14 Sep 19
@bigdoggproblem saidYou are one of the lamentably few white hat guys here, so what do you propose?
The quality [or lack thereof] of debate on this forum is truly discouraging.
14 Sep 19
@bigdoggproblem saidSounds proscriptive rather than nurturing.
I propose banning 99% of the feeble b@stards that are allowed to post here.
There should be a committee. One dedicated towards the goal of quality debate.
14 Sep 19
@bigdoggproblem saidNominate some committee members.
There should be a committee. One dedicated towards the goal of quality debate.
14 Sep 19
@bigdoggproblem saidEladar. chaney3. whodey. Fetchmyjunk.
It's like hacking off [several, in this case] gangrenous limbs.
14 Sep 19
@bigdoggproblem saidBut 99% is tough when We Are Not Even One Hundred.
When I said "99%", I meant it.
14 Sep 19
@bigdoggproblem saidBut what will fill the vacuum?
Sometimes, that is a healthy thing.
14 Sep 19
@bigdoggproblem saidIf you take control, will I lose some of my Friends and Allies and Co-conspirators?
Hell if I know.
But, the process will at least be interesting.
14 Sep 19
@bigdoggproblem saidSuppression of ideas, isn't that sort of well, 1984'sh? If someone else had that power, maybe a completely different list of names pop up for expulsion.
I propose banning 99% of the feeble b@stards that are allowed to post here.
There should be a committee. One dedicated towards the goal of quality debate.