Originally posted by FabianFnasWhat religion was there at the place and the time and before Muhammed became a Muslim?
I don't know much about Islam so I would respectfully like to have some questions answered by a Muslim...
Question: What religion was there at the place and the time and before Muhammed became a Muslim? Did Muhammed himself had this religion before?
Mainly Pagnism. There were many idols in Mecca being worshiped by the people. Although there were some Christians (two or three persons), and Jews as well.
People at that time though that those idols were mediator between them and the creator. The belived that there is only one creator, (that may be a knowladge from older days), but they also belived that they need a mediator to reach that creator. The name of the only creator in Arabic is Allah, and people at that time recognized him by this name.
Actually each tribe had its own set of idols or mediators and so you can say that there were many religions.
Quran taks about this in the following verses:
Al Zumar 39:3
[3] Surely the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allâh only. And those who take Auliyâ' (protectors, helpers, lords, gods) besides Him (say): "We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allâh." Verily Allâh will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly, Allâh guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever.
Did Muhammed himself had this religion before?
No, as all the Islamic sources say he didn't belive that he needed the Mediator to reach Allah, that is why he used to to a cave in mountain near Mecca to worship Allah.
When the prophets entered Mecca in year 10 , he destroied all the idols and those religions were ended forever.