Originally posted by Conrau KA brief look at the web gave me rather varied definitions for 'spirituality' so please explain which definition you are refering to.
Does religion imply spirituality?
Can spirituality exist without a systematic religion?
Can some theists be non-spiritual?
Can an atheist be spiritual?....
What is spirituality without religion?
I think that many people in the world believe in the supernatural and think there is good and evil and possibly a God or gods and the Devil or devils but do not have very defined ideas about any of it. They then follow whatever religion is most suitable or appears to make the most sense but could hardly be called 'true believers' as they would switch religions quite readily if circumstances change.
Romans 4:5-7
5However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. 6David says the same thing when he speaks of the blessedness of the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works:
7"Blessed are they
whose transgressions are forgiven,
whose sins are covered.
Originally posted by Conrau K1. No. I thin it would be pretty easy to find examples of religious people that exhibit no sense of spirituality. I'm pretty sure there are a few of them on this forum.
Does religion imply spirituality?
Can spirituality exist without a systematic religion?
Can some theists be non-spiritual?
Can an atheist be spiritual?....
What is spirituality without religion?
2. Yes.
3. Yes. See my answer to 1 above.
4. Yes. I am.
5. A sense of wonder in experiencing the world around us. A sense of the smallness of individuals, yet a feeling of connection with other people and other living things.