1. assume absolutely everything and when your opponent protests that you have based your argument on an assumption, introduce accusations of sneering
2. attribute non existent values to your adversary and proceed to create an argument around those fictional values
3. feign interest with questions which lend themselves to obfuscation
4. recruit similar minded flunkies to do your bidding
5. in the face of overwhelming empirical evidence, divert the argument to some other thread
6. feign civility and manners, taking the moral high ground when its expedient to do so
7. appeal to popular opinion and other users known to have similar views
8. sensationalize everything, level mountains and raise molehills to huge edifices.
9. strain out every gnat and gulp down every camel
10. If all of the above fail, simply make something up.
a short video presentation can be found at the following,
Originally posted by robbie carrobieif your a theist go straight to 10.
1. assume absolutely everything and when your opponent protests that you have based your argument on an assumption, introduce accusations of sneering
2. attribute non existent values to your adversary and proceed to create an argument around those fictional values
3. feign interest with questions which lend themselves to obfuscation
4. recruit si ...[text shortened]... ry gnat and gulp down every camel
10. If all of the above fail, simply make something up.
FYI, robbie's wheels fell off on this Thread 150191 an hour or so ago, and he is therefore perhaps feeling a wee bit indignant.
Originally posted by FMFNo, robbie's wheels fell off WAY before that...
FYI, robbie's wheels fell off on this Thread 150191 an hour or so ago, and he is therefore perhaps feeling a wee bit indignant.
In fact I am not sure he ever had his wheels on in the first place.
Originally posted by googlefudgeYeah, I was reading each item on that list and thinking to myself "this applies to you Robbie more than anyone else!", but then I remembered his usual "debating" form and declined to post a response
Actually the entire list seems to pretty accurately describe robbies entire modus operandi.
Originally posted by robbie carrobiehow are bashing threads in any way related to spirituality?
1. assume absolutely everything and when your opponent protests that you have based your argument on an assumption, introduce accusations of sneering
2. attribute non existent values to your adversary and proceed to create an argument around those fictional values
3. feign interest with questions which lend themselves to obfuscation
4. recruit si ...[text shortened]... tube.com/watch?v=_AqS8ks9op8