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black beetle
Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
11 Feb 09
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It seems to me that Spiritualism is a tool as important for the Human as Science and Philosophy, and that it is absolutely necessary for the individual who looks for well backed up answers at every field.
Spiritualism can be related with the human invention known as "religion", but also it can be related not. Therefore it is not necessary to be anyway related with the pseudoscience of Theology, althouh many people like my dearest friend Fabian Fnas they firmly believe that this is the case. However this is merely a false impression caused due to the force and the social impact of the religious personages of the past, which they pushed at least brutaly the people to accept that their delusional theology is a "science" indeed.

Spiritualism has primarly to do with constant awareness and metaphysics; Philosophy has to do with both Science and awareness and metaphysics; and Science can occur solely through the evalution of the mind along with scientific methods, finds and evidence.
Therefore, in my opinion the scientist cannot go far if s/he is a bad philosopher -and the good philosopher is always aware of the value of spiritualism.

In addition, spiritualism is a powerful agent that permits the Human to establish her/ his inner mental framework. This way s/he can avoid disorientation, confusion, laxity of discipline, indolence and inner decomposition. In fact, spiritualism as I pose it, is a prerequisite for the holistic progress of the Human, thus for the progress of the Science too.

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by black beetle
It seems to me that Spiritualism is a tool as important for the Human as Science and Philosophy, and that it is absolutely necessary for the individual who looks for well backed up answers at every field.
Spiritualism can be related with the human invention known as "religion", but also it can be related not. Therefore it is not necessary to be anyway ...[text shortened]... erequisite for the holistic progress of the Human, thus for the progress of the Science too.
What do you mean by spiritualism? I don't understand why a good philosopher requires it. Are you saying there are no good atheist philosophers?

black beetle
Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by Palynka
What do you mean by spiritualism? I don't understand why a good philosopher requires it. Are you saying there are no good atheist philosophers?
Spiritualism, as I pose it, is the development and the exploitation of the mind to the hilt. This is the reason why a good philosopher requires it, Pal my bad😵

Upward Spiral


02 Aug 04
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by black beetle
Spiritualism, as I pose it, is the development and the exploitation of the mind to the hilt. This is the reason why a good philosopher requires it, Pal my bad😵
But in what areas does Philosophy and Spiritualism (defined as above) not overlap?

I have a hard time understanding why Spiritualism is essential, if Philosophy can also (to quote you) "avoid disorientation, confusion, laxity of discipline, indolence and inner decomposition". Spiritualism would not be a pre-requisite if Philosophy can also achieve those goals. And I don't see why it cannot.

black beetle
Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by Palynka
But in what areas does Philosophy and Spiritualism (defined as above) not overlap?

I have a hard time understanding why Spiritualism is essential, if Philosophy can also (to quote you) "avoid disorientation, confusion, laxity of discipline, indolence and inner decomposition". Spiritualism would not be a pre-requisite if Philosophy can also achieve those goals. And I don't see why it cannot.
The areas are almost invisible. The line is so hard to be noticed that solely after many years of work can be conceived.

The scientist builts his ideas based on the concept of synthesis, whilst the philosopher analyses abstract ideas. But in order to analyse them, the philosopher has to understand the nature of the problem in question. Using spiritualism the philosopher is not obliged to raise his mind at the sphere of the metaphysics but he constructs a specific symbol that represents the abstract reality of the nature that, for the time being, remains unconceivable for him. Therefore he needs not to "know", as you understand "knowledge". BTW this is the main idea behind the invention of, say, algebra: we name x the uknnown, p the half of x and z the known. Now x is not unknown anymore because it can be expressed with z's terms -and then we can understand x.

So spiritualism is a tool that enables the philosopher to guide his mind inside the Invisible and the Unconceivable. And this is the reason why the process of thought evolved from the language and not the opposite. The words are to the thought just what the spiritual symbols are to the magic power to which Bosse de Nage bows😵

black beetle
Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by black beetle
The areas are almost invisible. The line is so hard to be noticed that solely after many years of work can be conceived.

The scientist builts his ideas based on the concept of synthesis, whilst the philosopher analyses abstract ideas. But in order to analyse them, the philosopher has to understand the nature of the problem in question. Using spiritua ...[text shortened]... hought just what the spiritual symbols are to the magic power to which Bosse de Nage bows😵
Therefore spiritualism -the power of the spirit- is a tool of understanding that enables the philosopher to consciously break through beyond the barriers of the thought. The philosopher with this ability conceives the abstract ideas "as they are", but in order to become able to forward them to the people who have not this ability s/he obliged to intervene and to create a specific shape for them, otherwise s/he will fail to pass them. You can always tell a bad philosopher who lacks of spiritualism as I pose it, for s/he is just bubbling meaningless words and/ or merely theological concepts pretending or having the impression that s/he is a profound scholar.

However the real philosopher is a seemingly divine and at the same time a down to the ground creature, simply because the power of her/ his spirit does not permit her/ him to explain straight from mind-to-mind phainomena and ideas and conditions whose nature is unconceivable to her/ his interlocutor. An accurate philosophy has to be crystal clear at every level of understanding, otherwise is not philosophy at all.

Bosse de Nage
Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by Palynka
What do you mean by spiritualism? I don't understand why a good philosopher requires it. Are you saying there are no good atheist philosophers?
Georges Bataille was a good atheist spiritualist.

Take this opportunity to read his short but stimulating work, The Solar Anus:

black beetle
Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Georges Bataille was a good atheist spiritualist.

Take this opportunity to read his short but stimulating work, The Solar Anus:
Ah my filthy obnoxious brother,

it seems to me that you are aware of the fact that the power to destroying the nobility of vision at will is the footprint of the spiritualism.

I bow🙂

black beetle
Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Georges Bataille was a good atheist spiritualist.

Take this opportunity to read his short but stimulating work, The Solar Anus:
However the French is aesthet big time and needs to be deciphered, and this in my opinion is a sigh that he choose to go direction Art -and therefore his philosophy is not easily conceivable. His variations are obscure and his positions complicated, full of pieces roaring all over the board, requiring deep understanding of strategy and sharp tactics.

The French enjoys to torture his interlocutor with lots of material, whilst the Zennist walks with lips sealed and the Sufi swirls to the rhythm of the Hidden Music in einem affentempo😵

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
11 Feb 09
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Originally posted by black beetle
Spiritualism, as I pose it, is the development and the exploitation of the mind to the hilt. This is the reason why a good philosopher requires it, Pal my bad😵
How do you know? Where did you get this definition?

black beetle
Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
12 Feb 09
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Originally posted by josephw
How do you know? Where did you get this definition?
Oh, I should have post this post earlier, thank you for the question🙂

In philosophy "spiritualism" is the doctrine that the spirit exists as distinct from matter, or that "spirit is the sole reality" (for example check the Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English/ 2009, originally published by Oxford University Press/ 2009). Therefore the basic philosophical understanding is "the power of the spirit", and of cource "the quality or state of being spiritual" (Webster 1913) -and this is exactly the definition I have in mind.

But I your question is quite reasonable. In fact, most people are aware of its common definition ("a system of belief or religious practice based on supposed communication with the spirits of the dead, esp. through mediums", and in addition "...the doctrine, in opposition to the materialists, that all which exists is spirit, or soul -that what is called the external world is either a succession of notions impressed on the mind by the Deity, as maintained by Berkeley, or else the mere educt of the mind itself, as taught by Fichte" (Webster 1913), and in addition (...a belief that departed spirits hold intercourse with mortals by means of physical phenomena, as by rappng, or during abnormal mental states, as in trances, or the like, commonly manifested through a person of special susceptibility, called a medium; spiritism; the doctrines and practices of spiritualists).

There are another definitions yet, ie:
1. a. The belief that the dead communicate with the living, as through a medium.
b. The practices or doctrines of those holding such a belief.
2. A philosophy, doctrine, or religion emphasizing the spiritual aspect of being ((Answers com.)
3. Belief that the souls of the dead can make contact with the living, usually through a medium or during abnormal mental states such as trances. The basis of spiritualism is the conviction that spirit is the essence of life and that it lives on after the body dies. A medium is a person sensitive to vibrations from the spirit world, who may hold meetings known as séances in order to seek messages from spirits. A "control" is a spirit that gives messages to the human medium, who in turn gives them to other people. Spirits are also thought to manifest themselves through such means as rapping or levitating objects. Some spiritualists claim powers of paranormal healing. Scientific study of spiritualist phenomena has been the focus of the Society for Psychical Research, founded in Britain in 1882 (Britannica)

And finally there are also theological and theosophical definitions as well.

So I repeat that at this thread I refer to the spiritualism under philosophical terms.

Bosse de Nage
Zellulärer Automat

Spiel des Lebens

27 Jan 05
12 Feb 09
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Originally posted by black beetle
However the French is aesthet big time and needs to be deciphered, and this in my opinion is a sigh that he choose to go direction Art -and therefore his philosophy is not easily conceivable. His variations are obscure and his positions complicated, full of pieces roaring all over the board, requiring deep understanding of strategy and sharp tactics.
...[text shortened]... lks with lips sealed and the Sufi swirls to the rhythm of the Hidden Music in einem affentempo😵
Bataille was preoccupied with the impossible; his work less obscure than, say, Duchamp, the chess player ... But it's hard to imagine Bataille skanking. (Throbbing Gristle more his thing).

Sometimes we have to dance sitting still, covered with sweat, at the brink of death, tortured by machines, emitting halitotic exhalations. But everything's gonna be all right.

black beetle
Black Beastie


12 Jun 08
12 Feb 09
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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
Bataille was preoccupied with the impossible; his work less obscure than, say, Duchamp, the chess player ... But it's hard to imagine Bataille skanking.

Sometimes we have to dance sitting still, covered with sweat, at the brink of death, tortured by machines, emitting halitotic exhalations. But everything's gonna be all right.
Sure thing.
I just happen to see myself developing with the same strategy but with different tactics in mind. However the game itself and the rules remain the same, and one way or another is still as complicated as it gets😵


02 Aug 06
12 Feb 09
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Originally posted by black beetle
Oh, I should have post this post earlier, thank you for the question🙂

In philosophy "spiritualism" is the doctrine that the spirit exists as distinct from matter, or that "spirit is the sole reality" (for example check the Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English/ 2009, originally published by Oxford University Press/ 2009). Therefore the basic p repeat that at this thread I refer to the spiritualism under philosophical terms.


02 Aug 06
12 Feb 09
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