I was up late last night and I turned on the Tube and The Twilight Zone was on.
Here is a website that tells you about the episode.
So I wanted to know if that is how Nemesio got his name he chose. But I think you are a woman right? In the Episode the guy dies from the Statue Nemesis, the Goddess of Vengeance.
So is that way Nemesio is always Vengeful?
And what does The Twilight Zone have to do with Spirituality does anyone know?
Originally posted by RBHILLWhy do you say Nemesio is vengeful? I had the impression he had been rather warm to you. He even gave you a rec for that thread you started on the gospel of Nemesio. And seeing that you didn't say anything good about him I thought he showed a lot of good natured humor in his response to it.
I was up late last night and I turned on the Tube and The Twilight Zone was on.
Here is a website that tells you about the episode.
So I wanted to know if that is how Nemesio got his name he chose. But I think you are a woman right? In the Episode the g ...[text shortened]... ways Vengeful?
And what does The Twilight Zone have to do with Spirituality does anyone know?
Originally posted by RBHILL🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
I was up late last night and I turned on the Tube and The Twilight Zone was on.
Here is a website that tells you about the episode.
So I wanted to know if that is how Nemesio got his name he chose. But I think you are a woman right? In the Episode the g ...[text shortened]... ways Vengeful?
And what does The Twilight Zone have to do with Spirituality does anyone know?
pl. for 2 & 3 - < Gr nemein, to distribute, deal out: see -NOMY6
1 [N-] Gr. Myth. the goddess of retributive justice, or vengeance
Yes, RB, the whole world learned its culture from Rod Sterling, especially those with advanced degrees in Western culture. They certainly would have no reason to understand Greek mythology, especially when they can read Greek, as Nemesio has shown himself able to do.
Some day, your ignorance will embarrass you.
Originally posted by RBHILLI think you have the spelling incorrect.
I was up late last night and I turned on the Tube and The Twilight Zone was on.
Here is a website that tells you about the episode.
So I wanted to know if that is how Nemesio got his name he chose. But I think you are a woman right? In the Episode the g ...[text shortened]... ways Vengeful?
And what does The Twilight Zone have to do with Spirituality does anyone know?
Nemesis is a vengeful....whatever.
Nemisio is a spanish name. And I don't detect anything "vengeful" in Nemisio. He is very intellegent, very well versed in many areas, even though I don't agree on every point, he seems polite enough to me.🙂
Originally posted by checkbaiterDon't forget everyone has sinned and fallen short.
I think you have the spelling incorrect.
Nemesis is a vengeful....whatever.
Nemisio is a spanish name. And I don't detect anything "vengeful" in Nemisio. He is very intellegent, very well versed in many areas, even though I don't agree on every point, he seems polite enough to me.🙂
He is a Wolf in Sheep Clothing.
Originally posted by RBHILLI don't want you to take this personally, because I have no animosity towards you. In fact I like much of what you post. But at my old age, I have learned to be a little "cautious" at what anyone has to say, including Christians. I have been hurt many times by so called "Christians" more so than unbelievers. I am rarely fooled by an unbeliever. It is a Christian who I am cautious with. I have to "study" them and see how they live. Look for fruit in their lives. I have come accross many Christians who are nominal at best. They say things, even quote verses, but they don't live it. Many, even on this forum don't even understand what they are saying concerning God nor scripture....Now, I know every one has fallen short of the glory of God. And I know that because someone is polite and intelligent does not make them a Christian. If someone is a "wolf" as you say, I have to believe God will show me this too....but thank you for your concern..Peace🙂
Don't forget everyone has sinned and fallen short.
He is a Wolf in Sheep Clothing.
Originally posted by darvlayLook I know you think Christianity is a big joke, but I don't.
Very astute observation, RB.
I've heard him howl more than once myself. 😉
Matthew 7:15
This is Nemesio
A Tree and Its Fruit
15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
Originally posted by RBHILLThis is a very good verse. It's really pretty amazing that the Bible foretells the coming of the Wolfpack in the Spirituality forum.
Matthew 7:15
This is Nemesio
A Tree and Its Fruit
15"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
Besides Nemesio (My, what a big organ you have! The better to falsely prophesy with!), do you think there are any other false prophets in the Wolfpack? Maybe Reverend K or Professor Skipper?
Do you think any members of the Sheeppack may inwardly be wolves and thus false prophets? Possibly blindfaith101, dj2becker, or Nicolaas? Or do you think their biblical revelations are always true to the mark?
Or maybe even ivanhoe himself (he's Catholic, you know)? Have you seen that he's been posting numerous articles from the Vatican? Might that be a sign that inwardly he is truly a Wolf, as ferocious as no1marauder, and a false prophet of which the verse warns us?
Originally posted by RBHILLOne day i was with RB and some friends in a place where wolves roam freeeeee.They were walking all around us jumping on top of us and biting us.His last words as he pointed to this figure about 20 miles away were"look it's a wolf".lol.Now that's a house built on a rock!🙂
Don't forget everyone has sinned and fallen short.
He is a Wolf in Sheep Clothing.
I saw a wonderful movie once called "Never Cry Wolf" about a man sent to document the inherent badness of wolves in the artic such as their killing off the caribou and other "good" animals. However, after spending a prolonged time in the wild observing wolves and even existing on their main diet of mice he came to some quite different conclusions. The wolves were indeed helping the ecosystem by killing of the sickly of the herd, thereby making the herd stronger and healthier. He came to see how misunderstood and noble the wolves were. In short, they served their purpose, but paid the price for being misunderstood.