Originally posted by buckkyTo be saved means to be reborn in the Spirit..
What does the term Saved really mean ? Saved from the fires of Hell ?
John 3:1 "There was on of the Pharisees called Nicodemus, a leading Jew, who came to Jesus by night and said, 'Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who comes from God: for no one could perform the signs that you do unless God were with him.' Jesus answered: 'I tell you most solemnly, unless a man is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom of God.' Nicodemus said, 'How can a grown man be born?' Jesus replied, 'I tell you most solemnly, unless a man is born through water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God; what is born of the flesh is flesh; what is born of the spirit is spirit. Do not be suprised when I say; You must be born from above. The wind blows wherever it pleases; you hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. That is how it is with all who are born of the Spirit."
Originally posted by whodeyAnd what if we're quite happy with our current spirit?
To be saved means to be reborn in the Spirit..
John 3:1 "There was on of the Pharisees called Nicodemus, a leading Jew, who came to Jesus by night and said, 'Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who comes from God: for no one could perform the signs that you do unless God were with him.' Jesus answered: 'I tell you most solemnly, unless a man is born fro ...[text shortened]... mes from or where it is going. That is how it is with all who are born of the Spirit."
Originally posted by buckkyMan was united with an enemy of God and man , Satan. Man became Satanified. Man became mingled with Satan so as to become as expression of the Satanic desire, will, and expression. Savation in Christ is to be saved from being the host of the cosmic parasite Satan. Man was created to be filled instead with the uncreated divine life and nature of God. To be saved is to be enter into the process by which the Satanification of man is nullified, Satan the parasite is extracted and the Triune God is dispensed into man to constitute man a God-man. Salvation is not only from the power of the indwelling Satanification. Salvation is also from the real record of guitly acts which have issued from the Satanified life. This record is the actual record of trangressions, sins, wrong doings, offenses, and lawless acts which have issued out of the Satanified man. Salvation is from the righteous judgment of God upon these sins. Salvation is from everything which usurps the place of God in man's life. Whatever has become an idol replacing God in our life is something from which we must be saved. The universe is filled with millions of things. Many things material and nonmaterial we may rightfully have and enjoy. But some things have replaced God so as to become man's idols. Man needs to be saved from anything which is so important to man that it usurps the place of God and replaces God's central position in man's life. Salvation is also from division. Man is divided and splintered into fighting factions. We need to be saved into the oneness and unity which only the one Triune God can actualize. Lastly man needs to be saved from a life of vanity. Apart from the eternal plan and purpose of God man's life is a life of vanity, futility, and loss of meaning. Man needs to be saved from being led astray from God's eternal purpose into God's eternal plan and purpose. For man was created for this. And if man does not live for this and unto this man becomes a creature without meaning.
What does the term Saved really mean ? Saved from the fires of Hell ?
Originally posted by jaywillAre homosexual desires the work of Satan?
Man was united with an enemy of God and man , Satan. Man became Satanified. Man became mingled with Satan so as to become as expression of the Satanic desire, will, and expression. Savation in Christ is to be saved from being the host of the cosmic parasite Satan. Man was created to be filled instead with the uncreated divine life and nature of God. To be sa ...[text shortened]... . And if man does not live for this and unto this man becomes a creature without meaning.
Originally posted by dj2beckerYes, but is sin really such a bad thing in God's eyes? I mean, think
According to the Bible it is sin.
about it. There was a whole bunch of "sinners" living in those cities
(Sodom and Gomorrah, was it?) that God killed, right?
We all know that according to the Christian beliefs when sinners die they
end up in Hell. Now, hell is a place where Satan rules, but Satan is not
more powerful that God, hence God can come and go as he wishes. It
looks to me as though maybe God just wanted those "sinners" a little
closer for his... benefit, when such desires enter his mind.
Remember, we are all in God's image. And God himself has (according to
the bible) committed heinous acts that at the same time he advices us
not to do. 🙄
Originally posted by stockenGod will never tolerate sin.
Yes, but is sin really such a bad thing in God's eyes? I mean, think
about it. There was a whole bunch of "sinners" living in those cities
(Sodom and Gomorrah, was it?) that God killed, right?
We all know that according to the Christian beliefs when sinners die they
end up in Hell. Now, hell is a place where Satan rules, but Satan is not
more powe ...[text shortened]... to
the bible) committed heinous acts that at the same time he advices us
not to do. 🙄
Sin is what will separate the us from God eternally if we do not confess it and turn away from it.
Originally posted by dj2beckerYeah, yeah, yeah. You have your beliefs, I have mine. Let's just leave it at
Sin is what will separate the us from God eternally if we do not confess it and turn away from it.
that. To me, God (the one in the bible) is a self-contradictory, perverted,
murderous son of a promiscuous woman.
Originally posted by dj2beckerWould you mind backing up your assertion that his assertions are ridiculous?
Would you mind backing up all those ridiculous assertions.
To me God (the one in the bible) is:
self-contradictory - This is obvious to anyone reading the Bible with an open mind.
perverted - As above.
murderous - Again very clear in the Bible. Not only commits murder but encourages and demands it.
son of a promiscuous woman - we've all heard the 'it was an accident' claim by young women who get pregnant when they shouldn't but 'God did it' is one of the best excuses I've ever heard!
So your claim boils down to a claim that not being a Christian is ridiculous.
Originally posted by PawnokeyholeI would say obsession with sex in any case to the point of idolatry is inspired by Satan.
Are homosexual desires the work of Satan?
I think that this is a matter of how far the desire is taken. Particlarly what I see God prohibiting is the act of same sexed people trying to enjoy the sex act together. It seems to me that in the Old Testament the line is drawn there.
Given some areas of modern research it could be that homosexuality is a symptom of arrested pschycological development. I mean there may be a phase of childhood development where thoughts of actraction to the same sex are perhaps normal. But perhaps some people get stuck there in a state of arrested development.
Generally Satan is about causing idolatry. That is for man to have an idol which means more to him than God. Such idolatry could be either in hetersexual lust or homosexual lust or lust period.
Idolatry replaces God and damages the man created for God.
Since the devil is so suble even extreme abstinence from sexual desire could be just as much inspired by Satan. It was against the Bible for the Roman Catholic Church to legally forbid marriage to those who sought to serve God. The Apostle Paul said that this teaching of forbidding marriage was a doctrine of demons.
The good news is that Christ came to destroy the works of the Devil. And His indwelling Spirit brings in the cross which kills off the germs which damage the God created man. And His Spirit imparts the resurrection life which recovers and sets man apart for God's eternal purpose.