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The Real World

The Real World



A real expert on reality made the following affirmation.

"The real world, was created by the real Jesus, who is the real Word of God, who entered into the real world He created, as the real incarnate Word of God made fully human."

The above affirmation begs questioning.

Question: In what world was Jesus/God living before creating the 'real' world into which he came?

It would seem logical to assume that in order to come into something, there must be something outside of the thing to come into.

Reality is like truth, and they both beg for singularity. There is only one truth and only one reality. Outside of reality and truth, there are myriad illusions and myriad lies.

Illusions = Lies as Reality = Truth

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@pettytalk said
A real expert on reality made the following affirmation.

"The real world, was created by the real Jesus, who is the real Word of God, who entered into the real world He created, as the real incarnate Word of God made fully human."

The above affirmation begs questioning.

Question: In what world was Jesus/God living before creating the 'real' world into which he cam ...[text shortened]... eality and truth, there are myriad illusions and myriad lies.

Illusions = Lies as Reality = Truth
Everything that was created was created through Jesus Christ. Jesus the Word of God, the “said” in God said.

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@pettytalk said
A real expert on reality made the following affirmation.

"The real world, was created by the real Jesus, who is the real Word of God, who entered into the real world He created, as the real incarnate Word of God made fully human."

The above affirmation begs questioning.

Question: In what world was Jesus/God living before creating the 'real' world into which he cam ...[text shortened]... eality and truth, there are myriad illusions and myriad lies.

Illusions = Lies as Reality = Truth
It would seem logical to assume that in order to come into something, there must be something outside of the thing to come into.

This is just another case of trying to use human logic to explain something scriptural; as I've said here many times - - it doesn't work that way.


@pettytalk said
A real expert on reality made the following affirmation.

"The real world, was created by the real Jesus, who is the real Word of God, who entered into the real world He created, as the real incarnate Word of God made fully human."
This is the sort of edifying-seeming word salad which results when religion devolves into religiosity, which is fairly widespread in Protestant circles. Everyone is his own biblical authority, no need to go to a seminary or study any theology, history, or classical languages.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along now.



The one you are currently begging attention from.... indirectly.


@kellyjay said
Everything that was created was created through Jesus Christ. Jesus the Word of God, the “said” in God said.
If Jesus created the world we live in, and into which he came dressed as a man, where did Jesus live, from which he created this world of ours, which you say is the real world?

That was the question!

If, as you say, Jesus created everything, does Jesus belong in the everything created, or is Jesus outside of his creation?

If God created man in his image, an image is not reality. The same can be said of anything created. Creation, as a whole, is an image, and not reality.


@mchill said
It would seem logical to assume that in order to come into something, there must be something outside of the thing to come into.

This is just another case of trying to use human logic to explain something scriptural; as I've said here many times - - it doesn't work that way.
Is not scripture written by man, allowing for divine inspiration for the writing?

I was under the impression that logic is logic, no matter the source.

How does scriptural logic work?


@moonbus said
This is the sort of edifying-seeming word salad which results when religion devolves into religiosity, which is fairly widespread in Protestant circles. Everyone is his own biblical authority, no need to go to a seminary or study any theology, history, or classical languages.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along now.
Who made you the traffic cop?

We have a road accident, and a real hit and run crime. We need eyewitnesses for questioning what really happened, and how, and by whom.

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@pettytalk said
If Jesus created the world we live in, and into which he came dressed as a man, where did Jesus live, from which he created this world of ours, which you say is the real world?

That was the question!

If, as you say, Jesus created everything, does Jesus belong in the everything created, or is Jesus outside of his creation?

If God created man in his image, an image i ...[text shortened]... ality. The same can be said of anything created. Creation, as a whole, is an image, and not reality.
God is the prime reality from which every thing else comes. God is the great I AM, He is in need of nothing, perfection in His every attribute and remains that way in all He says and does. So where God was, is a meaningless question since He creates all space and is not bound by it or time.


@pettytalk said
Is not scripture written by man, allowing for divine inspiration for the writing?

I was under the impression that logic is logic, no matter the source.

How does scriptural logic work?
I was under the impression that logic is logic, no matter the source.

With all due respect, I'm not impressed with your impression. Human logic has its limitations, just as all humans do. God is limitless, using human logic to try to explain or understand God and/or his inspired word is futile.


@mchill said
I was under the impression that logic is logic, no matter the source.

With all due respect, I'm not impressed with your impression. Human logic has its limitations, just as all humans do. God is limitless, using human logic to try to explain or understand God and/or his inspired word is futile.
Of course logic has limitations; I don't pretend that logic explains everything in the universe and I don't know of any serious philosopher who ever maintained that it does (not even Logical Positivists such as Alfred Ayer). But it's a cop-out to run under the skirts of 'God did it' every time we bump into something we can't explain logically.

"God is the only or the prime reality, from which all reality flows" isn't an explanation of anything; it's a statement of allegiance. It says something about the speaker (KJ in this instance) and nothing about reality.


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@moonbus said
Of course logic has limitations; I don't pretend that logic explains everything in the universe and I don't know of any serious philosopher who ever maintained that it does (not even Logical Positivists such as Alfred Ayer). But it's a cop-out to run under the skirts of 'God did it' every time we bump into something we can't explain logically.

"God is the only or the prime ...[text shortened]... of allegiance. It says something about the speaker (KJ in this instance) and nothing about reality.
When God did something, it isn't wrong to say so, even in the case of Gaps in our knowledge, but the most prominent issues now are not with gaps of what we don't know, it is what we do know where reality can only be done by God nothing short. It either goes as it just is, which is not an explanation, or silence when pressed, showing up for a cheap shot now and then.


@moonbus said
Of course logic has limitations; I don't pretend that logic explains everything in the universe and I don't know of any serious philosopher who ever maintained that it does (not even Logical Positivists such as Alfred Ayer). But it's a cop-out to run under the skirts of 'God did it' every time we bump into something we can't explain logically.

"God is the only or the prime ...[text shortened]... of allegiance. It says something about the speaker (KJ in this instance) and nothing about reality.
Do you think your denial of God also doesn't speak to who you are, reality doesn't change to suit us, but it reveals what we are that I agree with. A wallet with ID and money will reveal an honest man or one willing to take what is not his, a man who swore to love and honor his wife for as long as he lives and who later cheats on her shows what he is, someone who hides their internet activity because they don't want others to know what he does in his alone time is revealing who he is. Something is said about each life as we go through life, Jesus Christ see us at our worst and still loved us enough to save us, making away for everyone, even though not everyone cares one wit about Him.

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