I just wanted to post a few scriptures to help us all especially if you or if you have loved ones or friends that are having health issues. God cares about all who are sick, depressed or other mental or health problems. All in my family are suffering from many things but all of us are imperfect humans as all here at RHP are also. I hope this helps all of you.......
Of A faithful servant, the Bible says: “Jehovah himself will sustain him upon a divan of illness.” (Psalm 41:3)
Pray for strength to endure. You can receive “the peace of God that excels all thought,” which can reduce your anxiety and sustain you.—Philippians 4:6, 7.
Be positive. The Bible says: “Being cheerful keeps you healthy. It is slow death to be gloomy all the time.” Proverbs 17:22
Cultivate your sense of humor, since this not only can lighten dark times but also can benefit your health.
Build your hope in the future. A sound hope can help you have joy despite chronic ailments. (Romans 12:12)
The Bible foretells a time when “no resident will say: ‘I am sick.’” (Isaiah 33:24)
God will then cure chronic illnesses that are beyond the power of modern science to solve.
The Bible describes the reversal of the aging process this way: “Let his flesh become fresher than in youth; let him return to the days of his youthful vigor.”—Job 33:25.
I also pray and ask that we all be much, much kinder to each other here at RHP.....
@sonship saidI honestly don't remember calling him that but if I did I apologize to him. No need to say anything like that even if it were true.
Does this mean that you will no longer be calling me a “son of Satan”?
No longer?
I'm curious. How many times did he call you this?
When was the date of the LAST time he called you this?
Not how many times you brought it up for a reminder.
@galveston75 saidYou're apologizing to divegeester by saying that you apologize to "him" in a post addressed to sonship?
I honestly don't remember calling him that but if I did I apologize to him. No need to say anything like that even if it were true.
@sonship saidIt seems you think calling some of your posts waffly in some way justifies or can be equated with talking about a poster being "Satan" or "worse than Satan" or "Son of Satan"?
Oh, I don't know. Take as many times as you used the word "waffle" about my posts and cut it in half. That should be way enough times.
@fmf saidYou know I still don't remember calling anyone here Satan. I'm not saying that under some circumstance it might have happened but I really don't remember that happening. So if anyone wants to show me if it is that important, then let me see.
It seems you think calling some of your posts waffly in some way justifies or can be equated with talking about a poster being "Satan" or "worse than Satan" or "Son of Satan"?