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Such Foolishness

Such Foolishness


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I can understand why an atheist can reject the false religions of the world to the likes of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and many others - which all present silly fabrications and and speculations from the minds of unqualified, ignorant, violent, cheating, fabricating, speculating and animal killing persons.

But I cannot understand how any person can reject the "God Principle" in its purest form.

God is the - power/force/energy/creativeness/cause/ and Supreme Will behind all that exist.

That being the existence of .....humans / the species / the planets / the universes / the cosmos / the governing laws / all resources / knowledge / consciousness / emotions / intelligence / mind / ego and everything else seen and unseen to infinity.

This power (God) has Personality because this Power being the cause of all causes must have Personality and qualities if Personality and qualities exist in us all.

It astounds me that most atheists have science backgrounds and are pursuing Phd,s or have Phd,s ......and that they then whimsically conclude all things are a product of random chance events giving rise to everything in existence and it all came about by the Bib-Bang. - without intelligence / cause / plan / purpose or design.

This belief is the most dishonest and foolish teaching to come out of the bowels of science - and is only offered up because science has no clue to the existence of life and land and law, and this teaching is the most ridiculous and dishonest attempt by science to desperately offer something to the public - but instead foolishly come up with that a Big explosion being the cause of all things in existence - without cause, plan, will or intelligence behind it.

I have never used the word liar in this forum........but today I state and without reservation that any person who says that all that exists with all its glory and wonder - and does so because of random chance events....... is a liar to the greatest degree. (Phd or no Phd.)

And they know it.


Originally posted by Dasa
[/b]I have never used the word liar in this forum


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Originally posted by Dasa
I can understand why an atheist can reject the false religions of the world to the likes of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and many others - which all present silly fabrications and and speculations from the minds of unqualified, ignorant, violent, cheating, fabricating, speculating and animal killing persons.

But I cannot understand how any person can reject ...[text shortened]... chance events....... is a liar to the greatest degree. (Phd or no Phd.)

And they know it.
The Star Wars movie called Him the "Force". May the Force be with you.

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Originally posted by Dasa
I can understand why an atheist can reject the false religions of the world to the likes of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and many others - which all present silly fabrications and and speculations from the minds of unqualified, ignorant, violent, cheating, fabricating, speculating and animal killing persons.

But I cannot understand how any person can reject ...[text shortened]... chance events....... is a liar to the greatest degree. (Phd or no Phd.)

And they know it.
What proof do you have of your assertions? With no proof, you are a mere speculator.

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Originally posted by Dasa
I can understand why an atheist can reject the false religions of the world to the likes of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and many others - which all present silly fabrications and and speculations from the minds of unqualified, ignorant, violent, cheating, fabricating, speculating and animal killing persons.

But I cannot understand how any person can reject ...[text shortened]... chance events....... is a liar to the greatest degree. (Phd or no Phd.)

And they know it.
This power (God) has Personality because this Power being the cause of all causes must have Personality and qualities if Personality and qualities exist in us all.

This is an interesting statement. It seems to imply a law that whatever the caused has, the cause has. But it also implies a supposed fact -- that "us all" are caused, and are caused by a cause that is not "us all." Deep stuff.

I am wondering about the basis or foundation of those premises.

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It always comes down to this: If everything must have a cause, what caused the cause? If the cause does not need a cause, why should anything else require a cause?

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Originally posted by Dasa
God is the - power/force/energy/creativeness/cause/ and Supreme Will behind all that exist.
nothing to be astounded about, even in your mock incredulity of the subject.

the god principle is rejected because it is unknown.

but rest assured, while you are bickering over the false concepts of your religion, the only true priests of god, scientists, are diligently unraveling the secrets of the god principle.


Originally posted by Dasa
I can understand why an atheist can reject the false religions of the world to the likes of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and many others - which all present silly fabrications and and speculations from the minds of unqualified, ignorant, violent, cheating, fabricating, speculating and animal killing persons.

But I cannot understand how any person can reject ...[text shortened]... chance events....... is a liar to the greatest degree. (Phd or no Phd.)

And they know it.
| ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` |
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Yeah...it looks like I\'m trying to draw a paper clip - and yeah I could use some help with that :]

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Originally posted by Agerg
| ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` |
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| to make an argument. ` ` |
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` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `/ ``\
` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` \o`o\ ing to draw a paper clip - and yeah I could use some help with that :][/hidden]
beautifully reminiscent of POP art Aggy, complete with captions and dot matrix

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
beautifully reminiscent of POP art Aggy, complete with captions and dot matrix
Thankyou...thankyou thankyou! 😏

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Originally posted by 667joe
It always comes down to this: If everything must have a cause, what caused the cause? If the cause does not need a cause, why should anything else require a cause?
That's just the way it is knucklehead.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
That's just the way it is knucklehead.
Bit of a crap answer to a legitimate question but then...what else can we expect from you? 😵

Btw...calling someone a knucklehead works best when the person calling them such isn't actually a knucklehead him/herself!

Hope this helps 🙂

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Originally posted by Agerg
Bit of a crap answer to a legitimate question but then...what else can we expect from you? 😵

Btw...calling someone a knucklehead works best when the person calling them such isn't actually a knucklehead him/herself!

Hope this helps 🙂
Yes, that is very helpful and thoughtful of you. Not something I would
expect from an atheist. 😉

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Originally posted by Dasa
I can understand why an atheist can reject the false religions of the world to the likes of Islam, Christianity, Judaism and many others - which all present silly fabrications and and speculations from the minds of unqualified, ignorant, violent, cheating, fabricating, speculating and animal killing persons.

But I cannot understand how any person can reject ...[text shortened]... chance events....... is a liar to the greatest degree. (Phd or no Phd.)

And they know it.
Attempt at reason with dasa, probably futile...

The point of science, is to explain the world, and understand it, and be able to predict what will
happen in a given set of circumstances.

All scientific theories make predictions about the world, that we can both use to test the theories
and make use of for technological ends.
Prediction is thus the key to any scientific theory.

So why is god not included in science?

look at it like this...

I propose as my hypothesis, H, to explain event P, that "God did it".

what predictive power does this hypothesis have?

What is the A priori chance that P would have happened given H?

Well god can apparently do anything (by definition) so the total possible things god could do is infinity.
We have 1 outcome P.

So the odds of P given H are 1/infinity.
Which is effectively indistinguishable from zero.

So the odds of predicting any given outcome by using the Hypothesis that God did it is zero, none, zilch, zip, nada.
It has zero predictive capability.

The same applies to any supernatural explanation not bounded by the laws of physics.

Thus, even if wrong, EVERY other possible hypothesis must be better than ANY supernatural one.

Of course our current theories and hypotheses make very precise and accurate predictions which are immensely useful and
are so hard to pick holes in we have to build giant particle smashers to try to recreate conditions a tiny fraction of a second
after the big bang in the search for something (anything) that doesn't act like we predict it will.

So our current Theories and Hypotheses are infinitely better than god did it....

This is why god did it will NEVER be part of ANY scientific theory ever.

And is also why ID (which is god did it for evolution) is not science and will never be taught as such.

It doesn't matter if the reality is that god did actually do it, (although no evidence of that so far at all in any way), any
explanation that includes god did it just isn't science.
It just isn't useful.

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