The Apocaholic Chicken and the Egg

The Apocaholic Chicken and the Egg


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28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

Are people who are pessimistic and misanthropic about the human condition and the state of the world often drawn to religious beliefs that feed their pessimism and misanthropy, or does religion too often turn some people into pessimists and misanthropes?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22
1 edit


Are people who are pessimistic and misanthropic about the human condition and the state of the world often drawn to religious beliefs that feed their pessimism and misanthropy, or does religion too often turn some people into pessimists and misanthropes?

Do you mean like folks who are looking for another planet to migrate the human race to? Ie. "We better start searching for another habital world or one we can terraform Mars or cool down Venus. Maybe the moon Titan we should prepare to move to." Maybe Elon Musk types?

Do you mean those hoping some sympathetic advanced civilization light years away will take up our cause and help us with advanced technology?

Or do you mean like making AI so intelligent that a utopian society will emerge from unleashing robots making robots, computers designing computers?

Or do you mean like evolution will take its normal course and cyborgs and huminoids will be the next step in its advancement?


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@sonship said

Are people who are pessimistic and misanthropic about the human condition and the state of the world often drawn to religious beliefs that feed their pessimism and misanthropy, or does religion too often turn some people into pessimists and misanthropes?

Do you mean like folks who are looking for another planet to migrate the human race to? Ie. ...[text shortened]... tion will take its normal course and cyborgs and huminoids will be the next step in its advancement?
You can talk about any aspect of the OP you want, of course. If you choose to discard the "religion" aspect explicitly mentioned in the OP, that's for you decide.

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22
2 edits


One legitimaet definition of religion from Marriam Webster -

informal : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
Hockey is a religion in Canada.
Politics are a religion to him.


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@sonship said

One legitimaet definition of religion from Marriam Webster -

informal : an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
Hockey is a religion in Canada.
Politics are a religion to him.
As you know, on a Sprituality Forum like this, I am not interested in unnecessary, usually self-serving meaning-diluting definitions of "religion". You can talk to someone else about hockey and the like.

16 Feb 08
08 Feb 22

@fmf said
Are people who are pessimistic and misanthropic about the human condition and the state of the world often drawn to religious beliefs that feed their pessimism and misanthropy, or does religion too often turn some people into pessimists and misanthropes?
I believe that religion, not all religion and not all parts of some religions, but generally speaking …. Religion drives misanthropic thoughts, attitudes and behaviours.

Some people are looking forward to the world burning, to non-adherents to their religious ideology burning, to justice being meted out with an eternal flamethrower. They want to be proved right, and as soon as possible.


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
08 Feb 22
3 edits

@fmf said
Are people who are pessimistic and misanthropic about the human condition and the state of the world often drawn to religious beliefs that feed their pessimism and misanthropy, or does religion too often turn some people into pessimists and misanthropes?
Are people who are pessimistic and misanthropic about the human condition and the state of the world often drawn to religious beliefs that feed their pessimism and misanthropy

The short answer is - No. As a Christian I'm quite optimistic about the human condition, and as to the state of the world, I'm confident it is unfolding in keeping with God's plan.

Non-believers look around them and see chaos, climate change, political upheaval, the fear of another world war and are frightened and depressed at what they see. Most believers on the other hand, see all these things were spoken of by the Old Testament prophets centuries ago, and that all these things must come to pass before the second coming of Jesus, and the beginning of Gods kingdom on earth.

Be still and know that I am God - Psalm 46:10🙂


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@mchill said
The short answer is - No. As a Christian I'm quite optimistic about the human condition, and as to the state of the world, I'm confident it is unfolding in keeping with God's plan.
Do you believe we can generalize about most or all Christians based on your experience?


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@mchill said
Non-believers look around them and see chaos, climate change, political upheaval, the fear of another world war and are frightened and depressed at what they see.
Do you believe we can generalize about most or all non-believers based on your experience?


Behind the scenes

27 Jun 16
08 Feb 22

@fmf said
Do you believe we can generalize about most or all Christians based on your experience?
I have no idea. Why do you ask?


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@mchill said
I have no idea. Why do you ask?
Because of the sloppy way you expressed yourself.


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@mchill said
Most believers on the other hand, see all these things were spoken of by the Old Testament prophets centuries ago, and that all these things must come to pass before the second coming of Jesus, and the beginning of Gods kingdom on earth.
Do you think that Christians who anticipate the 'end times' with some eagerness and impatience are misanthropic?

Standard memberRemoved

03 Jan 13
08 Feb 22
2 edits


You can talk to someone else about hockey and the like.

You mean you don't want to talk about YOUR spirituality of making religion out of your faith in naturalism and technological advancement and Darwinism - and all the things which make God unnecessary in your Spirituality.

Why else would you frequent here on Spirituality then to display
your alternatives to that?

You may not have candles and stain glass windows (yet). But I can see you practically chanting ten "Hail Darwin full of grades." You're religious.

You know atheist churches are springing up?

The Rise of Atheist Churches?



28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@sonship said
Why else would you frequent here on Spirituality then to display your alternatives to that?
Because of the interesting topics; your well-thumbed riff on my lack of belief being a "religion" is not one of them.


28 Oct 05
08 Feb 22

@sonship said
You may not have candles and stain glass windows (yet). But I can see you practically chanting ten "Hail Darwin full of grades." You're religious.
OK, thanks.