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The problem with this forum

The problem with this forum


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This is the spirituality forum.

Its not the debate forum.

Spirituality is something that cannot be debated.

Truth is not debatable.

You either have truth or you don't.

Then the truth can be expanded upon through discussion.

The earth spins............can this be debated?

It either spins or it doesn't.

But then having accepted that it spins one can discus the characteristics of the spinning.

You cannot debate the existence of God from your limited perception.

You must take knowledge from the authority.

If you reject the authority then you cannot discuss.

Do you debate with your teacher at college when learning accountancy?

Or do you just discuss the subject.

From what platform shall you discuss God?............from your limited perception of your bewildered delusional small brain .

Unless the topic of religion and God is discussed around the reference point of the authority then all is speculation and fabrication and nothing is gained.

That authority is the Veda.

There is no other authority.

The authority must be that teaching which is eternal and delivered by the Supreme personality of Godhead and not some doctrine created recently from the minds of foolish men.

God is eternal and Gods teachings MUST be also eternal.

The Veda has existed with mankind before history even began.

False religion has only just been created.

Religion that has just appeared cannot be that eteranl religion.

How is it possible to reject an eternal teaching over a teaching that has just recently appeared.

Because the new religion has been created to support killing and materialism.

The eternal teaching must be the authority because God is eternal.

This is logical.

This eternal teaching is also exhaustive in knowledge expressing this knowledge in thousands of literatures.

False religion has one book and is insufficient to explain infinite God and religion.

This eternal teaching supports non violence to all creatures.

False religion supports violence to all creatures and supports falsity..

Only honest persons shall understand this.

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Originally posted by Dasa
This is the spirituality forum.

Its not the debate forum.

Spirituality is something that cannot be debated.

Truth is not debatable.

You either have truth or you don't.

Then the truth can be expanded upon through discussion.

The earth spins............can this be debated?

It either spins or it doesn't.

But then having accepted that it spi ...[text shortened]... violence to all creatures and supports falsity..

Only honest persons shall understand this.
The authority is the Holy Bible, not the Veda. The Vedas are not the oldest
sacred text for the Pyramid Test of ancient Eqypt are the oldest sacred
text in the world that we know of, dating back to 3100 B.C.E. The Vedas
only date back to between 1500 and 1000 B.C.E. But being old does not
mean they came from God. But the Holy Bible says it is the inspired word
of God, who sent His only begotten Son into the world to testify of the truth
and to save mankind from sin.

4 edits
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Originally posted by RJHinds
The authority is the Holy Bible, not the Veda. The Vedas are not the oldest
sacred text for the Pyramid Test of ancient Eqypt are the oldest sacred
text in the world that we know of, dating back to 3100 B.C.E. The Vedas
only date back to between 1500 and 1000 B.C.E. But being old does not
mean they came from God. But the Holy Bible says it is the insp ...[text shortened]... sent His only begotten Son into the world to testify of the truth
and to save mankind from sin.
You said it right there: The holy bible SAYS. Your words. That is exactly the case I have been making, there are no words from a god in your precious bible, only words written by men to control other men and subjugate women. Remember the verse that goes a man is worth 50 sheckels and a woman 35? No God would ever say such a vile thing. That says it all for me. For instance, why would your so-called god allow people to refer to it as 'He', "His Holiness", etc.? Why do you have a problem saying Her Holiness? Her? She?

Do you think your god has genetalia? Why would it need them?

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Originally posted by RJHinds
The authority is the Holy Bible, not the Veda. The Vedas are not the oldest
sacred text for the Pyramid Test of ancient Eqypt are the oldest sacred
text in the world that we know of, dating back to 3100 B.C.E. The Vedas
only date back to between 1500 and 1000 B.C.E. But being old does not
mean they came from God. But the Holy Bible says it is the insp ...[text shortened]... sent His only begotten Son into the world to testify of the truth
and to save mankind from sin.
Here I go, hijacking another thread 🙂

RJHinds, I'm surprised to see you using "B.C.E" instead of "B.C." to refer to the era before Christ. Don't let the Latin scare you off, just use BC and AD. If the secularists need a calendar, let 'em be honest and pick their own dates, not co-opt a calendar based on the birth of Christ. "Common Era," my foot. The dates are Before Christ and In the Year of Our Lord (Anno Domini).

Now back to our regularly-scheduled "programming." 🙂

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Originally posted by Dasa
This is the spirituality forum.

Its not the debate forum.

Spirituality is something that cannot be debated.

Truth is not debatable.

You either have truth or you don't.

Then the truth can be expanded upon through discussion.

The earth spins............can this be debated?

It either spins or it doesn't.

But then having accepted that it spi ...[text shortened]... violence to all creatures and supports falsity..

Only honest persons shall understand this.
A clear demonstration within an aptly named forum. Kudos!

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Originally posted by Dasa
This is the spirituality forum.

Its not the debate forum.

Spirituality is something that cannot be debated.

Truth is not debatable.

You either have truth or you don't.

Then the truth can be expanded upon through discussion.

The earth spins............can this be debated?

It either spins or it doesn't.

But then having accepted that it spi ...[text shortened]... violence to all creatures and supports falsity..

Only honest persons shall understand this.
The problem with this forum is the posters.

That includes you. And me.

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Originally posted by Dasa
This is the spirituality forum.

Its not the debate forum.

Spirituality is something that cannot be debated.

Truth is not debatable.

You either have truth or you don't.

Then the truth can be expanded upon through discussion.

The earth spins............can this be debated?

It either spins or it doesn't.

But then having accepted that it spi ...[text shortened]... violence to all creatures and supports falsity..

Only honest persons shall understand this.
You use the words "honest" and "dishonest" incorrectly, Dasa.

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