The Three Statements That Strike the
Essential Points
by Garab Dorje
1. One is introduced directly to one's own nature.
2. One definitively decides upon this unique state.
3. One continues directly with confidence in liberation.
(Tibetan terms omitted)
A Short Commentary on the
Three Statements of Garab Dorje
by H. H. Dudjom Rinpoche
I.As for the direct introduction to one's own nature: This fresh im-
mediate awareness of the present moment, transcending all thoughts
related to the three times, is itself that primordial awareness or knowl-
edge (ye-shes) that is self-originated intrinsic Awareness {rig-pa). This
is the direct introduction to one's own nature.
II. As for deciding definitively upon this unique state: Whatever phe-
nomena of Samsara and Nirvana may manifest, all of them represent
the play of the creative energy or potentiality of one's own immedi-
ate intrinsic Awareness (rig-pa i rtsal). Since there is nothing that goes
beyond just this, one should continue in the state of this singular and
unique Awareness. Therefore, one must definitively decide upon this
unique state for oneself and know that there exists nothing other than
III. As for directly continuing with confidence in liberation: What-
ever gross or subtle thoughts may arise, by merely recognizing their
nature, they arise and (self-)liberate simultaneously in the vast
expanse of the Dharmakaya, where Emptiness and Awareness (are
inseparable). Therefore, one should continue directly with confidence
in their liberation.
Translated by Vajranatha
Baudhnath, Nepal 1978
Source: "The Golden Letters" by John Myrdhin Reynolds pp. 20-21
Originally posted by TaomanGankyil
The Three Statements That Strike the
Essential Points
by Garab Dorje
1. One is introduced directly to one's own nature.
2. One definitively decides upon this unique state.
3. One continues directly with confidence in liberation.
(Tibetan terms omitted)
A Short Commentary on the
Three Statements of Garab Dorje
by H. H. Dudjom Ri ...[text shortened]...
Baudhnath, Nepal 1978
Source: "The Golden Letters" by John Myrdhin Reynolds pp. 20-21
Originally posted by black beetleThree contains many things. My favourite number. Even the Tai Chi is a three, if you include the unifying circle.
, which I do.
I actually find all the numbers from 0 to 9 full of mathematical and philosophical connection. Some Greeks were hot on that. π
0 - do I need to explain
1 - again do I need to explain and also with 2
three, well we have already touched on that...the duality and the force of infinite seeking of unity, embodied in the triangle, or gankyil, or celtic knots, so rich a symbol ...
then there is four the number of structure and the manifested world...
five...oh the number of life and its interconnections, the golden ratio seen everywhere for those that have eyes to see. Fibonacci and his mysteries oh, it has also been found in the 'thumbprint of "God"', the Mandelbrot root fractal,order arising out of chaos.
I won't go on, but it reminds me of something esle I wanted to say..
In the many paths leading from great Gautama much is made and correctly so, of emptiness, no final independent self-existent entity anywhere. Yet in that great View, I find the other aspect, though Empty, of Utter Fullness and Potency of Manifestation, so marvellous, is too often undernoted. I think less so in Dzogchen, which I find refreshing and a coloured-in "View" so to speak. Every thing complements everything else.
So its all sort of connected and a bit rambling but its the mood I am in.
Regards, good sir.
Originally posted by TaomanUndernoted,
Three contains many things. My favourite number. Even the Tai Chi is a three, if you include the unifying circle.
, which I do.
I actually find all the numbers from 0 to 9 full of mathematical and philosophical connection. Some Greeks were hot on that. π
0 - do I need to explain
1 - again do I need to explain and also with 2
three, well we have alread ...[text shortened]... all sort of connected and a bit rambling but its the mood I am in.
Regards, good sir.
because the "transendental" cease to be "transcendental" when one attempts to establish it as an epistemic object.
is noted solely when the "I" projection and the dualist approaches are superimposed; sunyata isn't noted as a metaphysic "absolute/ ultimate truth" but as a proper (subjective in full) way to handle reality. There are many realities afterall out of the oneπ
Oh, and Dzogchen, the playground of the Buddhas! Play, play on! This mind is Buddha; this mind is not Buddha.
Be well you too, good sirπ΅
I am on one of my simplification kicks—otherwise I might toss the s’ferot and the four worlds into this! π
In the end all the colors
come from, return to, and are
clear light—
¡Viva los colores!
Neither Tao and Te,
nor the Tai Chi of yin and yang,
nor any other names or forms
—nor even "the ten thousand things”!—
can be counted as separable countables
even for the purpose—of counting. π΅
I have read too many books, they read
themselves now, in the tangled library stacks
of my brain—whispers, whispers—
of Buddha, Tao, Ein Sof, This, and That.
Old friends, but a bit dusty now
their whispers, whispers
in the darkening depths of thought…
EDIT: None of this is to critique the wonderful play in los colores!
Originally posted by vistesdTell us about the One and the Ten S'ferot of Nothingness
I am on one of my simplification kicks—otherwise I might toss the s’ferot and the four worlds into this! π
In the end all the colors
come from, return to, and are
clear light—
¡Viva los colores!
Neither Tao and Te,
nor the Tai Chi of yin and yang,
nor any other names or forms
—nor even "the ten thousand things”!— ...[text shortened]... _______________
EDIT: None of this is to critique the wonderful play in los colores!
Tell us about the 84.000 and counting
Tell us about the Prism that absorbs the Clear Light and out of itself creates the Countless Colours
Tell us about the Lake
Tell us about the Waves
Tell us about the way a thought comes into being, and how a thought is understood as genuine or as somebody elses' echo, and how a thought is anyway empty
Tell us, what is the meaning of the phrase: "Be Yourself"
Or tell us not, enjoy your simplification kicks if you feel so! Do your thing, just
Be Yourself!
May All Beings Be Happy!
Originally posted by black beetleWithout projection and without "seeking to establish it as an epistemic object" a display is experienced, enjoyed or endured, partaken of, even in discussion, and by non-finally-defined phenomenon.
because the "transendental" cease to be "transcendental" when one attempts to establish it as an epistemic object.
is noted solely when the "I" projection and the dualist approaches are superimposed; sunyata isn't noted as a metaphysic "absolute/ ultimate truth" but as a proper (subjective in full) way to handle reality. There a ...[text shortened]... play on! This mind is Buddha; this mind is not Buddha.
Be well you too, good sirπ΅
That all is empty of ultimate self-defining characteristic can, by over-focus, appear misleadingly to be the full stop in Buddhist dharma, rather than the prologue of the marvelous play in which all is in all, in which we are the players, the play and the audience all at once!
Thus is the life pulse of the Sunyata
the very dancing or fighting in.
It is the field of great philosophical discussion,
expereinced and expressed
by we passing "conjumctions of phenomenon",
It is the very qualities of emptiness
that enable the freedom and capacity
for the final subjectlessness enjoying to the full
of a warm Greek sun
and a fine Scotch whisky,
or a hot Australian one
glinting on an ice cold beer
waiting for the so satisfying draught.
Buddha-Not Buddha, Form-Emptiness, Mind Only-Dzogchen,
...'and take your partner swing her all around'...
and the Great Dance moves on.
(And to dispel any suspicions,
I am currently sober as a judge
before sentencing a murder trial. π )
Originally posted by vistesd'I have read too many books, they read
I am on one of my simplification kicks—otherwise I might toss the s’ferot and the four worlds into this! π
In the end all the colors
come from, return to, and are
clear light—
¡Viva los colores!
Neither Tao and Te,
nor the Tai Chi of yin and yang,
nor any other names or forms
—nor even "the ten thousand things”!— ...[text shortened]... _______________
EDIT: None of this is to critique the wonderful play in los colores!
themselves now, in the tangled library stacks
of my brain—whispers, whispers—
of Buddha, Tao, Ein Sof, This, and That.
Old friends, but a bit dusty now
their whispers, whispers
in the darkening depths of thought…'
You have a fine way of expression visted, one I have not appreciated sufficiently. I could express indeed these same thoughts but not as well as here.
Like a Mandelbrot that does not end, the expereincing of 'the dustiness' of old freinds, now resting on the shelf and hearing another with similar feeling is the now-play that goes on.
its good to me that you, bb and I (and a few others) can end with a laugh. There is otherwise far too much heavy s(word) fighting elsewhere in these woodspresently. I feel like hiding, the clanging is so noisome.
Oh dear, I haven't yet anywhere near explored the intricacies of the Sephirot. or fully taken in the wonderful constructions of the 36 levels in Kashmir Shaivism. Its a bit like picking flowers these days, - which sounds similar to the end of the Ox-herding set.
Originally posted by black beetleMu! π΅
Tell us about the One and the Ten S'ferot of Nothingness
Tell us about the 84.000 and counting
Tell us about the Prism that absorbs the Clear Light and out of itself creates the Countless Colours
Tell us about the Lake
Tell us about the Waves
Tell us about the way a thought comes into being, and how a thought is understood as genuine or as somebody ...[text shortened]... cation kicks if you feel so! Do your thing, just
Be Yourself!
May All Beings Be Happy!
(Big belly-laugh with my friends!)
All be well.
Originally posted by TaomanWhen your mind is plagued
'I have read too many books, they read
themselves now, in the tangled library stacks
of my brain—whispers, whispers—
of Buddha, Tao, Ein Sof, This, and That.
Old friends, but a bit dusty now
their whispers, whispers
in the darkening depths of thought…'
You have a fine way of expression visted, one I have not appreciated sufficiently. I could ing flowers these days, - which sounds similar to the end of the Ox-herding set.
with shelves of thoughts
or heavy sword-words,
don't go into the library!
Take down your flute an play! π΅
--a free version on original by Rumi (as rendered by Coleman Barks, I believe); italicized lines from original.
All be well, friend.
There are libraries, and other libraries
"The six indeterminate, uncrystallizing, sensory fields
are now the matrix of self-arising prisitine awareness,
and through the forever unveiled clear light uniting inside and outside
the self-imaged shapes in the mirror of intrinsic gnostic mind
admit neither focus nor non-focus in the space of their envisionment."
- Garab Dorje
Let them clash swords while we swap jewels.
Originally posted by TaomanThat is wonderful, by the way!
Without projection and without "seeking to establish it as an epistemic object" a display is experienced, enjoyed or endured, partaken of, even in discussion, and by non-finally-defined phenomenon.
That all is empty of ultimate self-defining characteristic can, by over-focus, appear misleadingly to be the full stop in Buddhist dharma, rather than the pr ...[text shortened]...
I am currently sober as a judge
before sentencing a murder trial. π )