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The Perfect Scenario?

The Perfect Scenario?


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A woman grows up in a happy household with fairly well-to-do parents. She was very popular as a girl in school partly because she was blessed with good looks, and parents who could afford trendy clothes for her.

During this woman's teenage and adult years, she had sex many times with many different partners. She also engaged in lesbian behavior to impress males.

As a young adult, she skips going to college, and supports herself by working as an exotic dancer. She makes a lot of money, partly because she doesn't report all her earnings. She parties all the time, engages in alcohol and recreational drug use, including molly, cocaine and marijuana.

This woman has lots of extra cash, lots of friends, and starts engaging orgies, and truly enjoys it. She's not doing it too "cool", she actually enjoys having sex with both men and women, sometimes at the same time. During this time, she meets a handsome, famous and rich man who is also into this lifestyle. They continue for a few years as a couple living this lifestyle, until they get to their late thirties.

Getting along in years, and having had their full of sex, drugs and partying, they decide to get married. The rich man throws his bride a beautiful, fairy-tale wedding. They have a spectacular honeymoon, enjoy some time as a couple, and eventually have a baby.

During this time, they meet some religious (rich) people who eventually lead them to their fancy megachurch. The couple fall in love with the atmosphere of the church, and eventually become Christians. They repent of their sins, and take being Christians seriously. This couple gives money to charity, and try to share their faith. They aren't hypocrites, and don't judge people who have lived a "sinful" lifestyle.

This couple watches their beautiful children grow up to have beautiful children of their own. They eventually grow old together, die and go to heaven.

Question: isn't this the best possible scenario? To live however you want, and still get to go to heaven? And in case you're wondering, no, I'm not entirely making this scenario up. I have a sister-in-law who lived a similar lifestyle: both of her parents made a lot of money, she was a stripper with a boyfriend that was a good-looking club promoter (whom she married). They actually did many different drugs, and had threesomes, and had a child. She's now very religious.

But I don't want to stray from the point. My question is, isn't this a dream scenario for Christians? Isn't this the Holy Grail of being a Christian? By the way, Beyonce, who had a great childhood by her own account, and seems to have a fantastic life (as well as some degree of premarital sex with her current husband), is also very religious; so this isn't too far-fetched, if my sister-in-law isn't enough to convince you.


Originally posted by vivify
A woman grows up in a happy household with fairly well-to-do parents. She was very popular as a girl in school partly because she was blessed with good looks, and parents who could afford trendy clothes for her.

During this woman's teenage and adult years, she had sex many times with many different partners. She also engaged in lesbian behavior to impr ...[text shortened]... very religious; so this isn't too far-fetched, if my sister-in-law isn't enough to convince you.
This is exactly a perfect scenario.......until one gets 'enlightened' by Christ. Apparently, you can live a life of sin.....until you find out who Jesus is. Then, if you don't turn away from these sins, you will go to hell....forever? It is a trick life.....how long can you live a sinful life, until you find out who Jesus is?

I love the idea of threesomes, but....is that a sin? Does Jesus tell us to not have threesomes?


Originally posted by vivify
A woman grows up in a happy household with fairly well-to-do parents. She was very popular as a girl in school partly because she was blessed with good looks, and parents who could afford trendy clothes for her.

During this woman's teenage and adult years, she had sex many times with many different partners. She also engaged in lesbian behavior to impr ...[text shortened]... very religious; so this isn't too far-fetched, if my sister-in-law isn't enough to convince you.
No, this is not the "perfect" scenario. It is all well and good, but there are people who did worse things than this girl and ended with the same results.
How about the apostle Paul who murdered countless Christians?


Originally posted by checkbaiter
No, this is not the "perfect" scenario. It is all well and good, but there are people who did worse things than this girl and ended with the same results.
How about the apostle Paul who murdered countless Christians?
That is the Christian dilemma. How much SIN can you commit and still get into Heaven? None of the Christian dogma makes too much sense about this issue. And furthermore, Adam taking a bite of an apple, condemning mankind to hell doesn't make too much sense either. Better to have sex with countless women, than take a bite from an apple, I would think?


Originally posted by chaney3
That is the Christian dilemma. How much SIN can you commit and still get into Heaven? None of the Christian dogma makes too much sense about this issue. And furthermore, Adam taking a bite of an apple, condemning mankind to hell doesn't make too much sense either. Better to have sex with countless women, than take a bite from an apple, I would think?
This makes perfect sense. it reveals how vast the love of God is. The only sin God cannot forgive is to deny Jesus Christ who bore the sins of the whole world.
To deny him is to embrace the sin and reject his sacrifice.


Originally posted by checkbaiter
This makes perfect sense. it reveals how vast the love of God is. The only sin God cannot forgive is to deny Jesus Christ who bore the sins of the whole world.
To deny him is to embrace the sin and reject his sacrifice.
But.......according to Christians......God and Jesus are the same? So, God is forcing us to love Jesus....who is God? None of this makes any sense.

Furthermore, I have stated that if God created humans, then God himself created sin to go along with it. Satan did NOT create sin, he just uses it against us. God did.

The Bible God/Jesus does NOT make any sense at all.


Originally posted by vivify
A woman grows up in a happy household with fairly well-to-do parents. She was very popular as a girl in school partly because she was blessed with good looks, and parents who could afford trendy clothes for her.

During this woman's teenage and adult years, she had sex many times with many different partners. She also engaged in lesbian behavior to impr ...[text shortened]... very religious; so this isn't too far-fetched, if my sister-in-law isn't enough to convince you.
My question is, isn't this a dream scenario for Christians? Isn't this the Holy Grail of being a Christian?

For the Christians I know in real life, the answer is a clear 'no'; they would see the former lifestyle as highly immoral and nothing to be proud of - quite the opposite. If they had lived that kind of lifestyle in the past, they would say that God helped them get out of it.


Originally posted by BigDoggProblem
My question is, isn't this a dream scenario for Christians? Isn't this the Holy Grail of being a Christian?

For the Christians I know in real life, the answer is a clear 'no'; they would see the former lifestyle as highly immoral and nothing to be proud of - quite the opposite. If they had lived that kind of lifestyle in the past, they would say that God helped them get out of it.
If a man has sex with 3 women at the same time, it is a heavenly time. Does it say in the Bible that this is wrong? There are clear examples of men having multiple wives or harems in the Bible. So, this is NOT wrong. Point: have sex with multiple women, because it is FINE in the Bible.

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Originally posted by chaney3
That is the Christian dilemma. How much SIN can you commit and still get into Heaven? None of the Christian dogma makes too much sense about this issue. And furthermore, Adam taking a bite of an apple, condemning mankind to hell doesn't make too much sense either. Better to have sex with countless women, than take a bite from an apple, I would think?
An apple is never mentioned in Genesis. It was whatever the fruit was on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And any way the idea is not what fruit was eaten, but the fact that God was not believed. This story is usually interpreted metaphorically, since we are told later in scripture that the serpent represented Satan the devil.


Originally posted by RJHinds
An apple is never mentioned in Genesis. It was whatever the fruit was on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And any way the idea is not what fruit was eaten, but the fact that God was not believed. This story is usually interpreted metaphorically, since we are told later is scripture that the serpent represented Satan the devil.
It is a BS story Hinds. The Creator of the universe, and humans would not play such silly games with fruit. The entire Bible is BS. Including your Orthodox Christianity. The Bible is BS Hinds. Any scripture quotes you have are also BS, the God of the Universe would not play such silly games as an apple, or a serpent to a naked woman.


Originally posted by chaney3
This is exactly a perfect scenario.......until one gets 'enlightened' by Christ. Apparently, you can live a life of sin.....until you find out who Jesus is. Then, if you don't turn away from these sins, you will go to hell....forever? It is a trick life.....how long can you live a sinful life, until you find out who Jesus is?

I love the idea of threesomes, but....is that a sin? Does Jesus tell us to not have threesomes?
Jesus tells us that God, in the beginning, meant for one man and one women to join together in marriage and become as one flesh or family and reproduce children and bring them up to honor God, their heavenly Father, as well as their earthly father and mother by obeying them.

Then these children at the time of their own marriage are to leave their father and mother and make another family and the process was to be repeated until all the world was full.

But man did not believe God and disobeyed Him, which resulted in degeneration, death, and more sin.

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Originally posted by chaney3
It is a BS story Hinds. The Creator of the universe, and humans would not play such silly games with fruit. The entire Bible is BS. Including your Orthodox Christianity. The Bible is BS Hinds. Any scripture quotes you have are also BS, the God of the Universe would not play such silly games as an apple, or a serpent to a naked woman.
You think it is a game because you do not understand the plan since your brain has degenerated.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Jesus tells us that God, in the beginning, meant for one man and one women to join together in marriage and become as one flesh or family and reproduce children and bring them up to honor God, their heavenly Father, as well as their earthly father and mother by obeying them.

Then these children at the time of their own marriage are to leave their father ...[text shortened]... man did not believe God and disobeyed Him, which resulted in degeneration, death, and more sin.
BS Hinds. This 'story' is false. Not to mention the insence that would follow from the Adam and Eve 'story'. The siblings from Adam and Eve would have to have sex to populate the earth. BS. There is something very wrong with the Bible story. Very wrong.

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Originally posted by chaney3
It is a BS story Hinds. The Creator of the universe, and humans would not play such silly games with fruit. The entire Bible is BS. Including your Orthodox Christianity. The Bible is BS Hinds. Any scripture quotes you have are also BS, the God of the Universe would not play such silly games as an apple, or a serpent to a naked woman.
The story was written so even children could relate to it and understand that disobeying God is not good and leads to death. You can picture any kind of fruit you wish. If you like the apple, then that is fine with me. I am sorry I upset you.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
The story was written so even children could relate to it and understand that disobeying God is not good and leads to death. You can picture any kind of fruit you wish. If you like the apple, then that is fine with me. I am sorry I upset you.
You said it perfectly. It is a 'story'.

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