i was told by my 5 year old niece today that she was going to nail my hands to a cross. joking obviously but should the bible really be taught at that young an age. i think not.
i told her the bible wasn't real, she said it was 'my teacher told me so'
hopefully when she's told about santa, the easter bunny, tooth fairy and micheal jackson that she will question this also.
i was taught this crap at that age also, it's like that in every school in ireland and it's wrong.
Originally posted by trev33Educated to be ignorant...
i was told by my 5 year old niece today that she was going to nail my hands to a cross. joking obviously but should the bible really be taught at that young an age. i think not.
i told her the bible wasn't real, she said it was 'my teacher told me so'
hopefully when she's told about santa, the easter bunny, tooth fairy and micheal jackson that she will ...[text shortened]... ught this crap at that age also, it's like that in every school in ireland and it's wrong.
Originally posted by FabianFnasthey should have a separate thread for you people, the seriously disgruntled non spirituality forum, Fabian are you claiming to have a deep understanding of the Bible? no, why not, for you have never studied it, what do we refer to persons who seem for some reason able
Educated to be ignorant...
to pontificate to others about something of which they know little? that's correct, a slaphead. what are the chances of trev being able to correctly guide his young daughter with regard to something of which he also knows very little, (this can easily be deduced from his statement, for no one who has studied it for themselves would make such a statement), that's correct, chances are zilch! a lack of knowledge of the most widely translated and published book, within the entire history of humanity to date, can hardly be construed as educated, can it? therfore if you are to guide others, then surely you must have knowledge of the subject yourself, otherwise, its termed prejudice, and Ireland has seen enough of that to last a thousand lifetimes!
Originally posted by trev33While I have an appreciation of your perspective, not everything that isn't real or that a child should view with skepticism can be taught. There are plenty of adults ignorant of a great variety of things that were never taught anything religious in grade school.
i was told by my 5 year old niece today that she was going to nail my hands to a cross. joking obviously but should the bible really be taught at that young an age. i think not.
i told her the bible wasn't real, she said it was 'my teacher told me so'
hopefully when she's told about santa, the easter bunny, tooth fairy and micheal jackson that she will ...[text shortened]... ught this crap at that age also, it's like that in every school in ireland and it's wrong.
I personally have other things besides Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. that I get riled about. Real things, with real consequences. I care more that my kids understand a Ponzi scheme than whether they think the tooth fairy is a fairy or it's me.
Originally posted by BadwaterThe Bible might have some perspective on a Ponzi scheme.
While I have an appreciation of your perspective, not everything that isn't real or that a child should view with skepticism can be taught. There are plenty of adults ignorant of a great variety of things that were never taught anything religious in grade school.
I personally have other things besides Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. that I get riled about. ...[text shortened]... kids understand a Ponzi scheme than whether they think the tooth fairy is a fairy or it's me.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieThere are a lot of spriritual preaching in the Science Forum. Therefore I thought it was okay to point out any non-christian views in the Spiritual forum too.
they should have a separate thread for you people, the seriously disgruntled non spirituality forum, Fabian are you claiming to have a deep understanding of the Bible? no, why not, for you have never studied it, what do we refer to persons who seem for some reason able
to pontificate to others about something of which they know little? that's cor rwise, its termed prejudice, and Ireland has seen enough of that to last a thousand lifetimes!
Now, when ignoarance are being tought in religious schools, lt doesn't matter if it's bible-schools, koran-schools, or torah-schools. When ignorance is taught then it is bad. We live in the third millenium, not in the dark medievel ages, superstition should be long gone.
In this Forum, some people think that the Universe is not older than 10k years, that dinosaurs were brought in the ark of Noah, that the animals and plants are created as they are now and cannot ever evolve, and god knows more what satan has whispered in their ears.
My opinion is that we should live in the modern ages, and teach modern science.
The day when spiritual preaching is no longer in the Science Forum, then I will abandon Spritual Forum. Why else do the Spiritual people litter in two different Forums? ðŸ˜
Originally posted by robbie carrobieshe isn't my daughter, i said niece. no child of mine will be going to a school where christianity is forced upon them.
what are the chances of trev being able to correctly guide his young daughter with regard to something of which he also knows very little, (this can easily be deduced from his statement, for no one who has studied it for themselves would make such a statement), that's correct, chances are zilch! a lack of knowledge of the most widely translated and ...[text shortened]... erwise, its termed prejudice, and Ireland has seen enough of that to last a thousand lifetimes!
are you saying that people who have studied the bible or have an 'understanding' of it can't possibly believe that it's all bollocks? this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. really, it goes far beyond anything i've ever heard before.
i studied that crap from the age of 4 to 16 and i don't believe a word of it, btw i was pretty good at the subject grade wise before you ask. well until the last couple of years when i really didn't give a crap about it and never turned up to class. anyway, my point is do you really think it's fair to expose such a debatable subject in one favor at such an early age?
i would want my kids to grow up and make there own choices not be brainwashed into thinking something is true which might not be. i wouldn't mind as much if she was being taught about other religions and the differences etc but she's not and won't do unless she want to do extra religious studies at 14, the rest before that won't even mention most of the other religions and the ones that will be touched upon will be taught by the same christian teacher who only wants to teach what she believes to be true. i talk from experience.
when i have kids i will be teaching them about religion by myself, all religions, i don't care what they choice to believe i just what them to see every possible view point before deciding for themselves what to think.
Originally posted by Badwateri wasn't getting at her belief in santa, the tooth fairy etc. that's pretty harmless.
While I have an appreciation of your perspective, not everything that isn't real or that a child should view with skepticism can be taught. There are plenty of adults ignorant of a great variety of things that were never taught anything religious in grade school.
I personally have other things besides Santa, the Easter Bunny, etc. that I get riled about. ...[text shortened]... kids understand a Ponzi scheme than whether they think the tooth fairy is a fairy or it's me.
i was just using it to compare my disbelief in the crucifiction of 'christ' to the make believe of the easter bunny and micheal jackson etc.
Originally posted by trev33are you saying that people who have studied the bible or have an 'understanding' of it can't possibly believe that it's all bollocks? this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. really, it goes far beyond anything i've ever heard before.
she isn't my daughter, i said niece. no child of mine will be going to a school where christianity is forced upon them.
are you saying that people who have studied the bible or have an 'understanding' of it can't possibly believe that it's all bollocks? this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. really, it goes far beyond anything i've ever heard em to see every possible view point before deciding for themselves what to think.
no, im saying that unless you have studied it, your talking bollocks! what is it about that you dont understand? if you have studied it for YOURSELF and made an evaluation, then that is fine, but if you have not, your talking bollocks!
Originally posted by FabianFnasoh, touchy touchy touchy! for you Fabian, the two are incongruous, that is fine, FOR YOU, but others perceive things differently, Science is all good and well for helping others, but so is spirituality, for there are many aspects of humanity not governed by science, which to persons so inclined are equally important, but this degradation of spirituality is, in my opinion, not good, for when one reduces concepts of conscience etc to a merely materialistic point of view, them problems occur.
There are a lot of spriritual preaching in the Science Forum. Therefore I thought it was okay to point out any non-christian views in the Spiritual forum too.
Now, when ignoarance are being tought in religious schools, lt doesn't matter if it's bible-schools, koran-schools, or torah-schools. When ignorance is taught then it is bad. We live in the third ...[text shortened]... ll abandon Spritual Forum. Why else do the Spiritual people litter in two different Forums? ðŸ˜
Originally posted by robbie carrobiei have and you really should jump to conclusions without knowing anything about the subject. that makes you look stupid.
are you saying that people who have studied the bible or have an 'understanding' of it can't possibly believe that it's all bollocks? this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard. really, it goes far beyond anything i've ever heard before.
no, im saying that unless you have studied it, your talking bollocks! what is it about that you dont un ...[text shortened]... ELF and made an evaluation, then that is fine, but if you have not, your talking bollocks!
now i want to pose i question to you, have you actually read the bible? i mean really read it? a lot of contradiction, no?
even basics, 7 days, two of each animal survive a flood, the separation of water to allow someone to pass. etc, etc.
how can you not believe in evolution when all the facts are right in front of you.
i could go on but it will be a waste of time without a doubt.
Originally posted by trev33what exactly is it that i do not know? whether you have studied the bible or not? what am i telepathic? whether i am stupid or not is entirely inconsequential, for i am human and make many mistakes and easily admit them, perhaps you are infallible, who can tell?
i have and you really should jump to conclusions without knowing anything about the subject. that makes you look stupid.
now i want to pose i question to you, have you actually read the bible? i mean really read it? a lot of contradiction, no?
even basics, 7 days, two of each animal survive a flood, the separation of water to allow someone to pass. et ...[text shortened]... cts are right in front of you.
i could go on but it will be a waste of time without a doubt.
your statement 'even basics, 7 days, two of each animal survive a flood, the separation of water to allow someone to pass. etc, etc.'
this statement here really betrays your ignorance, for you have no concept of how the term days is used in scripture, for it was not a literal period of 24 hours, how do we know this, for the apostle Paul states that God was still resting on the seventh 'day', thousands of years later and secondly the term 'day', can refer to an unspecified period of time, for example, 'in my fathers day', does this refer to a literal twenty four hour period, no, well then, what are you trying to infer.
secondly Noah was commanded in some instances to take more than two of each animal, there was specifics for clean and unclean if my memory serves me correctly, and whether the Israelite passed through the red see, i have no reason to doubt, nor any of the other miracles, for there are many phenomena which behave in strange ways when subjected to strange circumstances. you should ask Fabian what happens to lead, which is not an ideal electrical conductor, when immersed in liquid helium and cooled to a temperature of -456 degrees Fahrenheit, or ask him about the Moses effect, of electromagnetism and water.
it is well established that scientific findings simply provide the basis for the formulation of theories or in the case of evolution, a hypothesis, even the most ardent evolutionist will not deny this, therefore to call it factual is a grave error, for to be perfectly honest with you, its nothing of the sort, all that the most convinced can state, is that to them, it seems plausible.
now that i have finished dispensing with your ignorance, next time you make a ludicrous statement with such force, perhaps you will do us the favour of actually researching what it is you are seething against, for to be sure, in terms of biblical understanding, you would be hard pushed to tell the difference between your bum and your elbow 🙂
When, rob, did you corner the market on spirituality? And, what makes you think the bible has anything to do with spirituality? I, personally see very little difference between honest science and honest spirituality. Walt Whitman said, "Until you can explain a paving stone do not attempt to explain God!" If all you know of spirituality and science is the bible then I feel really sorry for you. The reality of even this very moment is so majestic that I feel awed by it. My dog sits on my lap panting from a run in the garden and halfway across the universe 2 galaxies are colliding and you chide a man for looking outside of the ramblings of a bunch of ignorant goatherds. There are not several forms of logic or experience or truth. So much of value is right in front of you. Don't try to make the universe small enough to fit in your head, expand your mind.
Originally posted by TerrierJackkeep your sympathies to your self, i have my own mind, my own way of perceiving things and my own evaluations, get it, I am not you,
When, rob, did you corner the market on spirituality? And, what makes you think the bible has anything to do with spirituality? I, personally see very little difference between honest science and honest spirituality. Walt Whitman said, "Until you can explain a paving stone do not attempt to explain God!" If all you know of spirituality and science is ...[text shortened]... t of you. Don't try to make the universe small enough to fit in your head, expand your mind.
oh and just for your education, the scriptures were written by over forty different individual, some were kings and men of prominence, others were men of humble origin, therefore your statement of goat herders really betrays your ignorance as well, so next time, do me a favour and engage your mind before your mouth, otherwise i may need to ask Scriabin to solicit an action against you for neglect or dereliction of details 🙂
Originally posted by robbie carrobiemeh, i'll give you this one. i still believe it to be functional but everyone has to believe in something. for me it's not the workings of the bible, btw i did think of the 7 days thing, as i have before but at that time was there a longer sunset to sunrise period? i doubt that.
what exactly is it that i do not know? whether you have studied the bible or not? what am i telepathic? whether i am stupid or not is entirely inconsequential, for i am human and make many mistakes and easily admit them, perhaps you are infallible, who can tell?
your statement 'even basics, 7 days, two of each animal survive a flood, the separat ...[text shortened]... ding, you would be hard pushed to tell the difference between your bum and your elbow 🙂
if i was pushed to pick a religion it most certainly wouldn't be christianity.
whether the bible is true or not i don't really care but what i hate most about religion is that people of certain faiths think they are above everyone else in some way. that gets to me. not everyone in said religion but some.
like here, i'm sure you know about the 'differences' between protestants and catholics in n. ireland. people on each side swear blind to hating each other but yet somehow think that they are somehow special in their faith and that they will go to a heaven regardless of how they have treated their religious counterpart.
stupid, simple people.