religions, Ratzinger embraces the difficult challenge of meeting diverse understandings of spiritual truth while defending the Catholic teaching of salvation through Jesus Christ. "But what if it is true?" is the question that he poses to cultures that decry the Christian position on man's redemption. Upholding the notion of religious truth while asserting the right of religious freedom, Cardinal Ratzinger outlines the timeless teaching of the Magisterium in language that resonates with our embattled culture. A work of extreme sensitivity, understanding, and spiritual maturity, this book is an invaluable asset to those who struggle hear the voice of truth in the modern religious world.
"Beyond all particular questions, the real problem lies in the question about truth. Can truth be recognized? Or, is the question about truth simply inappropriate in the realm of religion and belief? But what meaning does belief then have, what positive meaning does religion have, if it cannot be connected with truth?"
—Josep Cardinal Ratzinger
From the Preface
Joseph Card. Ratzinger
" the ever-busy Cardinal has used his privileged take on the Truth to set back inter-faith tolerance and religious pluralism a few decades. In 1997 Ratzinger annoyed Buddhists by calling their religion an ‘autoerotic spirituality’ that offers ‘transcendence without imposing concrete religious obligations’. And Hinduism, he said, offers ‘false hope’; it guarantees ‘purification’ based on a ‘morally cruel’ concept of reincarnation resembling ‘a continuous circle of hell’. The Cardinal predicted Buddhism would replace Marxism as the Catholic Church’s main enemy this century."
What a guy!
EDIT: I suppose Buddhism would make an ideal scapegoat since Tibet was overrun by the Chinese Communists, there's not much the Dalai Lama can do.
Benedict XVI Continues Tradition of Papal Concern for Animals.
The new Pope has spoken movingly about the exploitation of all beings, particularly of farmed animals. When he was asked about the rights of animals in a 2002 interview, he said, "That is a very serious question. At any rate, we can see that they are given into our care, that we cannot just do whatever we want with them. Animals, too, are God's creatures . . . Certainly, a sort of industrial use of creatures, so that geese are fed in such a way as to produce as large a liver as possible, or hens live so packed together that they become just caricatures of birds, this degrading of living creatures to a commodity seems to me in fact to contradict the relationship of mutuality that comes across in the Bible."
Cardinal Ratzinger was echoing official church teachings, as laid out in the Catholic Catechism, which states clearly that “Animals are God’s creatures. He surrounds them with his providential care. By their mere existence they bless him and give him glory. Thus men owe them kindness. We should recall the gentleness with which saints like St. Francis of Assisi or St. Philip Neri treated animals. . . . It is contrary to human dignity to cause animals to suffer or die needlessly.”
Letter from Peta to the new Pope.
Originally posted by ivanhoeIt looks like I'll have to purchase the book to find out the Pope's views. What is disconcerting is the fact that any misconceptions the new Pope may labor under will have very definite negative, far-reaching implications.
Originally posted by KneverKnight😲
The Cardinal predicted Buddhism would replace Marxism as the Catholic Church’s main enemy this century."
If this is indeed Pope Benedict's viewpoint, I would have to ask him on what basis he makes such an outrageous claim.
Gotta get the book...
Originally posted by ivanhoeI would hope that he would not consider Buddhists as enemies under any conditions, although the above words attributed to him (Buddhists replacing Marxists as enemies) were found in a web search. Are you saying that the statement was never made and is completely bogus?
This picture shows that people need to be carefull with the things the Popes ennemies tell us to believe about him or about the Faith.
Believe me, I want to give the Pope the benefit of the doubt here.
Originally posted by eagles54I also want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I would hope that he would not consider Buddhists as enemies under any conditions, although the above words attributed to him (Buddhists replacing Marxists as enemies) were found in a web search. Are you saying that the statement was never ...[text shortened]... elieve me, I want to give the Pope the benefit of the doubt here.
Usually these negative "quotes" are given without refering to actual writings of the person in question. Another possibility is that a quotation is given out of context. Translation and interpretation problems also pose a big difficulty. The new Pope certainly does not see Buddhist people as ennemies, on the contrary.
One reaction I found on this matter:
The quotation was first published in a French Catholic journal, and Rev. Heng Sure, a Buddhist monk, argued that "autoerotic" was a mistranslation of the French auto-erotisme, which more properly translates to self-absorption, or narcissism.
As for the unfelicitous phrase "autoerotic spirituality" it turns out that the Cardinal's views were written first in a French Catholic journal, and in French, the phrase "auto-erotisme" means "self-absorption," or narcissism. Unfortunately, the English-language press heard it the term without benefit of translation and it came out sounding much more off-base than perhaps, it was intended.
Originally posted by ivanhoeIf the word "autoerotic" (masturbatory) in the Cardinal's pronouncement is actually to be rendered as "narcissistic" (self-love), then I would be very keen to know on what his assessment is based.
I also want to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Usually these negative "quotes" are given without refering to actual writings of the person in question. Another possibility is that a quotation is given out of context. Translation and interpretation problems also pose a big difficulty. The new Pope certainly does not see Buddhist people as ennemies, ...[text shortened]... t was intended.