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Week 4 SAB Study: Does God Hold Grudges?

Week 4 SAB Study: Does God Hold Grudges?


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ever since Scribs went on sabbatical, i have missed his insightful weekly discussions. on tap this week: how long does god's anger last?

you can find arguments here:

if you argue that god doesn't hold grudges, how can you explain the eternal damnation of the 'wicked' non-believer?

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Originally posted by LemonJello
... if you argue that god doesn't hold grudges, how can you explain the eternal damnation of the 'wicked' non-believer?
"God is Love." 😞

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Originally posted by Paul Dirac
"God is Love." 😞
verily you say unto me...

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth not in him should be thrown in the fires, raked across the coals, and generally tortured for all eternity.

it just doesn't have the same ring, does it?

sounds less like Love and more like a swift kick in the nuts.

personally, herein lies one of my biggest complaints against the megalomaniac depicted in the bible.

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Originally posted by LemonJello
verily you say unto me...

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth not in him should be thrown in the fires, raked across the coals, and generally tortured for all eternity.

it just doesn't have the same ring, does it?

sounds less like Love and more like a swift kick in the nuts.

personally, herein lies one of my biggest complaints against the megalomaniac depicted in the bible.
The OT God is some mean mother, sort of like some primitive tribe's god or something, that some guys way back when adopted as their own and changed the name a bit, then some other guys decided to include him in a big book and now some people think they are supposed to worship him.
Truth is stranger than fiction.

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Originally posted by LemonJello
ever since Scribs went on sabbatical, i have missed his insightful weekly discussions. on tap this week: how long does god's anger last?

you can find arguments here:

if you argue that god doesn't hold grudges, how can you explain the eternal damnation of the 'wicked' non-believer?
Hell is not only a place where lost sinners go, it is a place where sin continues. People who end up there continue to hate and curse God. They continue to make Hell what it is.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
The OT God is some mean mother, sort of like some primitive tribe's god or something, that some guys way back when adopted as their own and changed the name a bit, then some other guys decided to include him in a big book and now some people think they are supposed to worship him.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
True. I would add that it is the NT God that punishes people with infinite suffering for finite transgressions.

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Originally posted by telerion
True. I would add that it is the NT God that punishes people with infinite suffering for finite transgressions.
He's off my Christmas card list too.

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Originally posted by TheBloop
Hell is not only a place where lost sinners go, it is a place where sin continues. People who end up there continue to hate and curse God. They continue to make Hell what it is.
Do you have a Bible verse supporting this or is it a personal revelation? Are you saying that Hell is not a place of eternal suffering and torment filled with darkness and fire (and God by God's omnipresence). Or are you saying that even while we will suffer in darkness and Hell, we will still have free speech, intravenous drugs, and premarital sex.

You know, if Hell is only a place where sin continues without fire, darkness and torment, then it really doesn't sound so bad.

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Originally posted by TheBloop
Hell is not only a place where lost sinners go, it is a place where sin continues. People who end up there continue to hate and curse God. They continue to make Hell what it is.
like others, i am also wondering what references back this claim (i am not saying there are none, just that i am wondering what they are).

let me ask this: is there any chance whatsoever that a lost sinner may be rescued from the torments of hell? if from the depths of hell he sincerely asks for god's forgiveness, will god listen? will god ever, for any reason, give him a second chance or ease his pains?

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