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Was Mars rendered uninhabitable by

Was Mars rendered uninhabitable by "Satan"?



If your "heart" tells you such a thing is true and you profess the belief to others, what does this achieve in terms of validating or explaining the other beliefs that you hold?


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If you intend to have the some accurate representation of what I wrote honestly you might mention that I qualified my theory with a perhaps. Or I clearly indicates that I did not know if there was ever life on Mars.

I'll let you go aheaed and have fun with your new topic. But for the record - I did not make any definitedogmatic insistence that life once was on another planet like Mars.

I would not be surprised to find out that the story of the ancient rebellion of the arch angel is somehow indicated in the realms of space beyond just the earth.

But I don't know that for certain.
I think more of the evidence of the ancient war and rebellion of the first creatures
with God exists perhaps then we realize.

Here is the quotation I think furnishing you with your subject matter:

My bolding now for emphasis on what my thoughts were:

Check yourself. The next time you see a photograph of the surface of the planet Mars. Check your eyes and your heart.

I wager that you stare at that picture of the desolate planet's surface searching for something that reminds you of earth, life, man's world.

I wager that that is the intuitive sense in your heart that creation was arrange for human life. It just seems without this the planet is so waste, void, empty. Maybe there was something there once before the rebellion of Satan. But I speculate.

I don't know for certain.
But I think the innate sensation that creation is arranged for US with life support systems like water, gravity, vegetation, clouds, rain, green, other lives . . . etc.

"Maybe" - "But I speculate" - "I don't know for certain."


@sonship said
I'll let you go aheaed and have fun with your new topic.
This is the topic: if your "heart" tells you that an arguably outlandish and non-essential thing is true and you profess the belief to others, what does this achieve in terms of validating or explaining the other more important beliefs that you hold?

The topic is actually about the trade-off between narcissism and effective propagation of one's perspectives and beliefs. Apologies if that went over your head because the thread title tweaked your ego

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The Tharsis Ridge Condo Association doesn't seem to think so.



@fmf said
If your "heart" tells you such a thing is true and you profess the belief to others, what does this achieve in terms of validating or explaining the other beliefs that you hold?
The short answer is - it doesn't achieve much. Professing your belief to others (whether your heart tells you or not) Is simply stating an opinion.


@mchill said
The short answer is - it doesn't achieve much. Professing your belief to others (whether your heart tells you or not) Is simply stating an opinion.
I like this. Completely in line with something I think a lot of Earth religions share re: doing something good without expectation of reward or result or recognition.



The post that was quoted here has been removed
JMHO - Sonship's posts are put here with honorable intentions, so I'm inclined to cut him some slack.


@mchill said
JMHO - Sonship's posts are put here with honorable intentions, so I'm inclined to cut him some slack.
If by "cutting some slack" you mean not being honest or forthright with him - on a platform surely intended for the honest and forthright sharing of perspectives - then I will leave that kind of thing to you.

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The post that was quoted here has been removed

Let me get this straight. You think most of what sonship says in this forum is waffle, or made-up, or whatever, but you still think that he's not a good enough Christian, or else he would be on the street corner yelling this same "waffle" or "made-up" stuff to random people to "save" them?

What kind of argument is that, especially on top of your other arguments with him?


@fmf said
If by "cutting some slack" you mean not being honest or forthright with him - on a platform surely intended for the honest and forthright sharing of perspectives - then I will leave that kind of thing to you.
Not much of a surprise, coming from a haughty rando who is proud of his own fictions.

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The topic is actually about the trade-off between narcissism and effective propagation of one's perspectives and beliefs. Apologies if that went over your head because the thread title tweaked your ego

I notice that like to play the narcissism card a lot lately. Maybe you think if you're not sure what you believe then you have no ego problem. Maybe you think if you're perptually on the fence that shows you are no narcissist.

Sorry FMF. You're being uncommitted and soliciting "Thoughts?" when you throw out a topic is no iron clad proof you don't love your self a whole lot.

A tolerant person is more evidenced by someone with strong beliefs as to how he treats others who believe differently. I think you show off a phony "tolerance" when actually you're just having little to stand committed to.

Clueless . . . . "Thoughts?" doesn't prove you're magnanimus and tolerant. And it doesn't guarantee you're not in a life long romance with your own narcicistic ego.

I expect the "Why sonship whatever could you mean?" move next.

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