Anyone here have any of these action figures, whether of the dark or light skin variety? Could you comment on their "training" effectiveness?
I sorta like the tattered and battered Job figure. Looks like he might still have some boils or something. In cohorts with Satan, God really put him through a lot.
Originally posted by LemonJelloInteresting that they have a 'dark' set and 'light' set, when most of them were Hebrews.
Anyone here have any of these action figures, whether of the dark or light skin variety? Could you comment on their "training" effectiveness?
I sorta like the tattered and battered Job figure. Looks like he might still have some boils or something. In cohorts with Satan, God really put him through a lot.
Originally posted by DoctorScribblesKick Ass! There were some other very interesting differences in the other figures. The black Solomon was truly pimped out. Also the Job figure looked a whole lot worse off to me than the white Job. This helps me to understand the Book of Job in a whole new light.
Hey Kirksey, check out how the Eve in the Dark Skin set is white! Hilarious!
Originally posted by LemonJelloSo, the purpose of these dolls is to help people identify with a Jesus/
Anyone here have any of these action figures, whether of the dark or light skin variety? Could you comment on their "training" effectiveness?
I sorta like the tattered and battered Job figure. Looks like he might still have some boils or something. In cohorts with Satan, God really put him through a lot.
Eve/Mary/Goliath like them? So, if the child is black, they will be better
able to relate with the Bible if Jesus is black and vice versa?
How about the truth for a change? Since Jesus was neither black
nor white but Jewish, why not give Him decidedly Semitic features and
teach your child that He/they didn't look anything like you or me?
Originally posted by NemesioBecause that might lead to the ridiculous assumption that god look snothing like this and where would that leave us?
So, the purpose of these dolls is to help people identify with a Jesus/
Eve/Mary/Goliath like them? So, if the child is black, they will be better
able to relate with the Bible if Jesus is black and vice versa?
How about the [b]truth for a change? Since Jesus was neither black
nor white but Jewish, why not give Him decidedly Semitic features and
teach your child that He/they didn't look anything like you or me?